37018 | Corporate Volunteering in Schweizer Pärken - Corporate Volunteering dans les parcs suisses; Flyer DE | Publication | File (digital) | Swiss Parks Network | 2017 | NWP |
41470 | Wirkungen von Flussgerinneaufweitungen auf Vögel der Uferpionierstandorte insbesondere Flussuferläufer (Actitis hypoleucos) und Flussregenpfeifer (Charadrius dubius) | Publication | File (digital) | Nathalie Baumann | 2003 | NPF |
42271 | Diagonal: Cold | Publication | File (digital) | Jürg Schweizer | 2018 | NPF |
39914 | Factors influencing double brooding in Eurasian Hoopoes Upupa epops | Publication | File (digital) | Jael Hoffmann | 2014 | NPF |
37020 | Corporate Volunteering in Schweizer Pärken - Corporate Volunteering dans les parcs suisses; Flyer EN | Publication | File (digital) | Swiss Parks Network | 2017 | NWP |
39875 | Ergänzungen zur Verbreitung einiger Gefässpflanzen im Wallis | Publication | File (digital) | Matthias Baltisberger | 1985 | NPF |
54355 | Jahresbericht - Rapport Annuel - Annual Report: 2023, DE | Publication | File (digital) | Swiss Parks Network | 2023 | NWP |
41286 | Projekt Parkstark: Das Wiesel im Naturpark Thal | Publication | File (digital) | Monika Webster | 2017 | NPT |
42474 | Jahresbericht - Rapport Annuel - Annual Report: 2015, DE | Publication | File (digital) | Swiss Parks Network | 2015 | NWP |
28599 | Lingua Natura; DE / FR / IT / RM | Publication | File (digital) | Swiss Parks Network | 2013 | NWP |
54090 | Untersuchung der Kleinsäugerfauna im alpinen Lebensraum auf der Alp Flix | Publication | File (digital) | Suter Salomé, Betreuer: Riesen Matthias ZHAW | 2023 | ELA |
42484 | Jahresbericht - Rapport Annuel - Annual Report: 2010, FR | Publication | File (digital) | Swiss Parks Network | 2010 | NWP |
41494 | Rent a Bike: Map rental stations - Faltkarte Mietstationen - carte stations de location | Publication | File (digital) | Rent a Bike | 2017 | NWP |
40131 | Zehn Jahre Vegetationsdynamik auf der Waldbrandfläche von Leuk (Wallis) | Publication | File (digital) | Thomas Wohlgemuth | 2018 | NPF |
39948 | Effects of the social environment on the survival and fungal resistance of ant brood | Publication | File (digital) | Jessica Purcell | 2011 | NPF |
40115 | Rock Glacier Degradation and Instabilities in the European Alps: A Characterisation and Monitoring Experiment in the Turtmanntal, CH | Publication | File (digital) | Sarah M. Springman | 2013 | NPF |
42203 | Modelling of landslides in a scree slope induced by groundwater and rainfall | Publication | File (digital) | DDaisy Lucas, Herzog Ralf, Markus Iten, Heinz Buschor | 2019 | NPF |
42169 | Analysis of rainfall and runoff for debris flows at the Illgraben catchment, Switzerland | Publication | File (digital) | Jacob Hirschberg, Brian W. McArdella, Alexandre Badouxa and Peter Molnar | 2019 | NPF |
42213 | Monitoring Butterfly Abundance: Beyond Pollard Walks | Publication | File (digital) | Pellet J, Bried JT, Parietti D, Gander A, Heer PO | 2012 | NPF |
38009 | HIST - Die Geschichte der Schweizer Pärke - L'histoire des parcs suisses: 2019 | Publication | File (digital) | Swiss Parks Network | 2020 | NWP |
43241 | Alppflege und Biodiversität im Naturpark Gantrisch: Ein Sensibilisierungsinstrument zur Vorbereitung für den praktischen Alppflegeeinsatz | Publication | File (digital) | Dominik Gerber, Yanara Giachino, Lena Niemann Sebastian Oppitz, Alexandra Szalai | 2021 | FRG |
41579 | How to integrate invisible geomorphosites in an inventory: A case study in the Rhone River valley (Switzerland) | Publication | File (digital) | Mélanie Clivaz, Emmanuel Reynard | 2017 | NPF |
40087 | Conservation of the Hoopoe Upupa epops in Valais Annual report 2016 | Publication | File (digital) | Michael Schaub | 2016 | NPF |
38729 | Nature Friends Hostels - Naturfreundehäuser - Maisons des Amis de la Nature | Publication | File (digital) | Naturfreunde Schweiz | 2020 | NWP |
35605 | Institutioneller Wandel im Management der UNESCO Biosphäre Entlebuch | Publication | File (digital) | Rohrer, Franziska | 2011 | UBE |
39479 | Vreneli-Dorf in Guggisberg: Umsetzungsideen für touristische Produkte Events | Publication | File (digital) | Reusser, Tanja | 0 | FRG |
42103 | Tracer studies of river-groundwater interaction under hydropeaking conditions | Publication | File (digital) | Markus Fette | 2005 | NPF |
30249 | Parkforschung Schweiz; ein Themenkatalog - Recherche des parcs suisses; catalogue thématique DE | Publication | File (digital) | Parkforschung Schweiz | 2012 | NWP |
40102 | Bromopsis riparia in der Schweiz | Publication | File (digital) | Rudolf Schmid-Hollinger | 2007 | NPF |
32875 | HIST - Die Geschichte der Schweizer Pärke - L'histoire des parcs suisses: 2016 | Publication | File (digital) | Swiss Parks Network | 2020 | NWP |
42167 | Microbial succession on decomposing root litter in a drought-prone Scots pine forest | Publication | File (digital) | Claude Herzog, Martin Hartmann, Beat Frey, Beat Stierli, Cornelia Rumpel, Nina Buchmann, Ivano Brunner | 2019 | NPF |
54640 | Der Mörderstein. Eine für das Wallis aussergewöhnliche archäologische Abfolge | Publication | File (digital) | Kantonales Amt für Archäologie Wallis | 2021 | NPF |
41473 | Rhone und Pfynwald - Renaturierung einer Flusslandschaft | Publication | File (digital) | Gian Reto Bezzola | 1989 | NPF |
43410 | Rent a Bike: Map rental stations - Faltkarte Mietstationen - carte stations de location | Publication | None | Rent a Bike | 0 | NWP |
43405 | Nature Friends Hostels - Naturfreundehäuser - Maisons des Amis de la Nature | Publication | None | Naturfreunde Schweiz | 0 | NWP |
32873 | HIST - Die Geschichte der Schweizer Pärke - L'histoire des parcs suisses: 2012 | Publication | File (digital) | Swiss Parks Network | 2020 | NWP |
32869 | HIST - Die Geschichte der Schweizer Pärke (animiert / kurz) - L'histoire des parcs suisses (animé / court): seit 1914 | Publication | File (digital) | Swiss Parks Network | 2021 | NWP |
50721 | Changes in social contacts and farming intensity in the UNESCO Biosphäre Entlebuch | Publication | None | Victoria Junquera | 2019 | UBE |
39908 | History of anthropogenic disturbances in the pine forest belt of the Swiss Rhone valley (Valais) | Publication | File (digital) | Urs Gimmi | 2006 | NPF |
40111 | Monitoring de la population relictuelle de Petit-duc scops Otus scops en Valais central et dans le Haut-Valais: bilan 2003-04 | Publication | File (digital) | Antoine Sierro | 2004 | NPF |
42170 | Ecological requirements of reintroduced species and the implications for release policy: the case of the bearded vulture | Publication | File (digital) | ALEXANDRE H. HIRZEL, BERTRAND POSSE, PIERRE-ALAIN OGGIER, YVON CRETTENAND, CHRISTIAN GLENZ and RAPHAL ARLETTAZ | 2004 | NPF |
40123 | No detectable effects of lightweight geolocators on a Palaearctic-African long-distance migrant | Publication | File (digital) | Rien E. van Wijk | 2015 | NPF |
51136 | Swiss Parks Timeseries - FR | Publication | File (digital) | Swiss Parks Network | 2023 | NWP |
42100 | On the trails of Josias Braun-Blanquet II: First results from the 12th EDGG Field Workshop studying the dry grasslands of the inneralpine dry valleys of Switzerland | Publication | File (digital) | Jürgen Dengler | 2020 | NPF |
50682 | Carpooling im Natupark Thal: Ergänzung oder Konkurrenz des öffentlichen Verkehrs? | Publication | None | Sebastian Imhof | 2019 | NPT |
41578 | How tree roots respond to drought | Publication | File (digital) | Ivano Brunner, Claude Herzog, Melissa A. Dawes, Matthias Arend and Christoph Sperisen | 2015 | NPF |
42473 | Jahresbericht - Rapport Annuel - Annual Report: 2015, FR | Publication | File (digital) | Swiss Parks Network | 2015 | NWP |
41508 | Threatened and specialist species suffer from increased wood cover and productivity in Swiss steppes | Publication | File (digital) | Steffen Boch | 2019 | NPF |
30243 | Parkforschung Schweiz; Poster - Recherche des parcs suisses; affiche DE / FR | Publication | File (digital) | Parkforschung Schweiz | 2014 | NWP |
39912 | Temporal and Spatial Scales Matter: Circannual Habitat Selection by Bird Communities in Vineyards | Publication | File (digital) | Claire Guyot | 2017 | NPF |
41471 | Wie verändern sich die Biotope von nationaler Bedeutung? Resultate aus der Ersterhebung der Wirkungskontrolle Biotopschutz Schweiz | Publication | None | Ariel Bergamini | 2020 | NPF |
10276 | Übersichtskarte Schweizer Pärke - Carte générale parcs suisses; A4 2013 DE | Publication | File (digital) | Swiss Parks Network | 2013 | NWP |
40136 | Nestbox Design Influences Territory Occupancy and Reproduction in a Declining, Secondary Cavity-Breeding Bird | Publication | File (digital) | Silvia Zingg | 2011 | NPF |
40116 | Evolution après incendie d'une pinède et d'une steppe dans une vallée intra-alpine (Valais central) | Publication | File (digital) | Lionel Maumary | 1995 | NPF |
39966 | Le Tarier pâtre Saxicola torquata en Valais : évolution de la distribution, des effectifs et de l'habitat | Publication | File (digital) | Emmanuel Revaz | 2003 | NPF |
41400 | Wide-Range Dispersal in Juvenile Eagle Owls (Bubo bubo) Across the European Alps Calls for Transnational Conservation Programmes | Publication | File (digital) | Adrian Aebischer, Peter Nyffeler, Raphael Arlettaz | 2009 | NPF |
37121 | Landschaftsqualitätsprojekt, Engiadina Bassa, Samnaun, Val Müstair | Publication | File (digital) | Arinas, Plantahof | 2016 | PTE |
42270 | Handbuch für die Erfolgskontrolle bei Fliessgewässerrevitalisierungen | Publication | File (digital) | Woolsey S., Weber C., Gonser T., Hoehn E., Hostmann M., Junker B., Roulier C., Schweizer S., Tiegs S., Tockner K., Peter A. | 2005 | NPF |
39919 | Miniaturized multi-sensor loggers provide new insight into year-round flight behaviour of small trans-Sahara avian migrants | Publication | File (digital) | Felix Liechti | 2018 | NPF |
50724 | Inwiefern tragen Hersteller innovativer Regionalprodukte des Labels Echt Entlebuch als Kooperationspartner von Landwirten zur agrarwirtschaftlichen Struktursicherung des UNESCO Biosphären-Reservates (Zentralschweiz) bei? | Publication | None | Louise Marvel | 2018 | UBE |
43749 | Modeling the effects of grassland management intensity on biodiversity | Publication | File (digital) | Noelle Klein, Coralie Theux, Raphal Arlettaz, Alain Jacot, Jean-Nicolas Pradervand | 2020 | NPF |
