
File Geodatabase Feature Class


Graubuenden, tectonics, Müstair Valley, Engadine Valley, Parc Naziunal Svizzer, Swiss National Park, Engadin, Schweizerischer Nationalpark, tectonical map


See general description


The tectonical map «Dössegger» covers the Engadine Valley, the Müstair Valley and the Swiss National Park. TEKT differs between 22 tectonical units and is ment to give an overview on the tectonical-geological situation of the area.



Use limitations

The data set TEKT belongs to the Scientific Comission of the Swiss NationalparkWNPK. For scientific purposes concerning the Swiss National Parc these data can be obtained via the GIS-SNP-WEBMASTER. An individual contract between the data user on one side and the WNPK and the Swiss National Park GIS on the other side settles the intended use, the duration of use, the copyright for publication etc. of the delivered data.


West 9.905840   East 10.607581
North 46.861738   South 46.497263

Scale Range
Maximum (zoomed in) 1:5,000
Minimum (zoomed out) 1:150,000,000

ArcGIS Metadata 

Topics and Keywords 

*Content type  Downloadable Data

Place keywords  Graubuenden, Parc Naziunal Svizzer, Swiss National Park, Engadin, Schweizerischer Nationalpark

Theme keywords  tectonics, Müstair Valley, Engadine Valley, tectonical map


*Title tect_polygon
Publication date 2000-09-26

Presentation formats* digital map

Citation Contacts 

Responsible party
Organization's name GIS-SNP, Schweizerischer Nationalpark
Contact's role  originator

Resource Details 

Dataset languages  English (SWITZERLAND)

Status  completed
Spatial representation type* vector

*Processing environment Microsoft Windows 7 Version 6.1 (Build 7601) Service Pack 1; Esri ArcGIS

ArcGIS item properties
*Name tect_polygon
*Location file://\\marmota\Data\maindata\snp\geo\gis_pub\tektonik.gdb
*Access protocol Local Area Network


publication date
Temporal extent
Date and time 1987-01-01

Geographic extent
Bounding rectangle
West longitude 10.028247
East longitude 10.360238
South latitude 46.576439
North latitude 46.769562

Geographic extent
Bounding rectangle
Extent type  Extent used for searching
*West longitude 9.905840
*East longitude 10.607581
*North latitude 46.861738
*South latitude 46.497263
*Extent contains the resource Yes

Extent in the item's coordinate system
*West longitude 789218.375000
*East longitude 841547.437500
*South latitude 154257.921875
*North latitude 192916.984375
*Extent contains the resource Yes

Resource Points of Contact 

Point of contact
Individual's name RIS-SNP
Organization's name Swiss National Park
Contact's role  point of contact

Contact information
Voice 0041-81-8561378 0041-81-8561282
Fax 0041-81-8561740

Type both
Delivery point Rauminformation, Schweizerischer Nationalpark Nationalparkhaus Zernez
City Zernez
Administrative area Graubuenden
Postal code CH-7530
Country Switzerland - Schweiz - Suisse - Swizzera
e-mail addressinfo@nationalpark.ch rhaller@nationalpark.ch

Hours of service 8:00 - 18:00

Resource Maintenance 

Resource maintenance
Update frequency  not planned

Resource Constraints 

Legal constraints
Other constraints
For scientific use, others on request
Security constraints
Classification  unclassified

Limitations of use
The data set TEKT belongs to the Scientific Comission of the Swiss NationalparkWNPK. For scientific purposes concerning the Swiss National Parc these data can be obtained via the GIS-SNP-WEBMASTER. An individual contract between the data user on one side and the WNPK and the Swiss National Park GIS on the other side settles the intended use, the duration of use, the copyright for publication etc. of the delivered data.

Spatial Reference 

ArcGIS coordinate system
*Type Projected
*Geographic coordinate reference GCS_CH1903
*Projection CH1903_LV03
*Coordinate reference details
Projected coordinate system
Well-known identifier 21781
X origin 787910.1484375
Y origin 153291.4453125
XY scale 163929651988.61038
Z origin -100000
Z scale 10000
M origin -100000
M scale 10000
XY tolerance 12.613736152648926
Z tolerance 0.001
M tolerance 0.001
High precision true
Latest well-known identifier 21781
Well-known text PROJCS["CH1903_LV03",GEOGCS["GCS_CH1903",DATUM["D_CH1903",SPHEROID["Bessel_1841",6377397.155,299.1528128]],PRIMEM["Greenwich",0.0],UNIT["Degree",0.0174532925199433]],PROJECTION["Hotine_Oblique_Mercator_Azimuth_Center"],PARAMETER["False_Easting",600000.0],PARAMETER["False_Northing",200000.0],PARAMETER["Scale_Factor",1.0],PARAMETER["Azimuth",90.0],PARAMETER["Longitude_Of_Center",7.439583333333333],PARAMETER["Latitude_Of_Center",46.95240555555556],UNIT["Meter",1.0],AUTHORITY["EPSG",21781]]

