Biota (Projects)

43823 Schutzprogramm der beiden Zikaden-Arten Tibicina steveni und Tibicina quadrisignata im Wallis Project None Thomas Hernach, Noemie Evoquoz 2018 NPF
43506 Climate Change Effects on Trophic Interactions of Bark Beetles in Inner Alpine Scots Pine Forests Project None Beat Wermelinger 2021 NPF
43812 Drone-based physiological index reveals long-term acclimation and drought stress responses in trees Project None Petra DOdorico, Leonie Schönbeck, Valentina Vitali, Katrin Meusburger, Marcus Schaub, Christian Ginzler, Roman Zweifel, Vera Marjorie Elauria Velasco, Jonas Gisler, Arthur Gessler, Ingo Ensminger 2021 NPF
30375 Auensukzession im Rottensand (VS): Wiederbesiedlung der Überschwemmungsflächen durch Wildbienen (Hymenoptera Apoidea) Project None Zettel Jürg 1996 NPF
30393 Phytophage Coleoptera (Chrysomelidae und Curculionoidea) im Pfynwald (VS, Schweiz) Project None Zettel Jürg 2008 NPF
9918 Insects in a mosaic landscape - How heterogeneous land use influences species diversity and community structure Project None Dorn Silvia 2005 NPF
43751 Avifauna des Natur- und Sonderwaldreservats Pfynwald Project None Jacot, Alain 2020 NPF
43728 Convergent evolution of social hybridogenesis in Messor harvester ants Project None JONATHAN ROMIGUIER, AXEL FOURNIER, SZE HUEI YEK and LAURENT KELLER 2017 NPF
9903 Translocation as a conservation tool to supplement relict bat colonies - A pilot study with endangered horseshoe bats Project None Arlettaz Raphael 2007 NPF
43722 Understanding trait interactions and their impacts on growth in Scots pine branches across Europe Project None Sterck, F. et al. 2012 NPF
30391 Habitat management in the xeric steppes of Pfynwald (VS, CH): what will be the influence of grazing on insects (Sphecidae, Orthoptera, Heteroptera)? Project None Zettel Jürg 2005 NPF
10088 Does fire promote germination and establishment of the endangered plant species Blitum virgatum? Project None Müller-Schärer Heinz 2008 NPF
9981 Age-related reproductive success and the function of delayed plumage maturation in male black redstarts Phoenicurus ochruros Project None Reyer Heinz-Ulrich 0 NPF
43746 Habitat amount mediates the effect of fragmentation on a pollinators reproductive performance, but not on its foraging behaviour Project None Corina Maurer, Laura Bosco, Elisabeth Klaus, Samuel A. Cushman, Raphael Arlettaz, Alain Jacot 2020 NPF
30390 Einfluss von Habitatstrukturen auf das Vorkommen von Heuschrecken (Orthoptera: Saltatoria) im Pfynwald (VS) Project None Zettel Jürg 2001 NPF
43816 Predictive models of distribution and abundance of a threatened mountain species show that impacts of climate change overrule those of land use change Project None Arnaud G. Barras, Veronika Braunisch, Raphael Arlettaz 2021 NPF
30387 Heuschrecken (Orthoptera) von Trockensteppen und extensiv bewirtschafteten Wiesen im Pfynwald (VS, Schweiz) Project None Zettel Jürg 2002 NPF
30383 Autökologie von Sphingonotus caerulans (Latreille, 1804) und Oedipoda caerulescens (Linné, 1758) (Orthoptera, Acrididae) in zwei unterschiedlichen Zonationstypen im Pfynwald (VS, Schweiz) Project None Zettel Jürg 1999 NPF
30382 Sukzession und Zonation im Rottensand (VS): Wiederbesiedlung einer Überschwemmungsfläche durch Grabwespen (Hymenoptera, Sphecidae) Project None Zettel Jürg 1996 NPF
9937 Post-fire ectomycorrhizal fungi and their role for Pinus sylvestris L. seedling growth Project None Ghazoul Jaboury 2010 NPF
5297 - A database for Swiss vegetation permanent plots - - Base de données des carrés permanents pour l'étude de la végétation en Suisse Project None Vittoz Pascal 2009 NPF
43825 Flussrestaurierung Wattvögel Project None Raphael Arlettaz 2011 NPF
43498 Fine-scale habitat heterogeneity favours the coexistence of supergene-controlled social forms in Formica selysi Project None Sacha Zahnd 2021 NPF
43777 Modelling the habitat selection of the bearded vulture to predict areas of potential conflict with wind energy development in the Swiss Alps Project None Sergio Vignali, Franziska Lörcher, Daniel Hegglin, Raphael Arlettaz, Veronika Braunisch 2021 NPF
9907 Growth and mortality of oak (Quercus spp.) - a combined analysis of monitoring and tree-ring data from Swiss forest reserves Project None Bugmann Harald 2012 NPF
30381 Contributions to the nutritional ecology of the endangered grasshopper Chorthippus pullus (Philippi, 1830) (Orthoptera: Acrididae) Project None Zettel Jürg 2006 NPF