42260 | FORests and HYdrology under Climate Change in Switzerland v1.0: a spatially distributed model combining hydrology and forest dynamics | Publication | File (digital) | Matthias J. R. Speich, Massimiliano Zappa, Marc Scherstjanoi and Heike Lischke | 2020 | NPF |
40106 | Lincendie de Loèche : monitoring des oiseaux nicheurs en 2010, sept ans après lévénement | Publication | File (digital) | Antoine Sierro | 2011 | NPF |
39951 | Überwachung von besonders gefährlichen Schadorganismen für den Wald Jahresbericht 2017 | Publication | File (digital) | Valentin Queloz | 2018 | NPF |
35319 | Energy production from renewable sources in Alpine protected areas; Conflicting interests and need for action as seen by protected areas management. | Publication | None | Volken, Esther; Scheuer, Thomas; Plassmann, Guido; Wallner, Astrid | 2011 | UBE |
28574 | Excerpt: SwissTrails. Outdoor. Swiss Made, S. 124 DE | Publication | File (digital) | SwissTrails | 2014 | NWP |
42469 | Jahresbericht - Rapport Annuel - Annual Report: 2017, FR | Publication | File (digital) | Swiss Parks Network | 2017 | NWP |
39889 | Wood ants produce a potent antimicrobial agent by applying formic acid on tree-collected resin | Publication | File (digital) | Timothée Brütsch | 2017 | NPF |
43347 | Evaluationsbericht der Betriebsphase 2011-2020 | Publication | File (digital) | Siegrist, D., Feichtinger, L., Spinnler, D. | 2020 | BVM |
40098 | Conservation of the Wryneck Jynx torquilla in the Valais Annual report 2017 | Publication | File (digital) | Michael Schaub | 2017 | NPF |
38008 | HIST - Die Geschichte der Schweizer Pärke - L'histoire des parcs suisses: 2017 | Publication | File (digital) | Swiss Parks Network | 2020 | NWP |
42204 | Slope Stability of a Scree Slope Based on Integrated Characterisation and Monitoring | Publication | File (digital) | Daisy Lucas, Kerstin Fankhauser, Hansruedi Maurer, Brian McArdell, Reto Grob, Ralf Herzog, Ernst Bleiker and Sarah M. Springman | 2020 | NPF |
41462 | A debris-flow alarm system for the Alpine Illgraben catchment: design and performance | Publication | File (digital) | Alexandre Badoux, Christoph Graf, Jakob Rhyner, Richard Kuntner & Brian W. McArdell | 2008 | NPF |
30979 | Übersichtskarte Schweizer Pärke - Carte générale parcs suisses; A4 2014 IT | Publication | File (digital) | Swiss Parks Network | 2014 | NWP |
51124 | Swiss Parks Timeseries - DE | Publication | File (digital) | Swiss Parks Network | 2023 | NWP |
41491 | Wirkt der Schutz von Biotopen? Ein Programm zum Monitoring der Biotope von nationaler Bedeutung in der Schweiz. | Publication | File (digital) | | 2018 | NPF |
39878 | Approximations to seismic AVA responses: Validity and potential in glaciological applications | Publication | File (digital) | Adam D. Booth | 2016 | NPF |
42821 | Jahresbericht - Rapport Annuel - Annual Report: 2020, DE | Publication | File (digital) | Swiss Parks Network | 2020 | NWP |
52053 | Inventaire et proposition de mesures de valorisation des géomorphosites du PNR Gruyère - Pays-d'Enhaut | Publication | File (digital) | Valentine Duhem | 2008 | GPE |
40134 | Abundanz und Dichte des Luchses im Wallis Nord: Fang-Wiederfang-Schätzung mittels Fotofallen im K-VII im Winter 2013/14 | Publication | File (digital) | Fridolin Zimmermann | 2014 | NPF |
40066 | Nestmate recognition and levels of aggression are not altered by changes in genetic diversity in a socially polymorphic ant | Publication | File (digital) | Hervé Rosset | 2006 | NPF |
43747 | Habitat amount mediates the effect of fragmentation on a pollinators reproductive performance, but not on its foraging behaviour | Publication | File (digital) | Corina Maurer, Laura Bosco, Elisabeth Klaus, Samuel A. Cushman, Raphael Arlettaz, Alain Jacot | 2020 | NPF |
33114 | Cooperazione: La Svizzera - e tutti i suoi parchi IT | Publication | File (digital) | coop | 2016 | NWP |
53182 | Wildcampen im Reisemobil Safiental | Publication | File (digital) | Sarah Leila Häfliger, Aurelia Kogler | 0 | NPB |
42201 | Does phloem osmolality affect diurnal diameter changes of twigs but not of stems in Scots pine? | Publication | File (digital) | Martina Lazzarin, Roman Zweifel, Niels Anten and Frank J. Sterck | 2018 | NPF |
54342 | High-Frequency 3D LiDAR Measurements of a Debris Flow: A Novel Method to Investigate the Dynamics of Full-Scale Events in the Field | Publication | File (digital) | Christoph Graf | 2023 | NPF |
42471 | Jahresbericht - Rapport Annuel - Annual Report: 2016, DE | Publication | File (digital) | Swiss Parks Network | 2016 | NWP |
42164 | Neue Erkenntnisse zum Schutz und zur Ökologie des Blasenstrauchbläulings Iolana iolas (Ochsenheimer, 1816) | Publication | File (digital) | Patrick Heer, Jérôme Pellet, Antoine Sierro, Raphal Arlettaz | 2011 | NPF |
41278 | Haselhuhn-Spurensuche Naturpark Thal | Publication | File (digital) | Christian Rechsteiner | 2016 | NPT |
10307 | Publications by the Swiss Parks Network | Publication | File (digital) | Swiss Parks Network | 0 | NWP |
33962 | Spezialitäten-Katalog - Catalogue de spécialités - Catalogo di specialità; 2015 FR | Publication | File (digital) | Swiss Parks Network | 2015 | NWP |
42218 | Snow cover phenology is the main driver of foraging habitat selection for a high8209;alpine passerine during breeding: implications for species persistence in the face of climate change | Publication | File (digital) | Jaime Resano-Mayor | 2019 | NPF |
35651 | Wissen, Ulrike; Schroth, Olaf; Lange, Eckart; Schmid, Willi A. | Publication | File (digital) | Approaches to integrating indicators into 3D landscape visualisations and their benefits for participative planning situations | 2008 | UBE |
39901 | Drought alters timing, quantity, and quality of wood formation in Scots pine | Publication | File (digital) | Britta Eilmann | 2010 | NPF |
40127 | Comparison of the groundwater fauna of two contrasting reaches of the Upper Rhône River | Publication | File (digital) | Andrea Walther | 2002 | NPF |
54641 | SALGESCH - Une tombe entre les mondes celtique et romain | Publication | File (digital) | Kantonales Amt für Archäologie Wallis | 2019 | NPF |
51042 | Rapport annual Biosfera Val Müstair 2021 | Publication | File (digital) | BVM | 2021 | BVM |
41403 | Asymmetric assortative mating and queen polyandry are linked to a supergene controlling ant social organization | Publication | File (digital) | Amaury Avril, Jessica Purcell, Alan Brelsford, Michel Chapuisat | 2018 | NPF |
40103 | Division of labour and worker size polymorphism in ant colonies: the impact of social and genetic factors | Publication | File (digital) | Tanja Schwander | 2005 | NPF |
39944 | Environmental influence on the phenotype of ant workers revealed by common garden experiment | Publication | File (digital) | Jessica Purcell | 2015 | NPF |
39933 | The precipitous decline of the ortolan bunting Emberiza hortulana: time to build on scientific evidence to inform conservation management | Publication | File (digital) | Myles H. M. Menz | 2012 | NPF |
40133 | Entomophaga grylli (Entomophthorales, Entomophagaceae) (Fresenius 1856), ein pathogener Pilz auf Heuschrecken (Orthoptera, Acrididae) ein Überblick | Publication | File (digital) | Jürg Zettel | 2008 | NPF |
52642 | Jahresbericht - Rapport Annuel - Annual Report: 2022, FR | Publication | File (digital) | Swiss Parks Network | 2022 | NWP |
38006 | HIST - Die Geschichte der Schweizer Pärke - L'histoire des parcs suisses: 2013 | Publication | File (digital) | Swiss Parks Network | 2020 | NWP |
42163 | Evidence-based assessment of butterfly habitat restoration to enhance management practices | Publication | File (digital) | Patrick Heer, Jerome Pellet, Antoine Sierro, Raphael Arlettaz | 2012 | NPF |
32990 | Kein Nationalpark ohne Bevölkerung | Publication | File (digital) | Denzler Lukas in der Zeitung Tages Anzeiger | 2016 | NWP |
42258 | Unravelling the age of fine roots of temperate and boreal forests | Publication | File (digital) | Emily F. Solly, Ivano Brunner, Heljä-Sisko Helmisaari, Claude Herzog, Jaana Leppälammi-Kujansuu, Ingo Schöning, Marion Schrumpf, Fritz H. Schweingruber, Susan E. Trumbore & Frank Hagedorn | 2018 | NPF |
52120 | Naturparktourismus. Qualitative Analyse und Abschätzung der Naturpark-induzierten Bruttowertschöpfung im Naturpark Diemtigtal | Publication | File (digital) | Dominik Siegrist, Manuela Egeter, Lea Ketterer Bonnelame, Susanne Schellenberger | 0 | DIE |
42220 | Le Rhône alpin vu sous langle de la géomorphologie: état des lieux | Publication | File (digital) | Emmanuel REYNARD, Gilles ARNAUD-FASSETTA, Laetitia LAIGRE, Philippe SCHOENEICH | 2009 | NPF |
40122 | Dependencies in the timing of activities weaken over the annual cycle in a long-distance migratory bird | Publication | File (digital) | Rien E. Van Wijk | 2017 | NPF |
43353 | Charta 2021-2030 Naturpark Biosfera Val Müstair - Teil C. Managementplan für den Betrieb eines Regionalen Naturparks | Publication | File (digital) | Feichtinger, L., Spinnler, D., Siegrist, D., Peter, F., Frohn, T., Oertli, A., Schwyzer, Y., Merz, K. | 2020 | BVM |
40088 | Conservation of the Hoopoe Upupa epops in the Valais Annual report 2017 | Publication | File (digital) | Michael Schaub | 2017 | NPF |
39940 | Ants exhibit asymmetric hybridization in a mosaic hybrid zone | Publication | File (digital) | Jessica Purcell | 2016 | NPF |
43351 | Nationalparkzentrum vor Tabula Rasa | Publication | File (digital) | Triebs, S. | 2021 | SNP |
40067 | Chronique ornithologique valaisanne de l'automne 2005 à l'été 2006 | Publication | File (digital) | Jérémy Savioz | 2007 | NPF |
42466 | Jahresbericht - Rapport Annuel - Annual Report: 2019, FR | Publication | File (digital) | Swiss Parks Network | 2019 | NWP |
42209 | Permafrost landform dynamics in high mountain environments: a multi-sensoral approach to assess rockglacier evolution | Publication | File (digital) | Johann Christian Müller | 2016 | NPF |
4930 | Status und Bedürfnisse zu Geoinformation und Informationsmanagement in Parks und Parkprojekten in der Schweiz - Anhang | Publication | File (digital) | IGGIS Parks | 2008 | NWP |
39873 | Asymmetric assortative mating and queen polyandry are linked to a supergene controlling ant social organization | Publication | File (digital) | Amaury Avril | 2018 | NPF |
43522 | Understanding trait interactions and their impacts on growth in Scots pine branches across Europe | Publication | File (digital) | Sterck, Frank J. et al. | 2012 | NPF |
