unclassified (Publications)

37018 Corporate Volunteering in Schweizer Pärken - Corporate Volunteering dans les parcs suisses; Flyer DE Publication File (digital) Swiss Parks Network 2017 NWP
41470 Wirkungen von Flussgerinneaufweitungen auf Vögel der Uferpionierstandorte insbesondere Flussuferläufer (Actitis hypoleucos) und Flussregenpfeifer (Charadrius dubius) Publication File (digital) Nathalie Baumann 2003 NPF
42271 Diagonal: Cold Publication File (digital) Jürg Schweizer 2018 NPF
39914 Factors influencing double brooding in Eurasian Hoopoes Upupa epops Publication File (digital) Jael Hoffmann 2014 NPF
37020 Corporate Volunteering in Schweizer Pärken - Corporate Volunteering dans les parcs suisses; Flyer EN Publication File (digital) Swiss Parks Network 2017 NWP
39875 Ergänzungen zur Verbreitung einiger Gefässpflanzen im Wallis Publication File (digital) Matthias Baltisberger 1985 NPF
54355 Jahresbericht - Rapport Annuel - Annual Report: 2023, DE Publication File (digital) Swiss Parks Network 2023 NWP
41286 Projekt Parkstark: Das Wiesel im Naturpark Thal Publication File (digital) Monika Webster 2017 NPT
42474 Jahresbericht - Rapport Annuel - Annual Report: 2015, DE Publication File (digital) Swiss Parks Network 2015 NWP
28599 Lingua Natura; DE / FR / IT / RM Publication File (digital) Swiss Parks Network 2013 NWP
54090 Untersuchung der Kleinsäugerfauna im alpinen Lebensraum auf der Alp Flix Publication File (digital) Suter Salomé, Betreuer: Riesen Matthias ZHAW 2023 ELA
42484 Jahresbericht - Rapport Annuel - Annual Report: 2010, FR Publication File (digital) Swiss Parks Network 2010 NWP
41494 Rent a Bike: Map rental stations - Faltkarte Mietstationen - carte stations de location Publication File (digital) Rent a Bike 2017 NWP
40131 Zehn Jahre Vegetationsdynamik auf der Waldbrandfläche von Leuk (Wallis) Publication File (digital) Thomas Wohlgemuth 2018 NPF
39948 Effects of the social environment on the survival and fungal resistance of ant brood Publication File (digital) Jessica Purcell 2011 NPF
40115 Rock Glacier Degradation and Instabilities in the European Alps: A Characterisation and Monitoring Experiment in the Turtmanntal, CH Publication File (digital) Sarah M. Springman 2013 NPF
42203 Modelling of landslides in a scree slope induced by groundwater and rainfall Publication File (digital) DDaisy Lucas, Herzog Ralf, Markus Iten, Heinz Buschor 2019 NPF
42169 Analysis of rainfall and runoff for debris flows at the Illgraben catchment, Switzerland Publication File (digital) Jacob Hirschberg, Brian W. McArdella, Alexandre Badouxa and Peter Molnar 2019 NPF
42213 Monitoring Butterfly Abundance: Beyond Pollard Walks Publication File (digital) Pellet J, Bried JT, Parietti D, Gander A, Heer PO 2012 NPF
38009 HIST - Die Geschichte der Schweizer Pärke - L'histoire des parcs suisses: 2019 Publication File (digital) Swiss Parks Network 2020 NWP
43241 Alppflege und Biodiversität im Naturpark Gantrisch: Ein Sensibilisierungsinstrument zur Vorbereitung für den praktischen Alppflegeeinsatz Publication File (digital) Dominik Gerber, Yanara Giachino, Lena Niemann Sebastian Oppitz, Alexandra Szalai 2021 FRG
41579 How to integrate invisible geomorphosites in an inventory: A case study in the Rhone River valley (Switzerland) Publication File (digital) Mélanie Clivaz, Emmanuel Reynard 2017 NPF
40087 Conservation of the Hoopoe Upupa epops in Valais Annual report 2016 Publication File (digital) Michael Schaub 2016 NPF
38729 Nature Friends Hostels - Naturfreundehäuser - Maisons des Amis de la Nature Publication File (digital) Naturfreunde Schweiz 2020 NWP
35605 Institutioneller Wandel im Management der UNESCO Biosphäre Entlebuch Publication File (digital) Rohrer, Franziska 2011 UBE
39479 Vreneli-Dorf in Guggisberg: Umsetzungsideen für touristische Produkte Events Publication File (digital) Reusser, Tanja 0 FRG
42103 Tracer studies of river-groundwater interaction under hydropeaking conditions Publication File (digital) Markus Fette 2005 NPF
30249 Parkforschung Schweiz; ein Themenkatalog - Recherche des parcs suisses; catalogue thématique DE Publication File (digital) Parkforschung Schweiz 2012 NWP
40102 Bromopsis riparia in der Schweiz Publication File (digital) Rudolf Schmid-Hollinger 2007 NPF
32875 HIST - Die Geschichte der Schweizer Pärke - L'histoire des parcs suisses: 2016 Publication File (digital) Swiss Parks Network 2020 NWP
