Entry no. 5600

Macun monitoring programme

Robinson Christopher Thomas
6521EAWAG Organisation/Institution 1936
8191Monitoring Macun, invertebrates 2010 Datafile from Producer Robinson, C., EAWAG 2010
7575Monitoring Macun, Zoobenthos Datafile from Producer Robinson, C., EAWAG 2001
8137Monitoring Macun water chemistry Datafile from Producer Robinson, C., EAWAG 2001
8136Monitoring Macun streams, diatoms Datafile from Producer Robinson, C., EAWAG 2001
7576Monitoring Macun lakes, diatoms Datafile from Producer Robinson, C., EAWAG 1975
8259Locations of the sampling sites of the Nutrients and Chemistry monitoring Project of Macun GIS Vector Layer EAWAG 2009
54424Alpine Ökosysteme im Schweizerischen Nationalpark: die Macun Seenplatte Project Gubler, S., Robinson, Ch. 2024
54945Ecosystem change of Macun lakes reconstructed from high-resolution sedimentological and palaeoecological analyses Project Heiri, O. 2022
6043Expansion contraction cycle of a stream/lake network in a high alpine floodplain (Diploma) Project Sebastian Matthaei 2003
5601Comparison of Macroinvertebrates Assemblages of Permanent and Temporary streams in an Alpine Flood Plain; Macun Monitoring Manual: Grundlage der Datenerhebung für das Langzeitmonitoring auf der Macun Seenplatte (Diploma) Project Rueegg Janine 2003
5605Plankton dynamics of the Macun lakes Project Spaak Piet 2002
7290Fish Population Macun - Monitoring Programme Project Peter Rey, Uta Mürle HYDRA 2002
7110Biodiversitätsmonitoring Weiher Macun Project Oertli, B 2002
54435Longterm patterns of stream macroinvertebrates in an alpine cirque landscape Publication Robinson, Ch. , Jolidon, Ch., Lods-Crozet, B. 2024
53903Orthoseira helvetica sp. nov. - a new diatom (Bacillariophyceae) from the Swiss Alps Publication Peszek, L., Robinson, C., Rybak, M., Kawecka, B. 2023
50867Temporal dynamics in the physico-chemistry of a high-alpine stream network in the Swiss National Park Publication Robinson, C.T., Jolidon, C., Consoli, G., Bloem, S., Ebi, C. 2022
51317Long-term response of diatoms in high-elevation streams influenced by rock glaciers Publication Peszek, L., Kawecka, B., Robinson, Ch. 2022
41532Zusammenhang zwischen dem geologischen Untergrund und dem Radongehalt im Wasser Publication Baumgartner, N. 2021
43203Pseudorthocladius immezensis sp. n., a new relict species inhabiting the Macun high-alpine stream, Swiss Alps (Diptera: Chironomidae) Publication Moubayed-Breil, J., Lods-Crozet, B. 2021
36195On the genus Chaetocladius s. str. Kieffer, 1911 from Switzerland with descriptions of five new relic species occurring in glacial alpine springs and streams (Diptera, Chironomidae) Publication Moubayed-Breil, J., Lods-Crozet, B. 2018
36087Long-Term Trends in the Ecohydrology of the Macun Lakes System Publication Vogler, H. 2018
33242Chironomidae diversity in high elevation streams in the Swiss Alps Publication Robinson, C. T., Thompson, C., Lods-Crozet, B., Alther, R. 2016
30556Spatio-Temporal Patterns of Major Bacterial Groups in Alpine Waters Publication Freimann, R., Bürgmann, H., Findlay S. E. G., Robinson Ch. T. 2014
8882Response of lotic microbial communities to altered water source and nutritional state in a glaciated alpine floodplain Publication Freimann, R., Bürgmann, H., Findlay, S., Robinson, Ch. T. 2013
9749Bacterial structures and ecosystem functions in glaciated floodplains: contemporary states and potential future shifts Publication Freimann, R., Buergmann, H., Findlay, S., Robinson, Ch. 2013
8599Microbial Diversity in Alpine Floodplains: Spatio-Temporal Factors Influencing Bacterial Communities and Ecosystem Functioning Publication Freimann, R. 2012
8544Long-term pattern of chironomid assemblages in a high elevation stream/lake network (Switzerland) - Implications to global change Publication Lods-Crozet, B., Oertli, B., Robinson, Christopher T., 2012
54492Use of protected areas for freshwater biomonitoring - case studies in Switzerland Publication Robinson, Ch., Doering M., Seelen, L. 2011
8869Importance of protected areas for freshwater biomoitoring - Case studies in Switzerland Publication Robinson, C.T., Doering, M., Seelen, L. 2011
7860Biodiversity of Flora and Fauna in Alpine Waters Publication Robinson, C., Kawecka, B., Füreder, L., Peter, A. 2010
8678Diatom communities of lake/stream networks in the Tatra Mountains, Poland, and the Swiss Alps Publication Kawecka, B., Robinson, C.T. 2008
6321Macroinvertebrate assemblages of a high elevation streamlake network with an emphasis on the Chironomidae Publication Robinson, Christopher T.; Hieber, Mäggi; Wenzelides, Verena; Lods-Crozet, Brigitte 2007
6541Benthic diatoms of an Alpine streamlake network in Switzerland. Publication ROBINSON CT, KAWECKA B 2005
7978Gewässerforschung auf Macun Publication Burki, V., Schlüchter, C., Robinson, C., Kawecka, B., Spaak, P., Engeler, L., Winder, M., Oertli, B., Hinden, H., Perrottet, N., Rey, P., Pitsch, P. 2004
6573Biodiversität der Fliessgeässer auf Macun : Zoobenthos und Algen. Publication ROBINSON CT, KAWECKA B 2004
6556Wie geht es den Macun-Seen in 50 Jahren? Publication FILLI F 2003
7840Macun monitoring manual - Methoden Publication Rüegg, J. 2003