32836 | Excerpt: Geschichte der Landschaft in der Schweiz, Kapitel 18, Die Parkbewegung, S. 295 ff. | Publication | File (digital) | Kupper Patrick | 2016 | NWP |
29422 | Contributions to partner publications | Publication | File (digital) | | 0 | NWP |
31301 | Coopzeitung: Ein Sommer voller Köstlichkeiten - Miini Region DE | Publication | File (digital) | coop | 2015 | NWP |
50729 | Applying Systematic Conservation Planning in the UNESCO Biosphere Entlebuch | Publication | None | Arthur Turin | 2019 | UBE |
42102 | TreeNet: Daten und Analysen der ersten fünf Messjahre | Publication | File (digital) | Sophia Etzold, Roman Zweifel | 2018 | NPF |
36740 | Forschungskonzept 2018 | Publication | File (digital) | FOK, SNP, BVM, EVM | 2017 | SNP |
32727 | Übersichtskarte Schweizer Pärke - Carte générale parcs suisses; A4 2016 IT | Publication | File (digital) | Swiss Parks Network | 2016 | NWP |
54822 | Sustainable regional development approaches in Alpine biosphere reserves - Farmers perceptions | Publication | File (digital) | Adelheid Humer-Gruber | 2017 | UBE |
43411 | Parkforschung Schweiz; ein Themenkatalog - Recherche des parcs suisses; catalogue thématique | Publication | None | Parkforschung Schweiz | 0 | NWP |
43373 | Rapport annual Biosfera Val Müstair 2016 | Publication | File (digital) | BVM | 2016 | BVM |
43354 | Charta 2021-2030 Parc da natüra Biosfera Val Müstair - Recapitulaziun Part C: Plan da management | Publication | File (digital) | Feichtinger, L., Spinnler, D., Siegrist, D., Peter, F., Frohn, T., Oertli, A., Schwyzer, Y., Merz, K. | 2020 | BVM |
42226 | Debris-flow behavior in super- and subcritical conditions | Publication | File (digital) | Christian Scheidl, Georg Nagl | 2019 | NPF |
42156 | Rockglacier acceleration in the Turtmann Valley (Swiss Alps): Probable Controls | Publication | File (digital) | Isabelle Gärtner-Roer | 2005 | NPF |
54686 | Rapport annual Biosfera Val Müstair 2022 | Publication | File (digital) | BVM | 2022 | BVM |
41526 | No evidence for social immunity in co-founding queen associations | Publication | File (digital) | Brütsch, Timothée & Avril, Amaury & Chapuisat, Michel | 2017 | NPF |
53849 | Analyse zur Nutzungsdichte von MTB Trails im Jurapark Aargau | Publication | File (digital) | Virginia Molin, Betreuung: Monika Niederhubger, ETH Zürich | 2022 | JPA |
43407 | The Swiss Parks. closer than you think - Die Schweizer Pärke. Näher als man denkt - Les parcs suisses. a deux pas de chez vous - I parchi svizzeri. vicini e sorprendenti | Publication | None | FOEN BAFU OFEV UFAM | 0 | NWP |
41580 | Sauvegarde des populations de sonneurs à ventre jaune (Bombina variegata) du Valais: analyse génétique comparative de différentes populations | Publication | File (digital) | Cotting, Sophie; Ursenbacher, Sylvain; Arlettaz, Raphal; Pellet, Jérôme; Marchesi, Paul; Zanini, Flavio | 2018 | NPF |
40092 | Population ecology and conservation of the wryneck Jynx torquilla in the Valais annual report 2004 | Publication | File (digital) | Michael Schaub | 2004 | NPF |
43371 | Rapport annual Biosfera Val Müstair 2018 | Publication | File (digital) | BVM | 2018 | BVM |
35654 | HIST - Die Geschichte der Schweizer Pärke - L'histoire des parcs suisses: 2018 | Publication | File (digital) | Swiss Parks Network | 2020 | NWP |
30790 | Angebotsbroschüre Raiffeisen 2012 FR | Publication | File (digital) | Swiss Parks Network, Raiffeisen Schweiz | 2012 | NWP |
31295 | Corporate Volunteering in Schweizer Pärken - Corporate Volunteering dans les parcs suisses; Flyer FR | Publication | File (digital) | Swiss Parks Network | 2015 | NWP |
39929 | The determinants of queen size in a socially polymorphic ant | Publication | File (digital) | Joel Meunier | 2009 | NPF |
40107 | Monitoring 2002 du Monticole de roche en Valais sur deux secteurs témoins | Publication | File (digital) | Antoine Sierro | 2002 | NPF |
39911 | Competition for water in a xeric forest ecosystem Effects of understory removal on soil micro-climate, growth and physiology of dominant Scots pine trees | Publication | File (digital) | Arnaud Giuggiola | 2017 | NPF |
42478 | Jahresbericht - Rapport Annuel - Annual Report: 2013, DE | Publication | File (digital) | Swiss Parks Network | 2013 | NWP |
54356 | Jahresbericht - Rapport Annuel - Annual Report: 2023, FR | Publication | File (digital) | Swiss Parks Network | 2023 | NWP |
10271 | Angebotsbroschüre Raiffeisen 2012 IT | Publication | File (digital) | Swiss Parks Network, Raiffeisen Schweiz | 2012 | NWP |
50718 | Jahresbericht - Rapport Annuel - Annual Report: 2021, DE | Publication | File (digital) | Swiss Parks Network | 2021 | NWP |
40112 | Monitoring de la population de Petit-duc scops Otus scops en Valais central et dans le Haut-Valais: bilan 2005 | Publication | File (digital) | Antoine Sierro | 2006 | NPF |
39874 | Year-Round Tracking of Small Trans-Saharan Migrants Using Light-Level Geolocators | Publication | File (digital) | Erich Bächler | 2010 | NPF |
42171 | How to predict tree death from inventory data Lessons from a systematic assessment of European tree mortality models | Publication | File (digital) | Lisa Hülsmann, Harald Bugmann & Peter Brang | 2017 | NPF |
39942 | Bidirectional shifts in colony queen number in a socially polymorphic ant population | Publication | File (digital) | Jessica Purcell | 2012 | NPF |
4928 | GIS für Pärke von nationaler Bedeutung in der Schweiz | Publication | File (digital) | Haller Ruedi | 2006 | NWP |
51123 | Swiss Parks Timeseries | Publication | None | Swiss Parks Network | 2022 | NWP |
33112 | Coopération: Nos parcs - une expansion controversée FR | Publication | File (digital) | coop | 2016 | NWP |
41279 | Naturpark Thal: Vorschläge für eine bessere Integration der Museen - Projekt Museumspass Industrie Natur | Publication | File (digital) | Sandra Ermel, Susanne Holenstein | 2012 | NPT |
28555 | Concept de recherche 2008-2018 pour le Parc national suisse et la Biosphère du Val Müstair | Publication | File (digital) | FOK | 2008 | SNP |
54665 | Ils dutgs - Vergessene Kulturdenkmäler im oberen Albulatal | Publication | File (digital) | Zepik Helmut | 2024 | ELA |
43523 | Convergent evolution of social hybridogenesis in Messor harvester ants | Publication | File (digital) | Jonathan Romiguier et al. | 2017 | NPF |
43412 | Fahrtziel Natur in Graubünden | Publication | None | Deutsche Bundesbahn & Verein Bündner Pärke | 0 | NWP |
42479 | Jahresbericht - Rapport Annuel - Annual Report: 2012, DE | Publication | File (digital) | Swiss Parks Network | 2012 | NWP |
33313 | Spick-Poster: Schweizer Pärke - Cooler als du denkst, DE | Publication | File (digital) | Spick | 2016 | NWP |
54687 | Rapport annual Biosfera Val Müstair 2023 | Publication | File (digital) | BVM | 2023 | BVM |
38005 | HIST - Die Geschichte der Schweizer Pärke - L'histoire des parcs suisses: 2011 | Publication | File (digital) | Swiss Parks Network | 2020 | NWP |
43409 | Spick-Poster: Schweizer Pärke - Spick-Poster: Les parcs suisses | Publication | None | Spick | 0 | NWP |
39913 | The effects of hatching asynchrony on growth and mortality patterns in Eurasian Hoopoe Upupa epops nestlings | Publication | File (digital) | Barbara Hildebrandt | 2017 | NPF |
39892 | Nest site preferences of the Woodlark (Lullula arborea) and its association with artificial nest predation | Publication | File (digital) | Roman Bühler | 2016 | NPF |
40080 | Conservation of the hoopoe Upupa epops Annual in the Valais report 2009 | Publication | File (digital) | Michael Schaub | 2010 | NPF |
40129 | Einfluss von Klima und Baumvitalität auf den Befall von Waldföhren durch rindenbrütende Insekten | Publication | File (digital) | Beat Wermelinger | 2018 | NPF |
40124 | Repeatability of individual migration routes, wintering sites, and timing in a long-distance migrant bird | Publication | File (digital) | Rien E. van Wijk | 2016 | NPF |
42445 | Corporate Volunteering in Schweizer Pärken - Corporate Volunteering dans les parcs suisses | Publication | None | Swiss Parks Network | 0 | NWP |
39924 | Vorläufige Ergebnisse einer Langzeitstudie zum Wendehals in der Schweiz | Publication | File (digital) | Murielle Mermod | 2009 | NPF |
42104 | Debris-flow modeling at Meretschibach and Bondasca catchments, Switzerland: sensitivity testing of field-data-based entrainment model | Publication | File (digital) | Florian Frank | 2017 | NPF |
10279 | Übersichtskarte Schweizer Pärke - Carte générale parcs suisses; A4 2014 FR | Publication | File (digital) | Swiss Parks Network | 2014 | NWP |
42467 | Jahresbericht - Rapport Annuel - Annual Report: 2018, DE | Publication | File (digital) | Swiss Parks Network | 2018 | NWP |
42172 | Tree mortality in Central Europe: Empirically-based modeling using long-term datasets | Publication | File (digital) | Lisa Hülsmann | 2016 | NPF |
32729 | Übersichtskarte Schweizer Pärke - Carte générale parcs suisses; A4 2016 DE | Publication | File (digital) | Swiss Parks Network | 2016 | NWP |
42225 | Integrales Gewässermanagement - Erkenntnisse aus dem Rhône-Thur Projekt: Synthesebericht Gerinneaufweitungen www. | Publication | File (digital) | Sigmund Rohde | 2005 | NPF |
40091 | Conservation of the Wryneck Jynx torquilla in the Valais Annual report 2018 | Publication | File (digital) | Michael Schaub | 2018 | NPF |
39959 | Integrating genetic and stable isotope analyses to infer the population structure of the White-winged Snowfinch Montifringilla nivalis in Western Europe | Publication | File (digital) | Jaime Resano-Mayor | 2016 | NPF |
42269 | Forschung zu Wald und Klimawandel in Mitteleuropa: eine Werkschau | Publication | File (digital) | Thomas Wohlgemuth, Peter Brang, Harald Bugmann, Andreas Rigling, Niklaus E. Zimmermann | 2013 | NPF |
42257 | Light pollution hampers recolonization of revitalised European Nightjar habitats in the Valais (Swiss Alps) | Publication | File (digital) | Antoine Sierro & Andreas Erhardt | 2019 | NPF |
41482 | Anthropogenic and catchment characteristic signatures in the water quality of Swiss rivers: a quantitative assessment | Publication | File (digital) | Martina Botter | 2019 | NPF |
41162 | Lebensqualität und Nachhaltigkeit in regionalen Naturpärken - ausführlicher Bericht | Publication | File (digital) | Wiesli, Thea; Hammer, Thomas | 2020 | FRG |
43414 | Reisemagazin via | Publication | None | SBB CFF FFS | 0 | NWP |
42216 | Climate change may already threaten Scots pine stands in the Swiss Alps | Publication | File (digital) | Rebetez M & Dobbertin M | 2004 | NPF |