Reference system identifier
*Value 21781
*Codespace EPSG
*Version 7.11.2

Spatial Data Properties 

*Level of topology for this dataset  geometry only

Geometric objects
Feature class name tect_polygon
*Object type  composite
*Object count 108

ArcGIS Feature Class Properties
Feature class name tect_polygon
*Feature type Simple
*Geometry type Polygon
*Has topology FALSE
*Feature count 108
*Spatial index TRUE
*Linear referencing FALSE

Data Quality 

Scope of quality information

Data quality report - Completeness omission
Measure description check of completness not possible

Data quality report - Quantitative attribute accuracy
Measure description As the teconical map is much less complicated then the geological map SCITEX-digitfiles (for line symbols) were transferred into ARC/INFO-coverages. For verification the obtained polygons were compared to the printed map. Label points and attributes were added after verification of polygon-geometry.

Data quality report - Absolute external positional accuracy
Dimension vertical

Measure description unknown


Process step
Description An updata was necessary since the process mentioned under Data Capture produced some artefacts. Due to the SCITEX-rasterfiles some polygonshape artefacts occured where several polygons or color files joined. The artefacts occured in an E to W direction mainly. Therefore the process of integrating these data was repeated (from step two): - Merging of the different grids to one grid containing all geological information with the GRID-statement IF/ELSE - Elimination of artefacts with a filter using the GRID-function FOCALMAJORITY - Generalization of the boundaries between different geological units (GRID-zones) with the GRID-function BOUNDARYCLEAN - Transformation into Swiss Coordinate System with the ARC-command GRIDWARP - Vectorisation with ARC-command GRIDPOLY - Elimination of sliver polygons (less then 100 sqm) with the ARC-command ELIMINATE and generalization of arcs with the ARC-command GENERALIZE (weed tolerance 3 m) - Replacement of the former coverage GEOL

Process step
Description The following processing steps were necessary: - Conversion of SCITEX-rasterfiles into tif-format, one file per color layer (Kümmerly+Frey AG, Bern) - Integration of tif-format into Swiss National Park GIS with the ARC-command IMAGEGRID: one grid per tif-file - Vectorisation of raster-files with the ARC-command GRIDPOLY, one coverage per grid, and Verfication of SCITEX-codes and codes of geological units - Reunion of different coverages into one coverage containing all geological polygons with the ARC-command APPEND - Elimination of sliver polygons (less then 100 sqm) with the ARC-command ELIMINATE and generalization of arcs with the ARC-command GENERALIZE (weed tolerance 2 m) - Transformation into Swiss Coordinate System with the ARC-command TRANSFORM

Process contact
Individual's name RIS-SNP
Organization's name Swiss National Park
Contact's role  processor

Contact information
Voice 0041-81-8561378 0041-81-8561282
Fax 0041-81-8561740

Type both
Delivery point Schweizerischer Nationalpark, Nationalparkhaus Zernez
City Zernez
Administrative area Graubuenden
Postal code CH-7530
Country Switzerland, Suisse, Schweiz, Svizzera
e-mail addressinfo@nationalpark.ch rhaller@nationalpark.ch

Hours of service 8:00-18:00

Source data
Description TEKT is a part of the «Geologische Spezialkarte Nr. 122». The (printed) map was produced using the cartographic software SCITEX thus delivering digital data which had to be transferred into ARC/INFO. Cartography and printing was done by Kümmerly+Frey AG, Bern Switzerland.