42167 Microbial succession on decomposing root litter in a drought-prone Scots pine forest Publication File (digital) Claude Herzog, Martin Hartmann, Beat Frey, Beat Stierli, Cornelia Rumpel, Nina Buchmann, Ivano Brunner 2019 NPF
54640 Der Mörderstein. Eine für das Wallis aussergewöhnliche archäologische Abfolge Publication File (digital) Kantonales Amt für Archäologie Wallis 2021 NPF
41473 Rhone und Pfynwald - Renaturierung einer Flusslandschaft Publication File (digital) Gian Reto Bezzola 1989 NPF
43410 Rent a Bike: Map rental stations - Faltkarte Mietstationen - carte stations de location Publication None Rent a Bike 0 NWP
43405 Nature Friends Hostels - Naturfreundehäuser - Maisons des Amis de la Nature Publication None Naturfreunde Schweiz 0 NWP
32873 HIST - Die Geschichte der Schweizer Pärke - L'histoire des parcs suisses: 2012 Publication File (digital) Swiss Parks Network 2020 NWP
32869 HIST - Die Geschichte der Schweizer Pärke (animiert / kurz) - L'histoire des parcs suisses (animé / court): seit 1914 Publication File (digital) Swiss Parks Network 2021 NWP
50721 Changes in social contacts and farming intensity in the UNESCO Biosphäre Entlebuch Publication None Victoria Junquera 2019 UBE
39908 History of anthropogenic disturbances in the pine forest belt of the Swiss Rhone valley (Valais) Publication File (digital) Urs Gimmi 2006 NPF
40111 Monitoring de la population relictuelle de Petit-duc scops Otus scops en Valais central et dans le Haut-Valais: bilan 2003-04 Publication File (digital) Antoine Sierro 2004 NPF
42170 Ecological requirements of reintroduced species and the implications for release policy: the case of the bearded vulture Publication File (digital) ALEXANDRE H. HIRZEL, BERTRAND POSSE, PIERRE-ALAIN OGGIER, YVON CRETTENAND, CHRISTIAN GLENZ and RAPHAL ARLETTAZ 2004 NPF
40123 No detectable effects of lightweight geolocators on a Palaearctic-African long-distance migrant Publication File (digital) Rien E. van Wijk 2015 NPF
51136 Swiss Parks Timeseries - FR Publication File (digital) Swiss Parks Network 2023 NWP
42100 On the trails of Josias Braun-Blanquet II: First results from the 12th EDGG Field Workshop studying the dry grasslands of the inneralpine dry valleys of Switzerland Publication File (digital) Jürgen Dengler 2020 NPF
50682 Carpooling im Natupark Thal: Ergänzung oder Konkurrenz des öffentlichen Verkehrs? Publication None Sebastian Imhof 2019 NPT
41578 How tree roots respond to drought Publication File (digital) Ivano Brunner, Claude Herzog, Melissa A. Dawes, Matthias Arend and Christoph Sperisen 2015 NPF
42473 Jahresbericht - Rapport Annuel - Annual Report: 2015, FR Publication File (digital) Swiss Parks Network 2015 NWP
41508 Threatened and specialist species suffer from increased wood cover and productivity in Swiss steppes Publication File (digital) Steffen Boch 2019 NPF
30243 Parkforschung Schweiz; Poster - Recherche des parcs suisses; affiche DE / FR Publication File (digital) Parkforschung Schweiz 2014 NWP
39912 Temporal and Spatial Scales Matter: Circannual Habitat Selection by Bird Communities in Vineyards Publication File (digital) Claire Guyot 2017 NPF
41471 Wie verändern sich die Biotope von nationaler Bedeutung? Resultate aus der Ersterhebung der Wirkungskontrolle Biotopschutz Schweiz Publication None Ariel Bergamini 2020 NPF
10276 Übersichtskarte Schweizer Pärke - Carte générale parcs suisses; A4 2013 DE Publication File (digital) Swiss Parks Network 2013 NWP
40136 Nestbox Design Influences Territory Occupancy and Reproduction in a Declining, Secondary Cavity-Breeding Bird Publication File (digital) Silvia Zingg 2011 NPF
40116 Evolution après incendie d'une pinède et d'une steppe dans une vallée intra-alpine (Valais central) Publication File (digital) Lionel Maumary 1995 NPF
39966 Le Tarier pâtre Saxicola torquata en Valais : évolution de la distribution, des effectifs et de l'habitat Publication File (digital) Emmanuel Revaz 2003 NPF
41400 Wide-Range Dispersal in Juvenile Eagle Owls (Bubo bubo) Across the European Alps Calls for Transnational Conservation Programmes Publication File (digital) Adrian Aebischer, Peter Nyffeler, Raphael Arlettaz 2009 NPF
37121 Landschaftsqualitätsprojekt, Engiadina Bassa, Samnaun, Val Müstair Publication File (digital) Arinas, Plantahof 2016 PTE