10278 | Übersichtskarte Schweizer Pärke - Carte générale parcs suisses; A4 2014 DE | Publication | File (digital) | Swiss Parks Network | 2014 | NWP |
41524 | An ancient and eroded social supergene is widespread across Formica ants | Publication | File (digital) | Alan Brelsford, Jessica Purcell, Amaury Avril, Patrick Tran Van, Junxia Zhang, Timothée Brütsch, Liselotte Sundström, Heikki Helanterä, Michel Chapuisat | 2020 | NPF |
31095 | Spezialitäten-Katalog - Catalogue de spécialités - Catalogo di specialità; 2014 FR | Publication | File (digital) | Swiss Parks Network | 2014 | NWP |
43372 | Rapport annual Biosfera Val Müstair 2017 | Publication | File (digital) | BVM | 2017 | BVM |
42266 | Load model for designing flexible steel barriers for debris flow mitigation | Publication | File (digital) | Corinna Wendeler, Axel Volkwein, Brian W. McArdell, and Perry Bartelt | 2018 | NPF |
40119 | Long-term effects of drought on tree-ring growth and carbon isotope variability in Scots pine in a dry environment | Publication | File (digital) | Galina Timofeeva | 2017 | NPF |
42451 | Lingua Natura | Publication | None | Swiss Parks Network | 0 | NWP |
41520 | Where to Combat Shrub Encroachment in Alpine Timberline Ecosystems: Combining Remotely-Sensed Vegetation Information with Species Habitat Modelling | Publication | File (digital) | Veronika Braunasch, Patrick Patthey,Raphal Arlettaz | 2016 | NPF |
36879 | Engins volants télécommandés - Synthèse de l'étude Zivile Drohnen - Herausforderungen und Perspektiven | Publication | File (digital) | TA-SWISS | 2018 | NWP |
54861 | Biosfera Val Müstair - Gesuch um globale Finanzhilfen für den Betrieb 2020-2024 - Projektblätter | Publication | File (digital) | Spinnler, D., Feichtinger, L., Peter, F., Frohn, T., Schwyzer, Y., Merz, K., Gurtner, T. | 2019 | BVM |
42222 | Verdrängen Flaumeichen die Walliser Waldföhren? | Publication | File (digital) | Andreas Rigling, Matthias Dobbertin, Matthias Bürgi, Urs Gimmi, Elisabeth Graf Pannatier, Felix Gugerli, Ursula Heiniger, Janina Polomski, Martine Rebetez, Daniel Rigling, Pascale Weber, Beat Wermelinger, Thomas Wohlgemuth | 2006 | NPF |
40130 | Baumartenwechsel in den Walliser Waldföhrenwäldern | Publication | File (digital) | Thomas Wohlgemuth | 2006 | NPF |
40100 | Spatial and temporal genetic dynamics of the grasshopper Oedaleus decorus revealed by museum genomics | Publication | File (digital) | Sarah Schmid | 2017 | NPF |
40121 | Territory Occupancy and Parental Quality as Proxies for Spatial Prioritization of Conservation Areas | Publication | File (digital) | Matthias Tschumi | 2014 | NPF |
42168 | Nine Years of Irrigation Cause Vegetation and Fine Root Shifts in a Water-Limited Pine Forest | Publication | File (digital) | Claude Herzog, Jan Steffen, Elisabeth Graf Pannatier, Irka Hajdas, Ivano Brunner | 2019 | NPF |
42485 | Jahresbericht - Rapport Annuel - Annual Report: 2009, FR | Publication | File (digital) | Swiss Parks Network | 2009 | NWP |
43415 | Living Landschaft voller Leben - Europas Natur, Regionl- und Landschaftsparke - Modellregionen für die nachhaltige Entwicklung ländlicher Räume | Publication | None | Verband Deutscher Naturparke in cooperation with Regional Nature Park representatives from 22 European states | 0 | NWP |
42674 | AgriPark: Grundlagen für eine erfolgreiche Einbindung der Landwirtschaft in Regionalen Naturpärken | Publication | File (digital) | Sonja Trachsel, Rebecca G&8192;pfert, Bettina Koster, Ruth Moser, Daniel Mettler, Birgit Reutz | 2020 | FRG |
42261 | Does water availability influence the abundance of species of the Phialocephala fortinii s.l. e Acephala applanata complex (PAC) in roots of pubescent oak (Quercus pubescens) and Scots pine (Pinus sylvestris)? | Publication | File (digital) | Maurus Landolt, Sophie Stroheker, Valentin Queloz, Anja Gall, Thomas N. Sieber | 2019 | NPF |
39701 | Rent a Bike: Map rental stations - Faltkarte Mietstationen - carte stations de location | Publication | File (digital) | Rent a Bike | 2020 | NWP |
37557 | Förderung der Geburtshelferkröte im Jurapark Aargau - Welche Faktoren bestimmen die Besiedlung künstlich angelegter Laichgewässer? | Publication | File (digital) | Meyer, Aline | 2016 | JPA |
39947 | Ant Brood Function as Life Preservers during Floods | Publication | File (digital) | Jessica Purcell | 2014 | NPF |
36963 | Landschaftsbewertung Regionaler Naturpark Val Müstair - Fotodokumentation | Publication | File (digital) | BVM | 2007 | BVM |
30978 | Übersichtskarte Schweizer Pärke - Carte générale parcs suisses; A4 2015 IT | Publication | File (digital) | Swiss Parks Network | 2015 | NWP |
40097 | Conservation of the Wryneck Jynx torquilla in the Valais Annual report 2014 | Publication | File (digital) | Michael Schaub | 2014 | NPF |
42272 | Intra-annual radial growth and water relations of trees: Implications towards a growth mechanism | Publication | File (digital) | Roman Zweifel, Lukas Zimmermann, Fabienne Zeugin and David M. Newbery | 2006 | NPF |
40089 | Conservation of the Hoopoe Upupa epops in the Valais Annual report 2018 | Publication | File (digital) | Michael Schaub | 2018 | NPF |
41511 | Separating the effects of habitat amount and fragmentation on invertebrate abundance using a multi-scale framework | Publication | File (digital) | Laura Bosco | 2018 | NPF |
40110 | Conservation du Petit-duc scops Otus scops en Valais : mesures concrètes et évolution des effectifs 2008 | Publication | File (digital) | Antoine Sierro | 2009 | NPF |
42453 | Angebotsbroschüre Raiffeisen | Publication | None | Swiss Parks Network, Raiffeisen Schweiz | 0 | NWP |
53845 | Fledermäuse im Siedlungsraum | Publication | File (digital) | Christina Ambrus. Betreuer: Jasmin Joshi, Jonas Landolt, OST | 2022 | JPA |
37059 | Nature Friends Hostels - Naturfreundehäuser - Maisons des Amis de la Nature | Publication | File (digital) | Naturfreunde Schweiz | 2018 | NWP |
41581 | Winter is coming: harsh environments limit independent reproduction of cooperative-breeding queens in a socially polymorphic ant | Publication | File (digital) | Ornela De Gasperin, Pierre Blacher, Guglielmo Grasso and Michel Chapuisat | 2020 | NPF |
39888 | Ant queens (Hymenoptera: Formicidae) are attracted to fungal pathogens during the initial stage of colony founding | Publication | File (digital) | Timothée Brütsch | 2014 | NPF |
42476 | Jahresbericht - Rapport Annuel - Annual Report: 2014, FR | Publication | File (digital) | Swiss Parks Network | 2014 | NWP |
41149 | Excerpt: Biosphäre 4.0 - UNESCO Biosphere Reserves als Modellregionen einer nachhaltigen Entwicklung (Kapitel Akzeptanz) | Publication | Paperwork | Borsdorf, A., Jungmeier, M., Braun, V., Heinrich, K. Hrsg. | 2020 | NWP |
50728 | Risk-Based Assessments Of Ecosystem Services - Addressing Uncertainty In Mountain Forest Management | Publication | None | Ana Stritih | 2021 | UBE |
43809 | Photosynthetic capacity, efficiency and sensitivity to drought stress in Scots pine | Publication | File (digital) | Leonie Corine Schönbeck | 2019 | NPF |
39900 | Fast response of Scots pine to improved water availability reflected in tree-ring width and delta 13C | Publication | File (digital) | Britta Eilmann | 2010 | NPF |
30965 | Übersichtskarte Schweizer Pärke - Carte générale parcs suisses; A4 2015 FR | Publication | File (digital) | Swiss Parks Network | 2015 | NWP |
30250 | Parkforschung Schweiz; ein Themenkatalog - Recherche des parcs suisses; catalogue thématique FR | Publication | File (digital) | Parkforschung Schweiz | 2012 | NWP |
42472 | Jahresbericht - Rapport Annuel - Annual Report: 2016, FR | Publication | File (digital) | Swiss Parks Network | 2016 | NWP |
40093 | Population ecology and conservation of the wryneck Jynx torquilla in the Valais annual report 2005 | Publication | File (digital) | Michael Schaub | 2005 | NPF |
42205 | Infrasound Array Analysis of Debris Flow Activity and Implication for Early Warning | Publication | File (digital) | E. Marchetti, F. Walter, G. Barfucci, R. Genco, M. Wenner, M. Ripepe, B. McArdell, C. Price | 2019 | NPF |
31300 | Nature Friends Hostels - Naturfreundehäuser - Maisons des Amis de la Nature | Publication | File (digital) | Naturfreunde Schweiz | 2015 | NWP |
40135 | Status and distribution of the lynx (Lynx lynx) in the Swiss Alps 20052009 | Publication | File (digital) | Fridolin Zimmermann | 2011 | NPF |
40083 | Conservation of the hoopoe Upupa epops in the Valais Annual report 2011 | Publication | File (digital) | Michael Schaub | 2012 | NPF |
50725 | Partizipation in der UNESCO Biosphäre Entlebuch: Eine explorative Studie zu Ansichten, Beweggründen und Erwartungen der Beteiligten | Publication | None | Zlatko Mrnjec | 2019 | UBE |
41161 | Lebensqualität und Nachhaltigkeit: Die Sicht der Bevölkerung in Pärken von nationaler Bedeutung - Kurzbericht | Publication | File (digital) | Wiesli, Thea; Hammer, Thomas | 2019 | FRG |
42481 | Jahresbericht - Rapport Annuel - Annual Report: 2011, FR | Publication | File (digital) | Swiss Parks Network | 2011 | NWP |
32874 | HIST - Die Geschichte der Schweizer Pärke - L'histoire des parcs suisses: 2014 | Publication | File (digital) | Swiss Parks Network | 2020 | NWP |
42470 | Jahresbericht - Rapport Annuel - Annual Report: 2017, DE | Publication | File (digital) | Swiss Parks Network | 2017 | NWP |
32870 | HIST - Die Geschichte der Schweizer Pärke - L'histoire des parcs suisses: 1914 | Publication | File (digital) | Swiss Parks Network | 2020 | NWP |
29867 | Extrait: SwissTrails. Outdoor. Swiss Made, p. 124 FR | Publication | File (digital) | SwissTrails | 2014 | NWP |
40095 | Population ecology and conservation of the wryneck Jynx torquilla in the Valais annual report 2007 | Publication | File (digital) | Michael Schaub | 2007 | NPF |
38269 | Landschaftswandel im Val Müstair mit Hilfe von Refotografie von historischer Bildern | Publication | None | SNP, Rapp, M. | 2019 | BVM |
42480 | Jahresbericht - Rapport Annuel - Annual Report: 2012, FR | Publication | File (digital) | Swiss Parks Network | 2012 | NWP |
10269 | Angebotsbroschüre Raiffeisen 2012 DE | Publication | File (digital) | Swiss Parks Network, Raiffeisen Schweiz | 2012 | NWP |
10280 | Übersichtskarte Schweizer Pärke - Carte générale parcs suisses; A4 2012 DE | Publication | File (digital) | Swiss Parks Network | 2012 | NWP |
54801 | Geodaten-basierte 3D Visualisierung von Szenarien zur Partizipation der Bevölkerung bei der Landschaftsplanung | Publication | None | Wissen Ulrike, Schroth Olaf, Schmid Willy A. ETH Zürich | 2010 | UBE |