Geoprocessing history 

Process name
Date 2009-09-03 08:49:16
Tool location C:\Programme\ArcGIS\ArcToolbox\Toolboxes\Data Management Tools.tbx\CopyFeatures
Command issued
CopyFeatures Q:\maindata\snp\geo\tect\polygon Q:\maindata\snp\geo\gis_pub\tektonik.gdb\tect_polygon # 0 0 0
Include in lineage when exporting metadata No


Contact information
Individual's name RIS-SNP
Organization's name Swiss National Park
Contact's role  distributor

Contact information
Voice 0041-81-8561378 0041-81-8561282
Fax 0041-81-8561740

Type both
Delivery point Schweizerischer Nationalpark, Nationalparkhaus, Zernez
City Zernez
Administrative area Graubuenden
Postal code CH-7530
Country Suisse, Swiss, Schweiz, Svizzera
e-mail addressinfo@nationalpark.ch rhaller@nationalpark.ch

Hours of service 8:00-18:00

Available format
Version 8.0.2
Specification ArcInfo-Coverage 8.0.2
File decompression technique no compression applied
Technical prerequisites ArcInfo 8.0.2

Ordering process
Date of availability
date unknown
mail to Ruedi Haller, rhaller@nationalpark.ch

Transfer options
Online source
Location Server GIS-SNP

Transfer options
Online source
Description  Dataset of Vegetation in the Swiss National Park

Distribution format
*Name File Geodatabase Feature Class


Details for object tect_polygon 
*Type Feature Class
*Row count 108

*Data type OID
*Width 4
*Precision 0
*Scale 0
*Field description
Internal feature number.
*Description source
*Description of values Sequential unique whole numbers that are automatically generated.

Field Shape
*Alias Shape
*Data type Geometry
*Width 0
*Precision 0
*Scale 0
*Field description
Feature geometry.
*Description source
*Description of values Coordinates defining the features.

Field AREA
*Alias AREA
*Data type Single
*Width 4
*Precision 0
*Scale 0

*Data type Single
*Width 4
*Precision 0
*Scale 0

Field TECT_
*Alias TECT_
*Data type Integer
*Width 4
*Precision 0
*Scale 0

*Alias TECT_ID
*Data type Integer
*Width 4
*Precision 0
*Scale 0

*Data type Integer
*Width 4
*Precision 0
*Scale 0

Field Shape_Length
*Alias Shape_Length
*Data type Double
*Width 8
*Precision 0
*Scale 0
*Field description
Length of feature in internal units.
*Description source
*Description of values Positive real numbers that are automatically generated.

Field Shape_Area
*Alias Shape_Area
*Data type Double
*Width 8
*Precision 0
*Scale 0
*Field description
Area of feature in internal units squared.
*Description source
*Description of values Positive real numbers that are automatically generated.

Details for object tect.pat 
*Type Feature Class
*Row count 108

Field FID
*Alias FID
*Data type OID
*Width 4
*Precision 0
*Scale 0
*Field description
Internal feature number.
*Description source
*Description of values Sequential unique whole numbers that are automatically generated.

Field Shape
*Alias Shape
*Data type Geometry
*Width 0
*Precision 0
*Scale 0
*Field description
Feature geometry.
*Description source
*Description of values Coordinates defining the features.

Field AREA
*Width 4
*Output width 12
*Data type Float
*Number of decimals 3
*Field description
Area of feature in internal units squared.
*Description source
*Description of values Positive real numbers that are automatically generated.

*Width 4
*Output width 12
*Data type Float
*Number of decimals 3
*Field description
Perimeter of feature in internal units.
*Description source
*Description of values Positive real numbers that are automatically generated.

Field TECT#
*Width 4
*Output width 5
*Data type Binary
*Field description
Internal feature number.
*Description source
*Description of values Sequential unique whole numbers that are automatically generated.

*Width 4
*Output width 5
*Data type Binary
*Field description
User-defined feature number.
*Description source

*Width 4
*Output width 5
*Data type Binary
Field description
Code of tectonical units

Overview Description
Entity and Attribute Overview The info-files TEKT.PAT (geometry-file)contains the geometrical information. TEKT consists of 22 teconical units which are distributed to 108 polygons. To link the to a relate in ARC/INFO is necessary.


Aggregate Information
Association type  cross reference

Aggregate resource name
Title Geologische Karte des Schweizerischen Nationalparks. 1:50'000.
Publication date 1987-01-01

Other citation details Geologische Spezialkarte Nr. 122. Editors: Swiss Geological Commission, Scientific Commission of the Swiss National Park (Members of the Commission of the Swiss Academy of Sciences SAS and the Swiss Federal Office of Hydrology and Geology), Kümmerly+Frey AG, Bern.

