53945 | GIS basierte Analyse von Solifluktionsloben im Val Müstair | Publication | File (digital) | Wetter, C. | 2023 | BVM |
43717 | The state of climate change research in Swiss protected areas | Publication | File (digital) | Tolusso, Emiliano | 2019 | NPF |
28474 | Debris-Flow erosion and deposition dynamics | Publication | File (digital) | Schürch Peter | 2011 | NPF |
28470 | Permafrost und Sedimenthaushalt in einem alpinen Geosystem | Publication | None | Nyenhuis Michael | 0 | NPF |
54691 | Alarmsystem fur murgangfähige Wildbäche - Beispiel II/graben | Publication | File (digital) | Christoph Graf, Alexandre Badoux, Francois Dufour, Bruno Fritschi, Brian W. McArdell, Jakob Rhyner, Richard Kuntner, Philipp Teysseire, Urs Nigg | 2007 | NPF |
28473 | L'extrémité occidentale du Massif de l'Aar. Relations du socle avec la couverture | Publication | File (digital) | Baer Alec | 1959 | NPF |
28451 | Effets de la circulation d'air par effet de cheminée sur le refroidissement des éboulis froids de basse altitude et leurs écosystèmes dans l'espace alpin et péri-alpin | Publication | File (digital) | Morard Sébastian | 2011 | NPF |
43420 | Naturpärke und Welterbe fuers Klima | Publication | File (digital) | Arbignon AG | 2020 | NPF |
28472 | Les stades de retrait des glaciers du Haut-Valais | Publication | File (digital) | Aubert Denis | 1980 | NPF |
26950 | Record of Past Environmental and Climatic Changes in the Sediment Record of Lake Pfafforet (Valais, Switzerland) | Publication | File (digital) | Straub Marietta, Anselmetti Flavio, Wick Lucia | 2008 | NPF |
50272 | Abschätzung des CO2-Speichers der Hochmoore in der UNESCO Biosphäre Entlebuch | Publication | File (digital) | Mike P. Dettwiler | 2019 | UBE |
43771 | Naturpärke und Welterbe fuers Klima. Anhang. | Publication | File (digital) | Arbignon AG | 2020 | NPF |
39904 | Tree line shifts in the Swiss Alps: Climate change or land abandonment? | Publication | File (digital) | Jacqueline Gehrig-Fasel | 0 | NPF |
28469 | Rockglacier Kinematics in a High Mountain Geosystem | Publication | File (digital) | Roer Isabelle | 2005 | NPF |
54865 | Hail occurence in the Napf region Switzerland | Publication | File (digital) | Autorin: Schwyn Ursina, Betreut durch: Romppainen Olivia | 2022 | UBE |
54692 | Alarmsystem II/graben - Erfahrungen während der Pilotbetriebsphase | Publication | File (digital) | Christoph Graf, Alexandre Badoux, Brian W. McArdell | 2009 | NPF |
39887 | Morphological and physiological responses of Scots Pine fine roots to water supply in a dry climatic region in Switzerland | Publication | File (digital) | Ivano Brunner | 2009 | NPF |
26277 | Water availability and tree growth of scots pine and pubescent oak - a multiproxy analysis | Publication | File (digital) | Eilmann Britta | 2008 | NPF |
53857 | Klimawandel als Prufstein fur die Waldbewirtschaftung | Publication | File (digital) | Andreas Rigling, Peter Brang, Harald Bugmann, Norbert Kräuchi, Thomas Wohlgemuth, Niklaus Zimmermann | 2008 | NPF |
26278 | Fast response of Scots pine to improved water availability reflectecd in tree-ring width and 13 C | Publication | File (digital) | Eilmann Britta | 2010 | NPF |