43418 | 100 Jahre echt wild. Sonderausgabe zum Jubiläum des Schweizerischen Nationalparks. MySwitzerland.com/natur | Publication | None | Switzerland Tourism - Schweiz Tourismus - Suisse Tourisme | 0 | NWP |
33104 | Die Bündner Pärke Übersicht und Portraits | Publication | File (digital) | Verein Bündner Pärke | 2016 | NWP |
42477 | Jahresbericht - Rapport Annuel - Annual Report: 2013, FR | Publication | File (digital) | Swiss Parks Network | 2013 | NWP |
40138 | Human impacts on fire occurrence: a case study of hundred years of forest fires in a dry alpine valley in Switzerland | Publication | File (digital) | Thomas Zumbrunnen | 2012 | NPF |
39910 | Manipulative experiments demonstrate how long-term soil moisture changes alter controls of plant water use | Publication | File (digital) | Charlotte Grossiord | 2017 | NPF |
39745 | Verein Bündner Pärke: Karte Wanderausstellung | Publication | File (digital) | Naturfreunde Schweiz | 2020 | NWP |
42224 | River Restoration: Potential and limitations to re-establish riparian landscapes. Assessment Planning. | Publication | File (digital) | Sigrun ROHDE, Klaus C. Ewald, Felix Kienast, Peter Englmaier | 2004 | NPF |
42208 | Potential shift in tree species composition after interaction of fire and drought in the Central Alps | Publication | File (digital) | B. Moser, C. Temperli, G. Schneiter , T. Wohlgemuth | 2010 | NPF |
40071 | Conservation of the Wryneck Jynx torquilla in the Valais | Publication | File (digital) | Michael Schaub | 2017 | NPF |
50722 | Abschätzung der Naturpark-induzierten touristischen Bruttowertschöpfungseffekte im Naturpark Diemtigtal | Publication | None | Dominik Siegrist | 2019 | DIE |
40114 | Multidisciplinary investigations on three rock glaciers in the Swiss Alps: Legacies and future perspectives | Publication | File (digital) | Sarah . Springman | 2012 | NPF |
30980 | Übersichtskarte Schweizer Pärke - Carte générale parcs suisses; A4 2013 IT | Publication | File (digital) | Swiss Parks Network | 2013 | NWP |
41401 | Mit dem Biber leben: Bestandeserhebung 2008 Perspektiven für den Umgang mit dem Biber in der Schweiz | Publication | File (digital) | Christof Angst | 2010 | NPF |
40081 | Conservation of the hoopoe Upupa epops in the Valais Annual report 2010 | Publication | File (digital) | Michael Schaub | 2011 | NPF |
42206 | Rhone-Thur Projekt Subprojekt I-2: Wassertemperaturen und Wärmehaushalt der Rhone und ihrer Seitenbäche | Publication | File (digital) | Werner Meier, Martin Frey, Lorenz Moosmann, Seraina Steinlin und Alfred Wüest | 2004 | NPF |
41521 | Forward modelling of tree-ring width and comparison with a global network of tree-ring chronologies | Publication | File (digital) | P. Breitenmoser, S. Brönnimann, D. Frank | 2014 | NPF |
39917 | Relationships Between Landform and Phyto-Diversity in the Turtmann Valley, Switzerland | Publication | File (digital) | Konstanze Kleinod | 2007 | NPF |
37019 | Corporate Volunteering in Schweizer Pärken - Corporate Volunteering dans les parcs suisses; Flyer FR | Publication | File (digital) | Swiss Parks Network | 2017 | NWP |
39893 | Variable queen number in ant colonies: No impact on queen turnover, inbreeding, and population genetic differentiation in the ant Formica selysi | Publication | File (digital) | Michel Chapuisat | 2004 | NPF |
32871 | HIST - Die Geschichte der Schweizer Pärke - L'histoire des parcs suisses: 2008 | Publication | File (digital) | Swiss Parks Network | 2020 | NWP |
39877 | Thermal Remote Sensing with UAV-Based Workflows | Publication | File (digital) | Ruedi Boesch | 2017 | NPF |
54109 | Auftreten des Schlangenadlers Circaetus gallicus in der Schweiz von 1900 bis 1993 | Publication | File (digital) | Marc Kéry und Bertrand Posse | 1998 | NPF |
50680 | Auswirkungen langfristiger Umweltveränderungen auf alpine Ökosysteme | Publication | None | Christian Körner | 2019 | ELA |
41481 | Drought as an Inciting Mortality Factor in Scots Pine Stands of the Valais, Switzerland | Publication | File (digital) | Christof Bigler | 2006 | NPF |
39954 | Flexible colony-founding strategies in a socially polymorphic ant | Publication | File (digital) | Anabelle Reber | 2009 | NPF |
42482 | Jahresbericht - Rapport Annuel - Annual Report: 2011, DE | Publication | File (digital) | Swiss Parks Network | 2011 | NWP |
29777 | Sauvage depuis 1914. Edition spéciale centenaire du Parc National Suisse. MySwitzerland.com/nature FR | Publication | File (digital) | Switzerland Tourism - Schweiz Tourismus - Suisse Tourisme | 2014 | NWP |
52052 | Protection et valorisation du patrimoine géomorphologique du Parc naturel régional Gruyère Pays-dEnhaut | Publication | File (digital) | Jonathan Bussard | 2014 | GPE |
40128 | Habitat selection by foraging Wrynecks Jynx torquilla during the breeding season: identifying the optimal habitat profile | Publication | File (digital) | Nadja Weisshaupt | 2011 | NPF |
42210 | Ökologie der Rhone Resultate aktueller Erhebungen des Forschungsprojekts RhoneThur | Publication | File (digital) | Armin Peter | 2004 | NPF |
40105 | Banalisation de lavifaune du paysage agricole sur trois surfaces témoins du Valais (19882006) | Publication | File (digital) | Antoine Sierro | 2009 | NPF |
41748 | Overview of rock glacier kinematics research in the Swiss Alps | Publication | File (digital) | Reynald Delaloye, Christophe Lambiel, Isabelle Gärtner-Roer, | 2010 | NPF |
31294 | Corporate Volunteering in Schweizer Pärken - Corporate Volunteering dans les parcs suisses; Flyer DE | Publication | File (digital) | Swiss Parks Network | 2015 | NWP |
52051 | Les lichens cibles du Parc naturel régional Gruyère Pays-dEnhaut | Publication | None | Marine Berdoz | 2021 | GPE |
40109 | Le Bruant ortolan Emberiza hortulana en Valais - Suivi de la population en 2008 et quatrième année de mesures expérimentales de conservation | Publication | File (digital) | Emmanuel Revaz | 2008 | NPF |
40132 | Die Natur bestimmt, wanns los geht | Publication | File (digital) | Gottardo Pestalozzi | 2016 | NPF |
36965 | Landschaftsbewertung Regionaler Naturpark Val Müstair | Publication | File (digital) | BVM, Hintermann & Weber / Darnuzer, U., Ziegler, B. | 2007 | BVM |
42227 | Homeostatic levels of nonstructural carbohydrates after 13 yr of drought and irrigation in Pinus sylvestris | Publication | File (digital) | Leonie Schönbeck, Arthur Gessler , Günter Hoch, Nate G. McDowell, Andreas Rigling, Marcus Schaub and Mai-He Li | 2018 | NPF |
10281 | Übersichtskarte Schweizer Pärke - Carte générale parcs suisses; A4 2011 DE | Publication | File (digital) | Swiss Parks Network | 2011 | NWP |
50589 | Hydrologie von Hochmooren und deren Bedeutung für die Wasserspeicherung | Publication | None | Kyra Marty | 0 | UBE |
39931 | Recovery of the Alpine lynx Lynx lynx metapopulation | Publication | File (digital) | Anja Molinari-Jobin | 2010 | NPF |
40073 | Patches of Bare Ground as a Staple Commodity for Declining Ground-Foraging Insectivorous Farmland Birds | Publication | File (digital) | Michael Schaub | 2010 | NPF |
39915 | How to predict tree death from inventory data lessons from a systematic assessment of European tree mortality models | Publication | File (digital) | Lisa Hülsmann | 2017 | NPF |
35597 | Freizeitaktivitäten in der Kernzone der UNESCO Biosphäre Entlebuch: Die Nutzung der Schrattenflue durch Wintertourengänger. Hinweise für eine angepasste Besucherlenkung. | Publication | File (digital) | Helbling, Lesly | 2009 | UBE |
50631 | Akzeptanz, Identifikation und Engagement (AKIDEN): Ansichten und Mitwirkung der Bevölkerung in UNESCO Biosphärenreservaten | Publication | LTO3 | Eike von Lindern | 2019 | UBE |
50678 | Mares agro-ecologiques du parc jura vaudios | Publication | None | Nelly Bonnet | 2019 | PJV |
41276 | Nachhaltige Entwicklung am Beispiel des Regionalen Naturparks Thal | Publication | File (digital) | Paul Burger | 2009 | NPT |
39907 | Wiederfund und Bestätigung von Lixus vilis (Rossi, 1790) in der Schweiz nach über 100 Jahren (Coleoptera, Curculionidae) | Publication | File (digital) | Christoph Germann | 2015 | NPF |
39950 | Social structure varies with elevation in an Alpine ant | Publication | File (digital) | Jessica Purcell | 2014 | NPF |
33963 | Spezialitäten-Katalog - Catalogue de spécialités - Catalogo di specialità; 2015 IT | Publication | File (digital) | Swiss Parks Network | 2015 | NWP |
39989 | Alternative life-histories in a socially polymorphic ant | Publication | File (digital) | Herve Rosset | 2006 | NPF |
42267 | Vegetation structure and decreased moth abundance limit the recolonisation of restored habitat by the European Nightjar | Publication | File (digital) | Nathalie Winiger, Pius Korner, Raphal Arlettaz, Alain Jacot | 2018 | NPF |
41465 | Synthesebericht Schwall/Sunk | Publication | File (digital) | Peter Baumann, Tobias Meile, Markus Fette | 2005 | NPF |
50080 | Wintermonitoring Piz Dora Schlussbericht - Einfluss einer forstlich aufgeweiteten Waldschneise auf die räumliche Schneesport-Nutzung im Val Müstair | Publication | File (digital) | Blank-Pachlatko, J., Volpert, F., Rupf, R. | 2021 | BVM |
39945 | Convergent Genetic Architecture Underlies Social Organization in Ants | Publication | File (digital) | Jessica Purcell | 2014 | NPF |
40075 | Conservation de la Huppe fasciée Upupa epops en Valais: suivi 2002 | Publication | File (digital) | Michael Schaad | 2002 | NPF |
39936 | Hoopoe males experience intra8209;seasonal while females experience inter8209;seasonal reproductive costs | Publication | File (digital) | Floriane Plard | 2017 | NPF |
43349 | Biosfera Val Müstair - Fünfjahresplanung 2020-2024 - Projektblätter | Publication | File (digital) | Spinnler, D., Feichtinger, L., Peter, F., Frohn, T., Schwyzer, Y., Merz, K., Gurtner, T. | 2019 | BVM |
31447 | Übersichtskarte Schweizer Pärke - Carte générale parcs suisses; A4 2015 08 DE | Publication | File (digital) | Swiss Parks Network | 2015 | NWP |
54819 | A threefold plant specialist distribution, habitat requirements and nesting biology of the rare leafcutter bee Megachile genalis in the eastern Swiss Alps (Hymenoptera, Megachilidae) | Publication | File (digital) | Andreas Muller, Urs Weibel, Regina Lenz | 2024 | ELA |
41492 | HIST - Die Geschichte der Schweizer Pärke - L'histoire des parcs suisses: 2021 | Publication | File (digital) | Swiss Parks Network | 2021 | NWP |