42270 Handbuch für die Erfolgskontrolle bei Fliessgewässerrevitalisierungen Publication File (digital) Woolsey S., Weber C., Gonser T., Hoehn E., Hostmann M., Junker B., Roulier C., Schweizer S., Tiegs S., Tockner K., Peter A. 2005 NPF
39919 Miniaturized multi-sensor loggers provide new insight into year-round flight behaviour of small trans-Sahara avian migrants Publication File (digital) Felix Liechti 2018 NPF
50724 Inwiefern tragen Hersteller innovativer Regionalprodukte des Labels Echt Entlebuch als Kooperationspartner von Landwirten zur agrarwirtschaftlichen Struktursicherung des UNESCO Biosphären-Reservates (Zentralschweiz) bei? Publication None Louise Marvel 2018 UBE
43749 Modeling the effects of grassland management intensity on biodiversity Publication File (digital) Noelle Klein, Coralie Theux, Raphal Arlettaz, Alain Jacot, Jean-Nicolas Pradervand 2020 NPF
42260 FORests and HYdrology under Climate Change in Switzerland v1.0: a spatially distributed model combining hydrology and forest dynamics Publication File (digital) Matthias J. R. Speich, Massimiliano Zappa, Marc Scherstjanoi and Heike Lischke 2020 NPF
40106 Lincendie de Loèche : monitoring des oiseaux nicheurs en 2010, sept ans après lévénement Publication File (digital) Antoine Sierro 2011 NPF
39951 Überwachung von besonders gefährlichen Schadorganismen für den Wald Jahresbericht 2017 Publication File (digital) Valentin Queloz 2018 NPF
35319 Energy production from renewable sources in Alpine protected areas; Conflicting interests and need for action as seen by protected areas management. Publication None Volken, Esther; Scheuer, Thomas; Plassmann, Guido; Wallner, Astrid 2011 UBE
28574 Excerpt: SwissTrails. Outdoor. Swiss Made, S. 124 DE Publication File (digital) SwissTrails 2014 NWP
42469 Jahresbericht - Rapport Annuel - Annual Report: 2017, FR Publication File (digital) Swiss Parks Network 2017 NWP
39889 Wood ants produce a potent antimicrobial agent by applying formic acid on tree-collected resin Publication File (digital) Timothée Brütsch 2017 NPF
43347 Evaluationsbericht der Betriebsphase 2011-2020 Publication File (digital) Siegrist, D., Feichtinger, L., Spinnler, D. 2020 BVM
40098 Conservation of the Wryneck Jynx torquilla in the Valais Annual report 2017 Publication File (digital) Michael Schaub 2017 NPF
38008 HIST - Die Geschichte der Schweizer Pärke - L'histoire des parcs suisses: 2017 Publication File (digital) Swiss Parks Network 2020 NWP
42204 Slope Stability of a Scree Slope Based on Integrated Characterisation and Monitoring Publication File (digital) Daisy Lucas, Kerstin Fankhauser, Hansruedi Maurer, Brian McArdell, Reto Grob, Ralf Herzog, Ernst Bleiker and Sarah M. Springman 2020 NPF
41462 A debris-flow alarm system for the Alpine Illgraben catchment: design and performance Publication File (digital) Alexandre Badoux, Christoph Graf, Jakob Rhyner, Richard Kuntner & Brian W. McArdell 2008 NPF
30979 Übersichtskarte Schweizer Pärke - Carte générale parcs suisses; A4 2014 IT Publication File (digital) Swiss Parks Network 2014 NWP
51124 Swiss Parks Timeseries - DE Publication File (digital) Swiss Parks Network 2023 NWP
41491 Wirkt der Schutz von Biotopen? Ein Programm zum Monitoring der Biotope von nationaler Bedeutung in der Schweiz. Publication File (digital) 2018 NPF
39878 Approximations to seismic AVA responses: Validity and potential in glaciological applications Publication File (digital) Adam D. Booth 2016 NPF
42821 Jahresbericht - Rapport Annuel - Annual Report: 2020, DE Publication File (digital) Swiss Parks Network 2020 NWP
52053 Inventaire et proposition de mesures de valorisation des géomorphosites du PNR Gruyère - Pays-d'Enhaut Publication File (digital) Valentine Duhem 2008 GPE
40134 Abundanz und Dichte des Luchses im Wallis Nord: Fang-Wiederfang-Schätzung mittels Fotofallen im K-VII im Winter 2013/14 Publication File (digital) Fridolin Zimmermann 2014 NPF
40066 Nestmate recognition and levels of aggression are not altered by changes in genetic diversity in a socially polymorphic ant Publication File (digital) Hervé Rosset 2006 NPF
43747 Habitat amount mediates the effect of fragmentation on a pollinators reproductive performance, but not on its foraging behaviour Publication File (digital) Corina Maurer, Laura Bosco, Elisabeth Klaus, Samuel A. Cushman, Raphael Arlettaz, Alain Jacot 2020 NPF