Responsible party
Organization's name Dössegger, R.
Contact's role  originator

Metadata Details 

Metadata language English (SWITZERLAND)
Metadata character set  utf8 - 8 bit UCS Transfer Format

Scope of the data described by the metadata  dataset
Scope name* dataset

*Last update 2013-03-13

ArcGIS metadata properties
Metadata format ArcGIS 1.0
Standard or profile used to edit metadata FGDC

Created in ArcGIS for the item 2002-05-15 07:52:46
Last modified in ArcGIS for the item 2013-03-13 92:41:60

Automatic updates
Have been performed Yes
Last update 2013-03-13 09:23:41

Metadata Contacts 

Metadata contact
Individual's name GIS-SNP
Organization's name Swiss National Park
Contact's role  point of contact

Contact information
Voice 0041-81-8561378
Fax 0041-81-8568363

Type both
Delivery point Rauminformation, Schweizerischer Nationalpark, Nationalparkhaus Zernez
City Zernez
Administrative area Graubuenden
Postal code CH-7530
Country Switzerland - Schweiz - Suisse - Swizzera
e-mail addressrhaller@nationalpark.ch, info@nationalpark.ch

Hours of service 8:00 - 18:00

Metadata Maintenance 

Update frequency  unknown

Thumbnail and Enclosures 

Thumbnail type  JPG

Enclosure type  File
Description of enclosure original metadata
Original metadata document, which was translated yes
Source metadata format fgdc

FGDC Metadata (read-only) 


Citation Information
OriginatorGIS-SNP, Schweizerischer Nationalpark
Publication Date2000-09-26
Geospatial Data Presentation Formvector digital data
Online Linkage\\marmota\GisData\maindata\snp\geo\gis_pub\tektonik.gdb

The tectonical map «Dössegger» covers the Engadine Valley, the Müstair Valley and the Swiss National Park. TEKT differs between 22 tectonical units and is ment to give an overview on the tectonical-geological situation of the area.
See general description
Time Period of Content
Time Period Information
Single Date/Time
Calendar Date1987
Currentness Reference
publication date
Maintenance and Update FrequencyNone planned

Spatial Domain
Bounding Coordinates
West Bounding Coordinate10,028247
East Bounding Coordinate10,360238
North Bounding Coordinate46,769562
South Bounding Coordinate46,576439

Theme Keywordtectonics
Theme KeywordMüstair Valley
Theme KeywordEngadine Valley
Theme Keywordtectonical map

Place KeywordSwiss National Park
Place KeywordSchweizerischer Nationalpark
Place KeywordParc Naziunal Svizzer
Place KeywordEngadin
Place KeywordGraubuenden

Access Constraints
For scientific use, others on request
Use Constraints
The data set TEKT belongs to the Scientific Comission of the Swiss NationalparkWNPK. For scientific purposes concerning the Swiss National Parc these data can be obtained via the GIS-SNP-WEBMASTER. An individual contract between the data user on one side and the WNPK and the Swiss National Park GIS on the other side settles the intended use, the duration of use, the copyright for publication etc. of the delivered data.
Point of Contact
Contact Information
Contact Organization Primary
Contact OrganizationSwiss National Park
Contact PersonRIS-SNP
Contact Address
Address Typemailing and physical address
Address Rauminformation, Schweizerischer Nationalpark Nationalparkhaus Zernez
State or ProvinceGraubuenden
Postal CodeCH-7530
CountrySwitzerland - Schweiz - Suisse - Swizzera

Contact Voice Telephone 0041-81-8561378 0041-81-8561282
Contact Facsimile Telephone0041-81-8561740
Contact Electronic Mail Address info@nationalpark.ch rhaller@nationalpark.ch
Hours of Service8:00 - 18:00

Security Information
Security ClassificationUnclassified

Native Data Set Environment
Microsoft Windows XP Version 5.1 (Build 2600) Service Pack 3; ESRI ArcCatalog
Cross Reference
Citation Information
OriginatorDössegger, R.
Publication Date1987
Geologische Karte des Schweizerischen Nationalparks. 1:50'000.
Other Citation Details
Geologische Spezialkarte Nr. 122. Editors: Swiss Geological Commission, Scientific Commission of the Swiss National Park (Members of the Commission of the Swiss Academy of Sciences SAS and the Swiss Federal Office of Hydrology and Geology), Kümmerly+Frey AG, Bern.

