Entry no. 8834

Wildland Fire Research of GIS-SNP / Britta Allgoewer

Britta Allgoewer
5698Department of Geography, University of Zurich Organisation/Institution
5537GIS-Swiss National Park Organisation/Institution SNP 1992
6104Archiv of old 'projsnp' disk at giuz 2: projsnp/feur Archive GIS-SNP 2007
7494Fotodokumentation Brandgut Collection Allgöwer, Britta 2001
5503SPREAD - high resolution fuel parameter assessment with laserscanning and hyperspectroscopy Project Allgöwer, Britta 2002
5563Assessment of fuel situation in the Swiss National park Project Allgoewer Britta 1997
8833SPARKS - Fire Behavior Modelling in the Swiss Nationalpark Project GIS-SNP / Reto Schoening 1996
7247Wildfire history and fire ecology of the Swiss National Park (Central Alps): new evidence from charcoal, pollen and plant macrofossils Publication Stähli, M., Finsinger, W., Tinner, W., Allgöwer, B. 2006
7286Soil and Wildland Fire - from Boreal to Alpine Fires Publication Schmidt, M., Allgöwer, B. 2005
6992LIDAR-based geometric reconstruction of boreal type forest stands at single tree level for forest and wildland fire management Publication Morsdorf, F., Meier, E., Kötz, B., Itten, K., Dobbertin, M., Allgöwer, B. 2004
7195The Human Factor in Fire Danger Assessment Publication Leone, V., Koutsias, N., Martinez, J., Vega-Garcia, C., Allgöwer, B. 2003
7267Introduction to Fire Danger Rating and Remote Sensing - Will Remote Sensing enhance Wildland Fire Danger Rating? Publication Allgöwer, B., Carlson, JD., van Wagtendonk, J.W. 2003
7304Integration of Physical and Human Factors in Fire Danger Assessment Publication Chuvieco, E., Allgöwer, B., Salas, J. 2003
7305Fuel Loads and Fuel Type Mapping Publication Chuvieco, E., Riano, Y., Wagtendonk van, J.W., Morsdorf, F. 2003
7303Can Long-term Wildland Fire History Help to Design Future Fire and Landscape Management? - An Approach from the Cwlss Alps Publication Allgöwer, B., Bur, M., Stähli, M., Koutsias, N., Tinner, W., Conedera, M., Stadler, M. 2003
6945What is common in wildland fire occurrence in Greece and Switzerland - Statistics to study fire occurrence Pattern. Publication Koutsias, N., Allgöwer, B., Conedera, M. 2002
7174Uncertainty Propagation in Wildfire Behaviour Modelling. Publication Bachmann, A., Allgöwer, B. 2002
7173Wildfire Occurrence and Post Fire Risk Analysis in Switzerland Publication Bachmann, A., Allgöwer, B. 2001
7170A consistent wildland fire risk terminology is needed Publication Bachmann, A., Allgöwer, B. 2001
8633Räumliche und Zeitliche Charakteristiken von Waldbrandherden im Kanton Graubünden Publication Langhart, R. 1999
7258Spatial and Temporal Patterns of Fire Occurence Publication Langhart, R., Bachmann, A., Allgöwer, B. 1998
7255Fuel Models for Switzerland: Description, Spatial Pattern, Index for Crowning and Torching. Publication Allgöwer, B., Harvey, S., Ruegsegger, M. 1998
7256Framework for the Assesment of Wildfire Risk Publication Bachmann, A.; Allgöwer, B. 1998
7257Expert Knowledge besaed Tools for Wildfire Management in Switzerland Publication Bärtsch, A.; Allgöwer, B.; Bachmann, A. 1998
7044Fuel models for Switzerland Swiss National Park Publication Allgöwer, B. 1997
7043Feuermanagement mit Geographischen Informationssystemen Publication Bachmann, A., Schöning, R., Allgöwer, B. 1997
8602Entscheidungsunterstuetzung im Waldbrandmanagement mit GIS Publication Rüegsegger, M. 1996
8601Brandgutdaten in der Waldbrandmodellierung Publication Harvey, St. 1996