33114 Cooperazione: La Svizzera - e tutti i suoi parchi IT Publication File (digital) coop 2016 NWP
53182 Wildcampen im Reisemobil Safiental Publication File (digital) Sarah Leila Häfliger, Aurelia Kogler 0 NPB
42201 Does phloem osmolality affect diurnal diameter changes of twigs but not of stems in Scots pine? Publication File (digital) Martina Lazzarin, Roman Zweifel, Niels Anten and Frank J. Sterck 2018 NPF
54342 High-Frequency 3D LiDAR Measurements of a Debris Flow: A Novel Method to Investigate the Dynamics of Full-Scale Events in the Field Publication File (digital) Christoph Graf 2023 NPF
42471 Jahresbericht - Rapport Annuel - Annual Report: 2016, DE Publication File (digital) Swiss Parks Network 2016 NWP
42164 Neue Erkenntnisse zum Schutz und zur Ökologie des Blasenstrauchbläulings Iolana iolas (Ochsenheimer, 1816) Publication File (digital) Patrick Heer, Jérôme Pellet, Antoine Sierro, Raphal Arlettaz 2011 NPF
41278 Haselhuhn-Spurensuche Naturpark Thal Publication File (digital) Christian Rechsteiner 2016 NPT
10307 Publications by the Swiss Parks Network Publication File (digital) Swiss Parks Network 0 NWP
33962 Spezialitäten-Katalog - Catalogue de spécialités - Catalogo di specialità; 2015 FR Publication File (digital) Swiss Parks Network 2015 NWP
42218 Snow cover phenology is the main driver of foraging habitat selection for a high8209;alpine passerine during breeding: implications for species persistence in the face of climate change Publication File (digital) Jaime Resano-Mayor 2019 NPF
35651 Wissen, Ulrike; Schroth, Olaf; Lange, Eckart; Schmid, Willi A. Publication File (digital) Approaches to integrating indicators into 3D landscape visualisations and their benefits for participative planning situations 2008 UBE
39901 Drought alters timing, quantity, and quality of wood formation in Scots pine Publication File (digital) Britta Eilmann 2010 NPF
40127 Comparison of the groundwater fauna of two contrasting reaches of the Upper Rhône River Publication File (digital) Andrea Walther 2002 NPF
54641 SALGESCH - Une tombe entre les mondes celtique et romain Publication File (digital) Kantonales Amt für Archäologie Wallis 2019 NPF
51042 Rapport annual Biosfera Val Müstair 2021 Publication File (digital) BVM 2021 BVM
41403 Asymmetric assortative mating and queen polyandry are linked to a supergene controlling ant social organization Publication File (digital) Amaury Avril, Jessica Purcell, Alan Brelsford, Michel Chapuisat 2018 NPF
40103 Division of labour and worker size polymorphism in ant colonies: the impact of social and genetic factors Publication File (digital) Tanja Schwander 2005 NPF
39944 Environmental influence on the phenotype of ant workers revealed by common garden experiment Publication File (digital) Jessica Purcell 2015 NPF
39933 The precipitous decline of the ortolan bunting Emberiza hortulana: time to build on scientific evidence to inform conservation management Publication File (digital) Myles H. M. Menz 2012 NPF
40133 Entomophaga grylli (Entomophthorales, Entomophagaceae) (Fresenius 1856), ein pathogener Pilz auf Heuschrecken (Orthoptera, Acrididae) ein Überblick Publication File (digital) Jürg Zettel 2008 NPF
52642 Jahresbericht - Rapport Annuel - Annual Report: 2022, FR Publication File (digital) Swiss Parks Network 2022 NWP
38006 HIST - Die Geschichte der Schweizer Pärke - L'histoire des parcs suisses: 2013 Publication File (digital) Swiss Parks Network 2020 NWP
42163 Evidence-based assessment of butterfly habitat restoration to enhance management practices Publication File (digital) Patrick Heer, Jerome Pellet, Antoine Sierro, Raphael Arlettaz 2012 NPF
32990 Kein Nationalpark ohne Bevölkerung Publication File (digital) Denzler Lukas in der Zeitung Tages Anzeiger 2016 NWP
42258 Unravelling the age of fine roots of temperate and boreal forests Publication File (digital) Emily F. Solly, Ivano Brunner, Heljä-Sisko Helmisaari, Claude Herzog, Jaana Leppälammi-Kujansuu, Ingo Schöning, Marion Schrumpf, Fritz H. Schweingruber, Susan E. Trumbore & Frank Hagedorn 2018 NPF
52120 Naturparktourismus. Qualitative Analyse und Abschätzung der Naturpark-induzierten Bruttowertschöpfung im Naturpark Diemtigtal Publication File (digital) Dominik Siegrist, Manuela Egeter, Lea Ketterer Bonnelame, Susanne Schellenberger 0 DIE
