
File Geodatabase Feature Class

Description Spatial Attributes

Theme: Benthos, River, Fliessgewässer, flood, Hochwasser
Place: Swiss National Park, Schweizerischer Nationalpark, Spöl
Temporal: 1996

Location of the sampling sites of the artificial floods monitoring conducted by HYDRA

The main observations have taken place between 2000 and 2003. since then, HYDRA takes part in most artificial floods, taking pictures and measuring suspended load and saving and counting fishes. No coordinated project!

Supplementary Information
Status Geometry: Confirmed 1. 2009
Status Data: Complete 12. 2008
For furter documentation of the sampling sites or the relevée times, go to Q:\prjdata\hydro\hydra_fl_gew_monitoring\docu\sampling_snp_overview.xls


Status of the data

Time period for which the data is relevant

Publication Information

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