Data Quality 

Attribute Accuracy
Attribute Accuracy Report
As the teconical map is much less complicated then the geological map SCITEX-digitfiles (for line symbols) were transferred into ARC/INFO-coverages. For verification the obtained polygons were compared to the printed map. Label points and attributes were added after verification of polygon-geometry.
Completeness Report
check of completness not possible
Positional Accuracy
Vertical Positional Accuracy
Vertical Positional Accuracy Report
Source Information
Source Time Period of Content
Time Period Information
Single Date/Time
Calendar DateSeptember 1993
Source Contribution

TEKT is a part of the «Geologische Spezialkarte Nr. 122». The (printed) map was produced using the cartographic software SCITEX thus delivering digital data which had to be transferred into ARC/INFO.

Cartography and printing was done by Kümmerly+Frey AG, Bern Switzerland.
Process Step
Process Description

The following processing steps were necessary:
- Conversion of SCITEX-rasterfiles into tif-format, one file per color layer (Kümmerly+Frey AG, Bern)
- Integration of tif-format into Swiss National Park GIS with the ARC-command IMAGEGRID: one grid per tif-file
- Vectorisation of raster-files with the ARC-command GRIDPOLY, one coverage per grid, and Verfication of SCITEX-codes and codes of geological units
- Reunion of different coverages into one coverage containing all geological polygons with the ARC-command APPEND
- Elimination of sliver polygons (less then 100 sqm) with the ARC-command ELIMINATE and generalization of arcs with the ARC-command GENERALIZE (weed tolerance 2 m)
- Transformation into Swiss Coordinate System with the ARC-command TRANSFORM
Process DateSeptember 1993

Process Contact
Contact Information
Contact Organization Primary
Contact OrganizationSwiss National Park
Contact PersonRIS-SNP
Contact Address
Address Typemailing and physical address
Address Schweizerischer Nationalpark, Nationalparkhaus Zernez
State or ProvinceGraubuenden
Postal CodeCH-7530
CountrySwitzerland, Suisse, Schweiz, Svizzera

Contact Voice Telephone 0041-81-8561378 0041-81-8561282
Contact Facsimile Telephone0041-81-8561740
Contact Electronic Mail Address info@nationalpark.ch rhaller@nationalpark.ch
Hours of Service8:00-18:00

Process Step
Process Description

An updata was necessary since the process mentioned under Data Capture produced some artefacts. Due to the SCITEX-rasterfiles some polygonshape artefacts occured where several polygons or color files joined. The artefacts occured in an E to W direction mainly. Therefore the process of integrating these data was repeated (from step two):
- Merging of the different grids to one grid containing all geological information with the GRID-statement IF/ELSE
- Elimination of artefacts with a filter using the GRID-function FOCALMAJORITY
- Generalization of the boundaries between different geological units (GRID-zones) with the GRID-function BOUNDARYCLEAN
- Transformation into Swiss Coordinate System with the ARC-command GRIDWARP
- Vectorisation with ARC-command GRIDPOLY
- Elimination of sliver polygons (less then 100 sqm) with the ARC-command ELIMINATE and generalization of arcs with the ARC-command GENERALIZE (weed tolerance 3 m)
- Replacement of the former coverage GEOL
Process DateAugust 1995

Spatial Reference 

Horizontal Coordinate System Definition
Planar Coordinate Information
Planar Coordinate Encoding Methodcoordinate pair
Coordinate Representation
Abscissa Resolution0,000016
Ordinate Resolution0,000016
Planar Distance Unitsmeters

Geodetic Model
Horizontal Datum NameCH 1903
Ellipsoid NameBessel
Semi-major Axis6377397,155000
Denominator of Flattening Ratio299,152813

Vertical Coordinate System Definition
Altitude System Definition
Altitude Distance Unitsmeters
Depth System Definition
Depth Distance Unitsmeters

Entities and Attributes 

Detailed Description
Entity Type
Entity Type Labeltect_polygon

Attribute LabelOBJECTID
Attribute Definition
Internal feature number.
Attribute Definition SourceESRI
Attribute Domain Values
Unrepresentable Domain
Sequential unique whole numbers that are automatically generated.

Attribute LabelShape
Attribute Definition
Feature geometry.
Attribute Definition SourceESRI
Attribute Domain Values
Unrepresentable Domain
Coordinates defining the features.