42220 Le Rhône alpin vu sous langle de la géomorphologie: état des lieux Publication File (digital) Emmanuel REYNARD, Gilles ARNAUD-FASSETTA, Laetitia LAIGRE, Philippe SCHOENEICH 2009 NPF
40122 Dependencies in the timing of activities weaken over the annual cycle in a long-distance migratory bird Publication File (digital) Rien E. Van Wijk 2017 NPF
43353 Charta 2021-2030 Naturpark Biosfera Val Müstair - Teil C. Managementplan für den Betrieb eines Regionalen Naturparks Publication File (digital) Feichtinger, L., Spinnler, D., Siegrist, D., Peter, F., Frohn, T., Oertli, A., Schwyzer, Y., Merz, K. 2020 BVM
40088 Conservation of the Hoopoe Upupa epops in the Valais Annual report 2017 Publication File (digital) Michael Schaub 2017 NPF
39940 Ants exhibit asymmetric hybridization in a mosaic hybrid zone Publication File (digital) Jessica Purcell 2016 NPF
43351 Nationalparkzentrum vor Tabula Rasa Publication File (digital) Triebs, S. 2021 SNP
40067 Chronique ornithologique valaisanne de l'automne 2005 à l'été 2006 Publication File (digital) Jérémy Savioz 2007 NPF
42466 Jahresbericht - Rapport Annuel - Annual Report: 2019, FR Publication File (digital) Swiss Parks Network 2019 NWP
42209 Permafrost landform dynamics in high mountain environments: a multi-sensoral approach to assess rockglacier evolution Publication File (digital) Johann Christian Müller 2016 NPF
4930 Status und Bedürfnisse zu Geoinformation und Informationsmanagement in Parks und Parkprojekten in der Schweiz - Anhang Publication File (digital) IGGIS Parks 2008 NWP
39873 Asymmetric assortative mating and queen polyandry are linked to a supergene controlling ant social organization Publication File (digital) Amaury Avril 2018 NPF
43522 Understanding trait interactions and their impacts on growth in Scots pine branches across Europe Publication File (digital) Sterck, Frank J. et al. 2012 NPF
32836 Excerpt: Geschichte der Landschaft in der Schweiz, Kapitel 18, Die Parkbewegung, S. 295 ff. Publication File (digital) Kupper Patrick 2016 NWP
29422 Contributions to partner publications Publication File (digital) 0 NWP
31301 Coopzeitung: Ein Sommer voller Köstlichkeiten - Miini Region DE Publication File (digital) coop 2015 NWP
50729 Applying Systematic Conservation Planning in the UNESCO Biosphere Entlebuch Publication None Arthur Turin 2019 UBE
42102 TreeNet: Daten und Analysen der ersten fünf Messjahre Publication File (digital) Sophia Etzold, Roman Zweifel 2018 NPF
36740 Forschungskonzept 2018 Publication File (digital) FOK, SNP, BVM, EVM 2017 SNP
32727 Übersichtskarte Schweizer Pärke - Carte générale parcs suisses; A4 2016 IT Publication File (digital) Swiss Parks Network 2016 NWP
54822 Sustainable regional development approaches in Alpine biosphere reserves - Farmers perceptions Publication File (digital) Adelheid Humer-Gruber 2017 UBE
43411 Parkforschung Schweiz; ein Themenkatalog - Recherche des parcs suisses; catalogue thématique Publication None Parkforschung Schweiz 0 NWP
43373 Rapport annual Biosfera Val Müstair 2016 Publication File (digital) BVM 2016 BVM
43354 Charta 2021-2030 Parc da natüra Biosfera Val Müstair - Recapitulaziun Part C: Plan da management Publication File (digital) Feichtinger, L., Spinnler, D., Siegrist, D., Peter, F., Frohn, T., Oertli, A., Schwyzer, Y., Merz, K. 2020 BVM
42226 Debris-flow behavior in super- and subcritical conditions Publication File (digital) Christian Scheidl, Georg Nagl 2019 NPF
42156 Rockglacier acceleration in the Turtmann Valley (Swiss Alps): Probable Controls Publication File (digital) Isabelle Gärtner-Roer 2005 NPF
54686 Rapport annual Biosfera Val Müstair 2022 Publication File (digital) BVM 2022 BVM
41526 No evidence for social immunity in co-founding queen associations Publication File (digital) Brütsch, Timothée & Avril, Amaury & Chapuisat, Michel 2017 NPF
53849 Analyse zur Nutzungsdichte von MTB Trails im Jurapark Aargau Publication File (digital) Virginia Molin, Betreuung: Monika Niederhubger, ETH Zürich 2022 JPA
43407 The Swiss Parks. closer than you think - Die Schweizer Pärke. Näher als man denkt - Les parcs suisses. a deux pas de chez vous - I parchi svizzeri. vicini e sorprendenti Publication None FOEN BAFU OFEV UFAM 0 NWP