30380 Conservation of the endangered Gravel Grasshopper Chorthippus pullus (Philippi 1830) (Orthoptera: Acrididae): A dispersal survey in Central Valais Project None Zettel Jürg 2008 NPF
37848 Untersuchungen zum Wiedehopf, Heidelerche und Birkhuhn Project None Arlettaz, Raphael 2009 NPF
30374 Beobachtungen an Wildbienen (Hymenoptera, Apoidea) im Rottensand / VS nach der Hochwasserkatastrophe 1993 Project None Zettel Jürg 1995 NPF
9644 Research and effectiveness controlling in Swiss forest reserves Project None BRANG, Peter 2000 WPZ
30386 Bedeutung von Centaurea vallesiaca (Jordan) als Pollenquelle für die drei Wildbienenarten Anthophora bimaculata (Panzer, 1798), Anthidium laterale (Latreille, 1809) und Eucera dentata (Germar, 1839)(Hymenoptera, Apidae) im Pfynwald (VS, Schweiz) Project None Zettel Jürg 2000 NPF
30376 Sukzession und Zonation im Rottensand (VS): Die Heuschreckenfauna (Saltatoria) im dritten Jahr nach der Überschwemmung Project None Zettel Jürg 1998 NPF
43755 Grassland intensification dramatically impacts grasshoppers: Experimental evidence for direct and indirect effects of fertilisation and irrigation Project None Jean-Yves Humbert, Sarah Delley, Raphael Arlettaz 2021 NPF
43706 Improved ecological insights commission new conservation targets for a crepuscular bird species Project None R. Evens, A. Jacot, T. Artois, E. Ulenaers, T. Neyens, L. Rappaz, C. Theux & Jean-Nicolas Pradervand 2020 NPF
30378 Auensukzession und Zonation im Rottensand (Pfynwald, Kt. VS). V. Wiederbesiedlung einer Überschwemmungsfläche durch Wanzen (Heteroptera) Project None Zettel Jürg 1998 NPF
30384 Autecology of Formica selysi Bondroit 1918 (Hymenoptera, Formicidae) at different zonation types at Pfynwald (CH) Project None Zettel Jürg 1999 NPF
9902 Ecological requirements of the threatened Ortolan bunting Emberiza hortulana in temperate Europe (Swiss Alps) and in the Mediterranean (Catalonia) Project None Arlettaz Raphael 2008 NPF
43773 Determinants of legacy effects in pine trees implications from an irrigation-stop experiment Project None Roman Zweifel et al. 2020 NPF
43744 Phenological shifts induced by climate change amplify drought for broad-leaved trees at low elevations in Switzerland Project None Michael Meier, Yann Vitasse, Harald Bugman, Christof Bigler 2021 NPF
43685 Ecological genetics of a supergene controlling ant social organization Project None Amaury Avril 2018 NPF
30398 True bugs (Heteroptera) of steppes and extensive meadows in the Pfynwald (VS, Switzerland) Project None Zettel Jürg 2002 NPF
43710 Disentangling the mechanisms linking dispersal and sociality in supergenemediated ant social forms Project None Amaranta Fontcuberta, Ornela De Gasperin, Amaury Avril, Sagane Dind and Michel Chapuisat 2021 NPF
9979 Between Theory and Praxis: Conservation of Solitary Bees Project None Praz Christophe 0 NPF
30396 Influence of spreading woody plants and surface cover on the distribution of Calliptamus italicus and Oedipoda caerulescens (Saltatoria, Caelifera) in a steppe habitat Project None Zettel Jürg 2003 NPF
30388 Arthropodenzönosen und ihre Habitatspräferenzen auf Kiesinseln in der Rhone im Pfynwald (Schweiz, VS) Project None Zettel Jürg 2004 NPF
43824 Von grundlegenden Fragen zu praktischen Erhaltungsmassnahmen: Eine Studie über das Bestäubungssystem, die Bevölkerungsgenetik und Mykorrhiza-Assoziationen bei Cypripedium calceolus (Orchidaceae). PhD Project None Rusconi, Olivia 2018 NPF
43807 Drought effects on carbon and nutrient dynamics in Scots pine Project None Leonie Corine Schönbeck, Ansgar Kahmen, Thomas Wohlgemuth 2019 NPF
30394 Planning a migration corridor for the highly endangered grasshopper Chorthippus pullus (Orthoptera, Acrididae) in the Rottensand (Pfynwald, VS): biodiversity aspects Project None Zettel Jürg 2007 NPF
30379 Sukzession und Zonation im Rottensand (VS): Untersuchungen an Ameisengesellschaften unter spezieller Berücksichtigung der dominanten Art Formica selysi (Hymenoptera: Formicidae) Project None Zettel Jürg 1998 NPF
30377 Wiederbesiedlung der Überschwemmungsflächen im Rottensand (VS) durch Grabwespen (Hymenoptera: Sphecidae) Project None Zettel Jürg 1995 NPF
43696 Statistics and dynamics of interaction networks and division of labor in ants Project None Braunschweig Raphael 2018 NPF
43694 Present in the western European Alps but absent in the eastern part: Can habitat availability explain the differences in red-billed chough occurrence? Project None Veronika Braunisch, Sergio Vignali, Pierre-Alain Oggier and Raphael Arlettaz 2021 NPF