43403 | Swiss Tourism in figures - Schweizer Tourismus in Zahlen - Le tourisme suisse en chiffres | Publication | None | Swiss Tourism Federation STF - Schweizer Tourismus-Verband STV - Fédération suisse du tourisme FST | 0 | NWP |
42165 | Conservation ecology of the endangered Iolas blue Iolana iolas (Lepidoptera, Lycaenidae): enhancing monitoring schemes and habitat restoration | Publication | File (digital) | Patrick Heer, Jerome Pellet, Antoine Sierro, Raphael Arlettaz | 2011 | NPF |
41464 | Subprojekt I-6: Revitalisierung und Benthos der Rhone | Publication | File (digital) | Peter Baumann | 2004 | NPF |
39879 | The effects of ground vegetation cover on vineyard habitat use by the woodlark Lullula arborea and its arthropod prey | Publication | None | Laura Bosco | 2014 | NPF |
39872 | Impacts of Outdoor Winter Recreation on Alpine Wildlife and Mitigation Approaches: A Case Study of the Black Grouse | Publication | File (digital) | Raphal Arlettaz | 2013 | NPF |
41408 | No carbon bet hedging in pine seedlings under prolonged summer drought and elevated CO2 | Publication | File (digital) | Christoph Bachofen, Barbara Moser, Günter Hoch, Jaboury Ghazoul, Thomas Wohlgemuth | 2017 | NPF |
39866 | The Swiss Parks - Small wonders of the world. (Map) | Publication | File (digital) | FOEN BAFU OFEV UFAM | 2020 | NWP |
9781 | Farm experiences in Swiss Parks - Erlebnis Bauernhof in Schweizer Pärken - De fermes en découvertes dans les parcs suisses | Publication | File (digital) | Agritourism Switzerland, Swiss Parks Network | 2012 | NWP |
52072 | Développement et mise à jour du Chemin des Fontaines, un sentier thématique emblématique du Jorat lausannois | Publication | File (digital) | Vincent Jeannet, Betreuer: Yves Hausser | 2022 | PDJ |
39899 | Growth response of Scots pine with different crown transparency status to drought release | Publication | File (digital) | Britta Eilmann | 2013 | NPF |
41518 | Multi-temporal mapping of the Upper Rhone Valley (Valais, Switzerland): fluvial landscape changes at the end of the Little Ice Age (18th19th centuries) | Publication | File (digital) | Filippo Brandolini | 2020 | NPF |
40120 | Variation der Gelegegrößen des Wendehalses Jynx torquilla in Untersuchungsgebieten Deutschlands und der Schweiz | Publication | File (digital) | Dirk Tolkmitt | 2009 | NPF |
39925 | A new 3-D thin-skinned rock glacier model based on helicopter GPR results from the Swiss Alps | Publication | File (digital) | Kaspar Merz | 2015 | NPF |
31094 | Spezialitäten-Katalog - Catalogue de spécialités - Catalogo di specialità; 2014 DE | Publication | File (digital) | Swiss Parks Network | 2014 | NWP |
39902 | Food provision to nestlings in the Hoopoe Upupa epops: implications for the conservation of a small endangered population in the Swiss Alps | Publication | File (digital) | Jérôme Fournier | 0 | NPF |
37588 | Verkehr in der Biosfera Val Müstair-Parc Naziunal - Analyse und Handlungsempfehlungen | Publication | File (digital) | Züllig, Carla | 2007 | BVM |
33111 | Coopzeitung: Schöne Heimat - Parklandschaft Schweiz DE | Publication | File (digital) | coop | 2016 | NWP |
42159 | Effect of irrigation on needle morphology, shoot and stem growth in a drought-exposed Pinus sylvestris forest | Publication | File (digital) | aud Giuggiola | 2009 | NPF |
40099 | Population ecology and conservation of the wryneck Jynx torquilla in the Valais annual report 2002 | Publication | File (digital) | Michael Schaub | 2002 | NPF |
40094 | Population ecology and conservation of the wryneck Jynx torquilla in the Valais annual report 2006 | Publication | File (digital) | Michael Schaub | 2006 | NPF |
37042 | Naturpark Thal: Vorschläge für eine bessere Integration der Museen Projekt | Publication | File (digital) | Ermel Sandra, Holstein Susanne | 2012 | NPT |
39897 | Habitat suitability modelling and components of reproductive success in the Wryneck Jynx torquilla | Publication | File (digital) | Samuel Ehrenbold | 2004 | NPF |
42215 | Schwebstoffhaushalt und Trübung der Rhone | Publication | File (digital) | Mira Portmann, Peter Baumann, Barbara Imhof | 2004 | NPF |
39881 | Argandite, Mn7(VO4)2(OH)8, the V analogue of allactite from the metamorphosed Mn ores at Pipji, Turtmann Valley, Switzerland | Publication | File (digital) | Jol Brugger | 2011 | NPF |
52226 | Analysebericht Regionaler Naturpark Schaffhausen | Publication | File (digital) | Moritz Lüchinger, Oliver Conde, ZHAW. | 2015 | NPS |
42214 | Soil Moisture Data for the Validation of Permafrost Models Using Direct and Indirect Measurement Approaches at Three Alpine Sites | Publication | File (digital) | Cécile Pellet, Christin Hilbich, Antoine Marmy and Christian Hauck | 2015 | NPF |
54251 | Foraging ecology and reproductive biology of the Stonechat Saxicola torquata: Comparison between a revitalized, intensively cultivated and a historical, traditionally cultivated agro-ecosystem | Publication | File (digital) | Emmanuel Revaz, Michael Schaub, Raphael Arlettaz | 2008 | NPF |
29775 | 100 Jahre echt wild. Sonderausgabe zum Jubiläum des Schweizerischen Nationalparks. MySwitzerland.com/natur DE | Publication | File (digital) | Switzerland Tourism - Schweiz Tourismus - Suisse Tourisme | 2014 | NWP |
50633 | Ruhe im Park? Tranquility im Jurapark Aargau | Publication | None | Niederhuber Monika | 2019 | JPA |
40125 | Short-distance migration of Wrynecks Jynx torquilla from Central European populations | Publication | File (digital) | rien E. van Wijk | 2013 | NPF |
31445 | Übersichtskarte Schweizer Pärke - Carte générale parcs suisses; A4 2015 08 IT | Publication | File (digital) | Swiss Parks Network | 2015 | NWP |
50679 | Rind ist nicht gleich Rind - Wie unterschiedliche Rassen die Kulturlandschaft prägen | Publication | None | Caren M. Pauler | 2019 | ELA |
39937 | Sex-Specific Heterogeneity in Fixed Morphological Traits Influences Individual Fitness in a Monogamous Bird Population | Publication | File (digital) | Floriane Plard | 2017 | NPF |
39876 | Determination of spatiotemporal variability of tree water uptake using stable isotopes (948;18O, 948;2H) in an alluvial system supplied by a high-altitude watershed, Pfyn Forest, Switzerland | Publication | File (digital) | Guillaume Bertrand | 2012 | NPF |
36972 | Eisenzeitliche Metallgewinnung im Oberhalbstein (CH, Graubünden) | Publication | File (digital) | Turck Rouven | 2015 | ELA |
10277 | Übersichtskarte Schweizer Pärke - Carte générale parcs suisses; A4 2013 FR | Publication | File (digital) | Swiss Parks Network | 2013 | NWP |
42468 | Jahresbericht - Rapport Annuel - Annual Report: 2018, FR | Publication | File (digital) | Swiss Parks Network | 2018 | NWP |
39964 | Oat fields for the benefit of Ortolan Buntings Emberiza hortulana? An experiment in the Upper Rhône valley (Valais, Switzerland) | Publication | File (digital) | Emmanuel Revaz | 2009 | NPF |
39957 | Diversity, prevalence and virulence of fungal entomopathogens in colonies of the ant Formica selysi | Publication | File (digital) | Anabelle Reber | 2011 | NPF |
42166 | Schriller Lärm im Fokus: neues zu Verbreitung, Ökologie und Schutz von Tibicina steveni und T. quadrasignata im Wallis (cicadidae) | Publication | File (digital) | Thomas Hertach, Sonja Gerber | 2019 | NPF |
41772 | Prise en compte des arbres-habitats dans la gestion du boisement des pâturages boisés | Publication | File (digital) | Ummel, Jonathan | 2019 | PRC |
54636 | Analyse und Vergleich von Ranger-Konzepten in Schweizer Pärken | Publication | File (digital) | Authorin: Mumenthaler Eliane, Betreut durch: Frieder Voll FHGR, Reusser Lea FoLAP, SCNAT | 2023 | NPF |
42486 | Jahresbericht - Rapport Annuel - Annual Report: 2009, DE | Publication | File (digital) | Swiss Parks Network | 2009 | NWP |
40079 | Conservation of the hoopoe Upupa epops in the Valais annual report 2007 | Publication | File (digital) | Michael Schaub | 2008 | NPF |
43416 | Coopzeitung - Coopération - Cooperazione | Publication | None | Coop | 0 | NWP |
39922 | Seltene Vogelarten und ungewöhnliche Vogelbeobachtungen in der Schweiz im Jahre 2012 | Publication | File (digital) | David A. Marques | 2013 | NPF |
28767 | Coopzeitung: Schweizer Pärke - So schön ist unser Land DE | Publication | File (digital) | coop | 2014 | NWP |
42101 | Invasion genetics of marsh frogs (Pelophylax ridibundus sensu lato) in Switzerland | Publication | File (digital) | Christophe Dufresnes | 2017 | NPF |
42217 | Climatic Change and Debris Flows in High Mountain Regions: The Case Study of the Ritigraben Torrent (Swiss Alps) | Publication | File (digital) | MARTINE REBETEZ, RALPH LUGON and PIERRE-ALAIN BAERISWYL | 1997 | NPF |
35233 | Wie sollen die Posten des Nachhaltigkeitserlebnispfades gestaltet werden, damit die Schüler/innen der 3. und 4. Klasse an ihr Vorwissen anknüpfen können und gleichzeitig durch aktiv-entdeckendes Lernen ihr Wissen erweitern können? | Publication | File (digital) | Schnegg, S., Meury, C. | 2016 | NPT |
43729 | Biosfera Val Müstair - Vierjahresplanung 2016-2019 - Projektblätter | Publication | File (digital) | Zimmermann, U. | 2016 | BVM |
36198 | Ecological light pollution in the Gantrisch Naturpark | Publication | File (digital) | Hale, James | 2018 | FRG |
50717 | Jahresbericht - Rapport Annuel - Annual Report: 2021, FR | Publication | File (digital) | Swiss Parks Network | 2021 | NWP |
50105 | Das geotouristische Angebot der Schweiz: Charakteristika und Potenzial für Geoparks | Publication | File (digital) | G. Regolini, S. Martin, A. Reynard | 2021 | NWP |
34517 | The Swiss Parks - Small wonders of the world. (Map) | Publication | File (digital) | FOEN BAFU OFEV UFAM | 2017 | NWP |
39928 | Queen acceptance in a socially polymorphic ant | Publication | File (digital) | Joel Meunier | 2011 | NPF |
40085 | Conservation of the Hoopoe Upupa epops in the Valais Annual report 2014 | Publication | File (digital) | Michael Schaub | 2014 | NPF |
40104 | Exploring the Nature of Management - Proceedings of the Third International Conference on Monitoring and Management of Visitor Flows in Recreational and Protected Areas | Publication | File (digital) | Dominik Siegrist | 2006 | NPF |
39903 | Monitoring the feeding activity of nesting birds with an autonomous system: the case study of the endangered Wryneck Jynx Torquilla | Publication | File (digital) | Anne Freitag | 2001 | NPF |
40142 | Schweizer Bauer: Agrotourismus Spezial_Pärke. | Publication | File (digital) | Schweizer Bauer | 2020 | NWP |