41580 Sauvegarde des populations de sonneurs à ventre jaune (Bombina variegata) du Valais: analyse génétique comparative de différentes populations Publication File (digital) Cotting, Sophie; Ursenbacher, Sylvain; Arlettaz, Raphal; Pellet, Jérôme; Marchesi, Paul; Zanini, Flavio 2018 NPF
40092 Population ecology and conservation of the wryneck Jynx torquilla in the Valais annual report 2004 Publication File (digital) Michael Schaub 2004 NPF
43371 Rapport annual Biosfera Val Müstair 2018 Publication File (digital) BVM 2018 BVM
35654 HIST - Die Geschichte der Schweizer Pärke - L'histoire des parcs suisses: 2018 Publication File (digital) Swiss Parks Network 2020 NWP
30790 Angebotsbroschüre Raiffeisen 2012 FR Publication File (digital) Swiss Parks Network, Raiffeisen Schweiz 2012 NWP
31295 Corporate Volunteering in Schweizer Pärken - Corporate Volunteering dans les parcs suisses; Flyer FR Publication File (digital) Swiss Parks Network 2015 NWP
39929 The determinants of queen size in a socially polymorphic ant Publication File (digital) Joel Meunier 2009 NPF
40107 Monitoring 2002 du Monticole de roche en Valais sur deux secteurs témoins Publication File (digital) Antoine Sierro 2002 NPF
39911 Competition for water in a xeric forest ecosystem Effects of understory removal on soil micro-climate, growth and physiology of dominant Scots pine trees Publication File (digital) Arnaud Giuggiola 2017 NPF
42478 Jahresbericht - Rapport Annuel - Annual Report: 2013, DE Publication File (digital) Swiss Parks Network 2013 NWP
54356 Jahresbericht - Rapport Annuel - Annual Report: 2023, FR Publication File (digital) Swiss Parks Network 2023 NWP
10271 Angebotsbroschüre Raiffeisen 2012 IT Publication File (digital) Swiss Parks Network, Raiffeisen Schweiz 2012 NWP
50718 Jahresbericht - Rapport Annuel - Annual Report: 2021, DE Publication File (digital) Swiss Parks Network 2021 NWP
40112 Monitoring de la population de Petit-duc scops Otus scops en Valais central et dans le Haut-Valais: bilan 2005 Publication File (digital) Antoine Sierro 2006 NPF
39874 Year-Round Tracking of Small Trans-Saharan Migrants Using Light-Level Geolocators Publication File (digital) Erich Bächler 2010 NPF
42171 How to predict tree death from inventory data Lessons from a systematic assessment of European tree mortality models Publication File (digital) Lisa Hülsmann, Harald Bugmann & Peter Brang 2017 NPF
39942 Bidirectional shifts in colony queen number in a socially polymorphic ant population Publication File (digital) Jessica Purcell 2012 NPF
4928 GIS für Pärke von nationaler Bedeutung in der Schweiz Publication File (digital) Haller Ruedi 2006 NWP
51123 Swiss Parks Timeseries Publication None Swiss Parks Network 2022 NWP
33112 Coopération: Nos parcs - une expansion controversée FR Publication File (digital) coop 2016 NWP
41279 Naturpark Thal: Vorschläge für eine bessere Integration der Museen - Projekt Museumspass Industrie Natur Publication File (digital) Sandra Ermel, Susanne Holenstein 2012 NPT
28555 Concept de recherche 2008-2018 pour le Parc national suisse et la Biosphère du Val Müstair Publication File (digital) FOK 2008 SNP
54665 Ils dutgs - Vergessene Kulturdenkmäler im oberen Albulatal Publication File (digital) Zepik Helmut 2024 ELA
43523 Convergent evolution of social hybridogenesis in Messor harvester ants Publication File (digital) Jonathan Romiguier et al. 2017 NPF
43412 Fahrtziel Natur in Graubünden Publication None Deutsche Bundesbahn & Verein Bündner Pärke 0 NWP
42479 Jahresbericht - Rapport Annuel - Annual Report: 2012, DE Publication File (digital) Swiss Parks Network 2012 NWP
33313 Spick-Poster: Schweizer Pärke - Cooler als du denkst, DE Publication File (digital) Spick 2016 NWP
54687 Rapport annual Biosfera Val Müstair 2023 Publication File (digital) BVM 2023 BVM
38005 HIST - Die Geschichte der Schweizer Pärke - L'histoire des parcs suisses: 2011 Publication File (digital) Swiss Parks Network 2020 NWP
43409 Spick-Poster: Schweizer Pärke - Spick-Poster: Les parcs suisses Publication None Spick 0 NWP
39913 The effects of hatching asynchrony on growth and mortality patterns in Eurasian Hoopoe Upupa epops nestlings Publication File (digital) Barbara Hildebrandt 2017 NPF
39892 Nest site preferences of the Woodlark (Lullula arborea) and its association with artificial nest predation Publication File (digital) Roman Bühler 2016 NPF
40080 Conservation of the hoopoe Upupa epops Annual in the Valais report 2009 Publication File (digital) Michael Schaub 2010 NPF