Attribute LabelAREA

Attribute LabelPERIMETER

Attribute LabelTECT_

Attribute LabelTECT_ID

Attribute LabelTEKT_CODE

Attribute LabelShape_Length
Attribute Definition
Length of feature in internal units.
Attribute Definition SourceESRI
Attribute Domain Values
Unrepresentable Domain
Positive real numbers that are automatically generated.

Attribute LabelShape_Area
Attribute Definition
Area of feature in internal units squared.
Attribute Definition SourceESRI
Attribute Domain Values
Unrepresentable Domain
Positive real numbers that are automatically generated.

Detailed Description
Entity Type
Entity Type Labeltect.pat

Attribute LabelFID
Attribute Definition
Internal feature number.
Attribute Definition SourceESRI
Attribute Domain Values
Unrepresentable Domain
Sequential unique whole numbers that are automatically generated.

Attribute LabelShape
Attribute Definition
Feature geometry.
Attribute Definition SourceESRI
Attribute Domain Values
Unrepresentable Domain
Coordinates defining the features.

Attribute LabelAREA
Attribute Definition
Area of feature in internal units squared.
Attribute Definition SourceESRI
Attribute Domain Values
Unrepresentable Domain
Positive real numbers that are automatically generated.

Attribute LabelPERIMETER
Attribute Definition
Perimeter of feature in internal units.
Attribute Definition SourceESRI
Attribute Domain Values
Unrepresentable Domain
Positive real numbers that are automatically generated.

Attribute LabelTECT#
Attribute Definition
Internal feature number.
Attribute Definition SourceESRI
Attribute Domain Values
Unrepresentable Domain
Sequential unique whole numbers that are automatically generated.

Attribute LabelTECT-ID
Attribute Definition
User-defined feature number.
Attribute Definition SourceESRI

Attribute LabelTEKT-CODE
Attribute Definition
Code of tectonical units

Overview Description
Entity and Attribute Overview
The info-files TEKT.PAT (geometry-file)contains the geometrical information. TEKT consists of 22 teconical units which are distributed to 108 polygons. To link the to a relate in ARC/INFO is necessary.

Distribution Information 

Contact Information
Contact Organization Primary
Contact OrganizationSwiss National Park
Contact PersonRIS-SNP
Contact Address
Address Typemailing and physical address
Address Schweizerischer Nationalpark, Nationalparkhaus, Zernez
State or ProvinceGraubuenden
Postal CodeCH-7530
CountrySuisse, Swiss, Schweiz, Svizzera

Contact Voice Telephone 0041-81-8561378 0041-81-8561282
Contact Facsimile Telephone0041-81-8561740
Contact Electronic Mail Address info@nationalpark.ch rhaller@nationalpark.ch
Hours of Service8:00-18:00

Resource DescriptionDataset of Vegetation in the Swiss National Park
Standard Order Process
Digital Form
Digital Transfer Information
Format NameARCE
Format Version Number8.0.2
Format Specification
ArcInfo-Coverage 8.0.2
File Decompression Techniqueno compression applied
Transfer Size0.208

Digital Transfer Option
Online Option
Computer Contact Information
Network Address
Network Resource NameServer GIS-SNP

Ordering Instructions
mail to Ruedi Haller, rhaller@nationalpark.ch

Custom Order Process
mail to Ruedi Haller, rhaller@nationalpark.ch
Technical Prerequisites
ArcInfo 8.0.2
Available Time Period
Time Period Information
Single Date/Time
Calendar Dateunknown

Metadata Reference 

Metadata Date2009-09-03
Metadata Future Review Datenone
Metadata Contact
Contact Information
Contact Organization Primary
Contact OrganizationSwiss National Park
Contact PersonGIS-SNP
Contact Address
Address Typemailing and physical address
Address Rauminformation, Schweizerischer Nationalpark, Nationalparkhaus Zernez
State or ProvinceGraubuenden
Postal CodeCH-7530
CountrySwitzerland - Schweiz - Suisse - Swizzera

Contact Voice Telephone0041-81-8561378
Contact Facsimile Telephone0041-81-8568363
Contact Electronic Mail Address rhaller@nationalpark.ch, info@nationalpark.ch
Hours of Service8:00 - 18:00

Metadata Standard NameFGDC Content Standards for Digital Geospatial Metadata
Metadata Standard VersionFGDC-STD-001-1998
Metadata Time Conventionlocal time

Metadata Access Constraintsnone
Metadata Use Constraints
Metadata Extensions
Online Linkagehttp://www.esri.com/metadata/esriprof80.html
Profile NameESRI Metadata Profile