43348 | Leitbild Biosfera Val Müstair - Parc Naziunal | Publication | File (digital) | BVM, SNP | 2008 | BVM |
40072 | The demographic drivers of local population dynamics in two rare migratory birds | Publication | File (digital) | Michael Schaub | 2011 | NPF |
40108 | Le Bruant ortolan Emberiza hortulana en Valais | Publication | File (digital) | Antoine Sierro | 2007 | NPF |
52643 | Jahresbericht - Rapport Annuel - Annual Report: 2022, DE | Publication | File (digital) | Swiss Parks Network | 2022 | NWP |
29921 | SwissTrails. Buchbare Angebote in den ursprünglichsten Landschaften der Schweiz DE | Publication | File (digital) | SwissTrails | 2014 | NWP |
32728 | Übersichtskarte Schweizer Pärke - Carte générale parcs suisses; A4 2016 FR | Publication | File (digital) | Swiss Parks Network | 2016 | NWP |
50727 | An online platform for spatial and iterative modelling with Bayesian Networks | Publication | None | Ana Stritih | 2020 | UBE |
39923 | Foraging habitat selection in the last Ortolan Bunting Emberiza hortulana population in Switzerland: final lessons before extinction | Publication | File (digital) | Myles H. M. Menz | 2009 | NPF |
28768 | Coopération: Parc suisses - Notre pays est si beau FR | Publication | File (digital) | coop | 2014 | NWP |
42464 | Jahresbericht - Rapport Annuel - Annual Report | Publication | None | Swiss Parks Network | 0 | NWP |
40068 | Conservation of the hoopoe Upupa epops in the Valais annual report 2006 | Publication | File (digital) | Michael Schaad | 2007 | NPF |
29868 | Excerpt: SwissTrails. Outdoor. Swiss Made, p. 124 EN | Publication | File (digital) | SwissTrails | 2014 | NWP |
50322 | Evaluation der Chartas der Regionalen Naturpärke Chasseral, Diemtigtal und Gantrisch. Synthesebericht | Publication | File (digital) | Universität Bern im Auftrag des Amtes für Gemeinden und Raumordnung des Kantons Bern | 2019 | NWP |
42450 | Spezialitäten-Katalog - Catalogue de spécialités - Catalogo di specialità | Publication | None | Swiss Parks Network | 0 | NWP |
54629 | Des Alpes au Léman. Images de la préhistoire | Publication | File (digital) | Gallay, A | 2008 | NPF |
30964 | Übersichtskarte Schweizer Pärke - Carte générale parcs suisses; A4 2015 DE | Publication | File (digital) | Swiss Parks Network | 2015 | NWP |
39906 | Impact of weather variation on feeding behaviour, nestling growth and brood survival in Wrynecks Jynx torquilla | Publication | File (digital) | Stephanie Geiser | 2008 | NPF |
50681 | Intégration des parcs dimportance nationale dans des réseaux daires protégées à large échelle - fondements et conséquences | Publication | None | Ian Florin | 2019 | ELA |
28769 | Cooperazione: Parchi svizzeri - Come é bella la Svizzera IT | Publication | File (digital) | coop | 2014 | NWP |
31446 | Übersichtskarte Schweizer Pärke - Carte générale parcs suisses; A4 2015 08 FR | Publication | File (digital) | Swiss Parks Network | 2015 | NWP |
35386 | Zonendefinition für Nachtdunkelheit des Sternenparks Gantrisch | Publication | File (digital) | Flückiger, Lea | 2018 | FRG |
42274 | Stomatal regulation by microclimate and tree water relations: interpreting ecophysiological field data with a hydraulic plant model | Publication | File (digital) | Roman Zweifel, Kathy Steppe and Frank J. Sterck | 2007 | NPF |
39880 | Breeding Dispersal of Eurasian Hoopoes (Upupa epops) within and between Years in Relation to Reproductive Success, Sex, and Age | Publication | File (digital) | Yves Bötsch | 2012 | NPF |
42446 | HIST - Die Geschichte der Schweizer Pärke - L'histoire des parcs suisses | Publication | None | Swiss Parks Network | 0 | NWP |
40113 | Identifying drivers of breeding success in a long-distance migrant using structural equation modelling | Publication | File (digital) | Guillaume Souchay | 2018 | NPF |
50849 | Gesamtheitliche Evaluation der Wirkungen von Parkmanagements: Erkenntnisse aus der Evaluation von Regionalen Naturpärken in der Schweiz | Publication | File (digital) | Interdisziplinäres Zentrum für Nachhaltige Entwicklung und Umwelt CDE. Thomas Hammer, Roger Bär, Albrecht Ehrensperger, Andreas Friedli, Karina Liec | 2022 | NWP |
40139 | Pine and mistletoes: How to live with a leak in the water flow and storage system? | Publication | File (digital) | Roman Zweifel | 2011 | NPF |
39956 | Experimentally increased group diversity improves disease resistance in an ant species | Publication | File (digital) | Anbelle Reber | 2008 | NPF |
38954 | HIST - Die Geschichte der Schweizer Pärke - L'histoire des parcs suisses: 2020 | Publication | File (digital) | Swiss Parks Network | 2020 | NWP |
40101 | Modulation of the adrenocortical response to acute stress with respect to brood value, reproductive success and survival in the Eurasian hoopoe | Publication | File (digital) | Baptiste Schmid | 2013 | NPF |
40065 | Sex Allocation Conflict in Ants: When the Queen Rules | Publication | File (digital) | Hervé Rosset | 2006 | NPF |
42160 | Process-based, Spatially-explicit Modelling of Riparian Forest Dynamics in Central Europe Tool for Decision-making in River Restoration | Publication | File (digital) | Christian Glänzt | 2009 | NPF |
40074 | Conservation de la Huppe fasciée Upupa epops en Valais: suivi 2001 | Publication | File (digital) | Michael Schaad | 2001 | NPF |
42256 | Natural tracers to quantify seasonal variations of groundwater mixing in a complex alluvial aquifer (Pfynwald, Switzerland) | Publication | File (digital) | Marc Schürch, Francois D. Vuataz | 2000 | NPF |
42820 | Jahresbericht - Rapport Annuel - Annual Report: 2020, FR | Publication | File (digital) | Swiss Parks Network | 2020 | NWP |
36878 | Ferngelenkte fliegende Kisten - Kurzfassung der Studie Zivile Drohnen - Herausforderungen und Perspektiven | Publication | File (digital) | TA-SWISS | 2018 | NWP |
31051 | Regionale Naturpärke - Parcs naturel régionaux | Publication | File (digital) | Jura and Three-Lakes - Jura und Drei-Seen-Land - Jura et Trois-Lacs | 2015 | NWP |
39896 | Immune priming and pathogen resistance in ant queens | Publication | File (digital) | Dumas Gálvez | 2014 | NPF |
42475 | Jahresbericht - Rapport Annuel - Annual Report: 2014, DE | Publication | File (digital) | Swiss Parks Network | 2014 | NWP |
40126 | Responses of sapwood ray parenchyma and non-structural carbohydrates of Pinus sylvestris to drought and long-term irrigation | Publication | File (digital) | Georg von Arx | 2017 | NPF |
36795 | Aide-mémoire: Respect en volant avec un drone - Quelques recommandations pour éviter de perturber les oiseaux et les autres animaux sauvages. | Publication | File (digital) | JFK/CSF/CCP / Schweizerischer Verband ziviler Drohnen / Schweizerischer Vogelwarte | 2018 | NWP |
40086 | Conservation of the Hoopoe Upupa epops in the Valais Annual report 2015 | Publication | File (digital) | Michael Schaub | 2015 | NPF |
40078 | Conservation de la Huppe fasciée Upupa epops en plaine valaisanne: suivi 2005 | Publication | File (digital) | Antoine Sierro | 2006 | NPF |
39955 | Diversity, prevalence and virulence of fungal entomopathogens in colonies of the ant Formica selysi | Publication | File (digital) | Anabelle Reber | 2011 | NPF |
43356 | Rapport annual Biosfera Val Müstair 2020 | Publication | File (digital) | BVM | 2020 | BVM |
42263 | Reduced sediment supply in a fast eroding landscape? A multiproxy sediment budget of the upper Rhône basin, Central Alps | Publication | File (digital) | Laura Stutenbecker, Romain Delunel, Fritz Schlunegger, Tiago Adrio Silva, Branimir egvi&263;, Stéphanie Girardclos, Maarten Bakker, Anna Costa, Stuart N. Lane, Jean-Luc Loizeau, Peter Molnar, Naki Akar, Marcus Christl | 2017 | NPF |
28600 | Lingua Natura; DE / FR / IT / RM | Publication | File (digital) | Swiss Parks Network | 2012 | NWP |
50520 | Beurteilung der Nachhaltigkeitsleistung des Produktlabels der Schweizer Pärke | Publication | File (digital) | David Raemy, Matthias Meier, Veronika Zbinden | 2021 | NWP |
28602 | Lingua Natura; DE / FR / IT / RM | Publication | File (digital) | Swiss Parks Network | 2014 | NWP |
42223 | Intra-annual tree-ring parameters indicating differences in drought stress of Pinus sylvestris forests within the Erico-Pinion in the Valais (Switzerland) | Publication | File (digital) | Andreas Rigling, Otto Bräker, Gustav Schneiter and Fritz Schweingruber | 2001 | NPF |
41525 | Lernen aus Extremereignissen | Publication | File (digital) | Bründl, M.; Schweizer, J. | 2019 | NPF |
40076 | Conservation de la Huppe fasciée Upupa epops en Valais: suivi 2003 | Publication | File (digital) | Michael Schaad | 2004 | NPF |
42158 | The role of nutrients in drought-induced tree mortality and recovery | Publication | File (digital) | Arthur Gessler, Marcus Schaub and Nate G. McDowell | 2016 | NPF |
41527 | Plasticity of Fine-Root Traits Under Long-Term Irrigation of a Water-Limited Scots Pine Forest | Publication | File (digital) | Ivano Brunner,Claude Herzog, Luca Galiano, Arthur Gessler | 2019 | NPF |
43370 | Rapport annual Biosfera Val Müstair 2019 | Publication | File (digital) | BVM | 2019 | BVM |
33735 | Excerpt: Schweizer Pärke als Pilotregionen (S. 22-23) | Publication | File (digital) | PUSCH: Erne Bettina | 2016 | NWP |
35336 | Auswirkungen der Umgebung auf die Vitalität der Waldameisen in der UNESCO Biosphäre Entlebuch. | Publication | None | Gross, Simon | 2015 | UBE |
43730 | Biosfera Val Müstair - Vierjahresplanung 2012-2015 - Projektblätter | Publication | File (digital) | BVM | 2012 | BVM |
43417 | Schweizer Genusswoche-Magazin | Publication | None | Die Genusswoche - la semaine du Got | 0 | NWP |
42212 | Quantifying sediment storage in a high alpine valley (Turtmanntal, Switzerland) | Publication | File (digital) | Jan-Christoph Otto, Lothar Schrott, Michel Jaboyedoff and Richard Dikau | 2009 | NPF |
35391 | Verbesserung der wirtschaftlichen Situation von Landwirtschaftsbetrieben in der UNESCO Biosphäre Entlebuch. | Publication | File (digital) | Herzog, Benjamin | 2012 | UBE |
50281 | Naturschutz und Tourismus in der UNESCO Biosphäre Entlebuch | Publication | File (digital) | Adrian Felber | 2020 | UBE |
41405 | No mate preference associated with the supergene controlling social organization in Alpine silver ants | Publication | File (digital) | Amaury Avril, Sacha Zahnd, Jelisaveta Djordjevic & Michel Chapuisat | 2019 | NPF |
39958 | Migratory connectivity in a declining bird species: using feather isotopes to inform demographic modelling | Publication | File (digital) | Thomas S. Reichlin | 2010 | NPF |