40129 Einfluss von Klima und Baumvitalität auf den Befall von Waldföhren durch rindenbrütende Insekten Publication File (digital) Beat Wermelinger 2018 NPF
40124 Repeatability of individual migration routes, wintering sites, and timing in a long-distance migrant bird Publication File (digital) Rien E. van Wijk 2016 NPF
42445 Corporate Volunteering in Schweizer Pärken - Corporate Volunteering dans les parcs suisses Publication None Swiss Parks Network 0 NWP
39924 Vorläufige Ergebnisse einer Langzeitstudie zum Wendehals in der Schweiz Publication File (digital) Murielle Mermod 2009 NPF
42104 Debris-flow modeling at Meretschibach and Bondasca catchments, Switzerland: sensitivity testing of field-data-based entrainment model Publication File (digital) Florian Frank 2017 NPF
10279 Übersichtskarte Schweizer Pärke - Carte générale parcs suisses; A4 2014 FR Publication File (digital) Swiss Parks Network 2014 NWP
42467 Jahresbericht - Rapport Annuel - Annual Report: 2018, DE Publication File (digital) Swiss Parks Network 2018 NWP
42172 Tree mortality in Central Europe: Empirically-based modeling using long-term datasets Publication File (digital) Lisa Hülsmann 2016 NPF
32729 Übersichtskarte Schweizer Pärke - Carte générale parcs suisses; A4 2016 DE Publication File (digital) Swiss Parks Network 2016 NWP
42225 Integrales Gewässermanagement - Erkenntnisse aus dem Rhône-Thur Projekt: Synthesebericht Gerinneaufweitungen www. Publication File (digital) Sigmund Rohde 2005 NPF
40091 Conservation of the Wryneck Jynx torquilla in the Valais Annual report 2018 Publication File (digital) Michael Schaub 2018 NPF
39959 Integrating genetic and stable isotope analyses to infer the population structure of the White-winged Snowfinch Montifringilla nivalis in Western Europe Publication File (digital) Jaime Resano-Mayor 2016 NPF
42269 Forschung zu Wald und Klimawandel in Mitteleuropa: eine Werkschau Publication File (digital) Thomas Wohlgemuth, Peter Brang, Harald Bugmann, Andreas Rigling, Niklaus E. Zimmermann 2013 NPF
42257 Light pollution hampers recolonization of revitalised European Nightjar habitats in the Valais (Swiss Alps) Publication File (digital) Antoine Sierro & Andreas Erhardt 2019 NPF
41482 Anthropogenic and catchment characteristic signatures in the water quality of Swiss rivers: a quantitative assessment Publication File (digital) Martina Botter 2019 NPF
41162 Lebensqualität und Nachhaltigkeit in regionalen Naturpärken - ausführlicher Bericht Publication File (digital) Wiesli, Thea; Hammer, Thomas 2020 FRG
43414 Reisemagazin via Publication None SBB CFF FFS 0 NWP
42216 Climate change may already threaten Scots pine stands in the Swiss Alps Publication File (digital) Rebetez M & Dobbertin M 2004 NPF
10278 Übersichtskarte Schweizer Pärke - Carte générale parcs suisses; A4 2014 DE Publication File (digital) Swiss Parks Network 2014 NWP
41524 An ancient and eroded social supergene is widespread across Formica ants Publication File (digital) Alan Brelsford, Jessica Purcell, Amaury Avril, Patrick Tran Van, Junxia Zhang, Timothée Brütsch, Liselotte Sundström, Heikki Helanterä, Michel Chapuisat 2020 NPF
31095 Spezialitäten-Katalog - Catalogue de spécialités - Catalogo di specialità; 2014 FR Publication File (digital) Swiss Parks Network 2014 NWP
43372 Rapport annual Biosfera Val Müstair 2017 Publication File (digital) BVM 2017 BVM
42266 Load model for designing flexible steel barriers for debris flow mitigation Publication File (digital) Corinna Wendeler, Axel Volkwein, Brian W. McArdell, and Perry Bartelt 2018 NPF
40119 Long-term effects of drought on tree-ring growth and carbon isotope variability in Scots pine in a dry environment Publication File (digital) Galina Timofeeva 2017 NPF
42451 Lingua Natura Publication None Swiss Parks Network 0 NWP
41520 Where to Combat Shrub Encroachment in Alpine Timberline Ecosystems: Combining Remotely-Sensed Vegetation Information with Species Habitat Modelling Publication File (digital) Veronika Braunasch, Patrick Patthey,Raphal Arlettaz 2016 NPF
36879 Engins volants télécommandés - Synthèse de l'étude Zivile Drohnen - Herausforderungen und Perspektiven Publication File (digital) TA-SWISS 2018 NWP
54861 Biosfera Val Müstair - Gesuch um globale Finanzhilfen für den Betrieb 2020-2024 - Projektblätter Publication File (digital) Spinnler, D., Feichtinger, L., Peter, F., Frohn, T., Schwyzer, Y., Merz, K., Gurtner, T. 2019 BVM