39930 | Split sex ratios in the social Hymenoptera: a meta-analysis | Publication | File (digital) | Joel Meunier | 2008 | NPF |
43404 | Natura Trail - Naturschätzen auf der Spur - Sur les traces des merveilles de la nature | Publication | None | Naturfreunde Schweiz | 0 | NWP |
42465 | Jahresbericht - Rapport Annuel - Annual Report: 2019, DE | Publication | File (digital) | Swiss Parks Network | 2019 | NWP |
39946 | The influence of social structure on brood survival and development in a socially polymorphic ant: insights from a cross-fostering experiment | Publication | File (digital) | Jessica Purcell | 2012 | NPF |
33961 | Spezialitäten-Katalog - Catalogue de spécialités - Catalogo di specialità; 2015 DE | Publication | File (digital) | Swiss Parks Network | 2015 | NWP |
31305 | Coopération: Un été gourmand en perspective - Ma Région FR | Publication | File (digital) | coop | 2015 | NWP |
50632 | Akzeptanz des Landschaftsparks Binntal in der lokalen Bevölkerung | Publication | None | | 2019 | LPB |
31096 | Spezialitäten-Katalog - Catalogue de spécialités - Catalogo di specialità; 2014 IT | Publication | File (digital) | Swiss Parks Network | 2014 | NWP |
35122 | Die Orchideen des Schweizerischen Nationalparks, der Val Müstair und angrenzende Gebiete | Publication | None | Wartmann, B., Wartmann, C. | 2017 | SNP |
42202 | Application of geotechnical and geophysical field measurements in an active alpine environment | Publication | File (digital) | D.R.Lucas, K.Fankhauser & S.M.Springman | 2016 | NPF |
43731 | Biosfera Val Müstair - Vierjahresplanung 2008-2011 - Projektblätter | Publication | File (digital) | BVM | 2008 | BVM |
40084 | Conservation of the hoopoe Upupa epops in the Valais Annual report 2012 | Publication | File (digital) | Michael Schaub | 2012 | NPF |
42221 | Phenotypic plasticity facilitates resistance to climate change in a highly variable environment | Publication | File (digital) | Sarah Richter, Tabea Kipfer, Thomas Wohlgemuth, Carlos Calderon Guerrero, Jaboury Ghazoul, Barbara Moser | 2011 | NPF |
41493 | Rent a Bike: Map rental stations - Faltkarte Mietstationen - carte stations de location | Publication | File (digital) | Rent a Bike | 2016 | NWP |
9779 | Overnight stay on a farm in the Swiss Parks - Bauernhofurlaub in Schweizer Pärken - Dormir à la ferme dans les parcs suisses | Publication | File (digital) | Agritourism Switzerland, Swiss Parks Network | 2013 | NWP |
50540 | Unmanned Aerial Vehicle as a new monitoring tool for detecting traces of winter sports participants in a sensible mountain area | Publication | None | Stefan Weber | 2016 | UBE |
9783 | Nature Friends Hostels - Naturfreundehäuser - Maisons des Amis de la Nature | Publication | File (digital) | Naturfreunde Schweiz | 2013 | NWP |
39949 | Foster carers influence brood pathogen resistance in ants | Publication | File (digital) | Jessica Purcell | 2014 | NPF |
43408 | Wandern in den Schweizer Pärken - Randonnées dans les Parcs suisses | Publication | None | Schweizer Wanderwege | 0 | NWP |
42207 | Föhrenverjüngung: Plastizität und Akklimatisation in einem trockeneren Klima | Publication | None | Barbara Moser, Christoph Bachofen, Thomas Wohlgemuth | 2018 | NPF |
40077 | Conservation de la Huppe fasciée Upupa epops en plaine valaisanne: suivi 2004 | Publication | File (digital) | Antoine Sierro | 2005 | NPF |
40090 | Population ecology and conservation of the wryneck Jynx torquilla in the Valais annual report 2003 | Publication | File (digital) | Michael Schaub | 2003 | NPF |
42211 | HRSC-A data: a new high-resolution data set with multipurpose applications in physical geography | Publication | File (digital) | J.-C. Otto, K. Kleinod, O. König, M. Krautblatter | 2007 | NPF |
35338 | Beurteilung der Neststandorte der Roten Waldameisen anhand von Vegetationsaufnahmen in der UNESCO Biosphäre Entlebuch. | Publication | File (digital) | Künzli, Manja | 2015 | UBE |
33366 | Spick-Poster: Les parcs suisses - plus cool que tu penses, FR | Publication | File (digital) | Spick | 2016 | NWP |
43243 | Historische Speicher im Naturpark Gantrisch entlang des Spycherwegs Vermittlung des Kulturellen Erbes | Publication | File (digital) | Tasmin Maag | 2021 | FRG |
42483 | Jahresbericht - Rapport Annuel - Annual Report: 2010, DE | Publication | File (digital) | Swiss Parks Network | 2010 | NWP |
42265 | Assessing Conifer Ray Parenchyma for Ecological Studies: Pitfalls and Guidelines | Publication | File (digital) | Georg von Arx, Alberto Arzac, José M. Olano and Patrick Fonti | 2015 | NPF |
35387 | Ozonmessungen in der UNESCO Biosphäre Entlebuch | Publication | File (digital) | Egli, Rosanna | 2015 | UBE |
32872 | HIST - Die Geschichte der Schweizer Pärke - L'histoire des parcs suisses: 2010 | Publication | File (digital) | Swiss Parks Network | 2020 | NWP |
10282 | Übersichtskarte Schweizer Pärke - Carte générale parcs suisses; A4 2012 FR | Publication | File (digital) | Swiss Parks Network | 2012 | NWP |
43352 | Charta 2021-2030 Naturpark Biosfera Val Müstair - Teil B. Parkreglement | Publication | File (digital) | Spinnler, D., Siegrist, D., Feichtinger, L. | 2020 | BVM |
41487 | Direct and indirect effects of land use on bryophytes in grasslands | Publication | File (digital) | Steffen Boch | 2018 | NPF |
35524 | Einfluss von Nutzungsaufgabe und Gehölzpflanzen im Freiland auf die Hangstabilität: eine Fallstudie aus dem Entlebuch. | Publication | File (digital) | Krummenacher, Jolanda | 2007 | UBE |
54688 | Biosfera Val Müstair - Gesuch um globale Finanzhilfen für den Betrieb 2025-2028 - Projektblätter | Publication | File (digital) | Spinnler, D., Feichtinger, L., Frohn, T., Gerber, C., Hohenegger, S., Merz, K., Oertli, A., Peter, F., Schadegg, C.Schwyzer, Y., Stemmer, Ch., Vinueza | 2024 | BVM |
43406 | The Swiss Parks. Small wonders of the world - Die Schweizer Pärke. Kleine Weltwunder - Les parcs suisses. Des joyaux à partager - I parchi svizzeri. Tesori da scoprire. | Publication | None | FOEN BAFU OFEV UFAM | 0 | NWP |
42268 | Zustand und Entwicklung der Biotope von nationaler Bedeutung: Resultate 20112017 der Wirkungskontrolle Biotopschutz Schweiz | Publication | File (digital) | Ariel Bergamini, Christian Ginzler, Benedikt R. Schmidt, Angéline Bedolla, Steffen Boch, Klaus Ecker, Ulrich Graf, Helen Küchler, Meinrad Küchler, Oliver Dosch, Rolf Holderegger | 2019 | NPF |
42682 | Poster: Agripark. Grundlagen und Toolbox fu776;r eine erfolgreiche Integration der Landwirtschaft in Regionalen Naturp8192;rken | Publication | File (digital) | Ruth, Moser und Sonja, Trachsel | 2020 | FRG |
40118 | The importance of bare ground for terrestrially foraging insectivorous farmland birds: a case study of the endangered Hoopoes (Upupa epops) | Publication | File (digital) | Aline Tagmann-Ioset | 2007 | NPF |
50726 | UNESCO Biosphäre Entlebuch - Was führt die Gäste in die Region? | Publication | None | Andrea Nigg | 2018 | UBE |
40137 | Population ecology and conservation of the wryneck Jynx torquilla in the Valais annual report 2008 | Publication | File (digital) | Silvia Zingg | 2008 | NPF |
42157 | Effects of mistletoe removal on growth, N and C reserves, and carbon and oxygen isotope composition in Scots pine hosts | Publication | File (digital) | Arthur Gessler, Andreas Rigling | 2016 | NPF |
42273 | Species-specific stomatal response of trees to drought a link to vegetation dynamics? | Publication | File (digital) | Roman Zweifel, Andreas Rigling | 2009 | NPF |
43413 | SwissTrails. Outdoor. Swiss Made | Publication | None | SwissTrails | 0 | NWP |
40117 | Bare ground as a crucial habitat feature for a rare terrestrially foraging farmland bird of Central Europe | Publication | File (digital) | Aline Tagmann-Ioset | 2011 | NPF |
38007 | HIST - Die Geschichte der Schweizer Pärke - L'histoire des parcs suisses: 2015 | Publication | File (digital) | Swiss Parks Network | 2020 | NWP |
36962 | Biosfera Val Müstair, Kurzbericht der Studientage zum Modul Landschafspflege 2017 | Publication | File (digital) | HSR, Oesch, T., Schellenberger, S. | 2017 | BVM |
38004 | HIST - Die Geschichte der Schweizer Pärke - L'histoire des parcs suisses: 2009 | Publication | File (digital) | Swiss Parks Network | 2020 | NWP |
39916 | An update of the European breeding population sizes and trends of the Ortolan Bunting (Emberiza hortulana) | Publication | File (digital) | Frédéric Jiguet | 2016 | NPF |
36796 | Merkblatt: Rücksicht beim Fliegen mit Drohnen - Wie kann ich die Störung von Vögeln und anderen Wildtieren vermeiden? | Publication | File (digital) | JFK/CSF/CCP / Schweizerischer Verband ziviler Drohnen / Schweizerische Vogelwarte | 2018 | NWP |
37120 | Freiraumkonzept Val Müstair. Nachhaltige Entwicklung des Freiraumes der Gemeinde Val Müstair | Publication | File (digital) | ZHAW, Rupf, R. | 2015 | BVM |
54341 | Modeling tree water deficit from microclimate: an approach to quantifying drought stress | Publication | File (digital) | Roman Zweifel, L. ZIMMERMANN and D. M. NEWBERY1 | 2004 | NPF |
4929 | Status und Bedürfnisse zu Geoinformation und Informationsmanagement in Parks und Parkprojekten in der Schweiz | Publication | File (digital) | IGGIS Parks | 2008 | NWP |
42264 | Les Abeilles Sauvages de Finges État des lieux et évaluation des mesures de revitalisation des Prairies Sèches et de la Zone Alluviale | Publication | File (digital) | Killian Vaucher, Christophe Praz | 2019 | NPF |
52050 | Neue Funde von Blattflöhen (Hemiptera, Psylloidea) von der Schatzinsel Alp Flix, GR | Publication | File (digital) | Daniel Burckhardt | 2022 | ELA |
41488 | Mean indicator values suggest decreasing habitat quality in Swiss dry grasslands and are robust to relocation error | Publication | File (digital) | Steffen Boch | 2019 | NPF |
42250 | Endangered wading birds in a revitalised alpine river: Foraging habitat selection of the Little Ringed Plover Charadrius dubius curonicus and its relation to invertebrate prey | Publication | File (digital) | Beatrice Schranz, Marco Pilati, Raphal Arlettaz | 2019 | NPF |
40064 | Experimental manipulation of colony genetic diversity had no effect on short-term task efficiency in the Argentine ant Linepithema humile | Publication | File (digital) | Hervé Rosset | 2004 | NPF |
42219 | Die Entwicklung der Brutvögel in der Waldbrandfläche bei Leuk | Publication | File (digital) | Livio Rey, Alain Jacot | 2018 | NPF |