42222 Verdrängen Flaumeichen die Walliser Waldföhren? Publication File (digital) Andreas Rigling, Matthias Dobbertin, Matthias Bürgi, Urs Gimmi, Elisabeth Graf Pannatier, Felix Gugerli, Ursula Heiniger, Janina Polomski, Martine Rebetez, Daniel Rigling, Pascale Weber, Beat Wermelinger, Thomas Wohlgemuth 2006 NPF
40130 Baumartenwechsel in den Walliser Waldföhrenwäldern Publication File (digital) Thomas Wohlgemuth 2006 NPF
40100 Spatial and temporal genetic dynamics of the grasshopper Oedaleus decorus revealed by museum genomics Publication File (digital) Sarah Schmid 2017 NPF
40121 Territory Occupancy and Parental Quality as Proxies for Spatial Prioritization of Conservation Areas Publication File (digital) Matthias Tschumi 2014 NPF
42168 Nine Years of Irrigation Cause Vegetation and Fine Root Shifts in a Water-Limited Pine Forest Publication File (digital) Claude Herzog, Jan Steffen, Elisabeth Graf Pannatier, Irka Hajdas, Ivano Brunner 2019 NPF
42485 Jahresbericht - Rapport Annuel - Annual Report: 2009, FR Publication File (digital) Swiss Parks Network 2009 NWP
43415 Living Landschaft voller Leben - Europas Natur, Regionl- und Landschaftsparke - Modellregionen für die nachhaltige Entwicklung ländlicher Räume Publication None Verband Deutscher Naturparke in cooperation with Regional Nature Park representatives from 22 European states 0 NWP
42674 AgriPark: Grundlagen für eine erfolgreiche Einbindung der Landwirtschaft in Regionalen Naturpärken Publication File (digital) Sonja Trachsel, Rebecca G&8192;pfert, Bettina Koster, Ruth Moser, Daniel Mettler, Birgit Reutz 2020 FRG
42261 Does water availability influence the abundance of species of the Phialocephala fortinii s.l. e Acephala applanata complex (PAC) in roots of pubescent oak (Quercus pubescens) and Scots pine (Pinus sylvestris)? Publication File (digital) Maurus Landolt, Sophie Stroheker, Valentin Queloz, Anja Gall, Thomas N. Sieber 2019 NPF
39701 Rent a Bike: Map rental stations - Faltkarte Mietstationen - carte stations de location Publication File (digital) Rent a Bike 2020 NWP
37557 Förderung der Geburtshelferkröte im Jurapark Aargau - Welche Faktoren bestimmen die Besiedlung künstlich angelegter Laichgewässer? Publication File (digital) Meyer, Aline 2016 JPA
39947 Ant Brood Function as Life Preservers during Floods Publication File (digital) Jessica Purcell 2014 NPF
36963 Landschaftsbewertung Regionaler Naturpark Val Müstair - Fotodokumentation Publication File (digital) BVM 2007 BVM
30978 Übersichtskarte Schweizer Pärke - Carte générale parcs suisses; A4 2015 IT Publication File (digital) Swiss Parks Network 2015 NWP
40097 Conservation of the Wryneck Jynx torquilla in the Valais Annual report 2014 Publication File (digital) Michael Schaub 2014 NPF
42272 Intra-annual radial growth and water relations of trees: Implications towards a growth mechanism Publication File (digital) Roman Zweifel, Lukas Zimmermann, Fabienne Zeugin and David M. Newbery 2006 NPF
40089 Conservation of the Hoopoe Upupa epops in the Valais Annual report 2018 Publication File (digital) Michael Schaub 2018 NPF
41511 Separating the effects of habitat amount and fragmentation on invertebrate abundance using a multi-scale framework Publication File (digital) Laura Bosco 2018 NPF
40110 Conservation du Petit-duc scops Otus scops en Valais : mesures concrètes et évolution des effectifs 2008 Publication File (digital) Antoine Sierro 2009 NPF
42453 Angebotsbroschüre Raiffeisen Publication None Swiss Parks Network, Raiffeisen Schweiz 0 NWP
53845 Fledermäuse im Siedlungsraum Publication File (digital) Christina Ambrus. Betreuer: Jasmin Joshi, Jonas Landolt, OST 2022 JPA
37059 Nature Friends Hostels - Naturfreundehäuser - Maisons des Amis de la Nature Publication File (digital) Naturfreunde Schweiz 2018 NWP
41581 Winter is coming: harsh environments limit independent reproduction of cooperative-breeding queens in a socially polymorphic ant Publication File (digital) Ornela De Gasperin, Pierre Blacher, Guglielmo Grasso and Michel Chapuisat 2020 NPF
39888 Ant queens (Hymenoptera: Formicidae) are attracted to fungal pathogens during the initial stage of colony founding Publication File (digital) Timothée Brütsch 2014 NPF
42476 Jahresbericht - Rapport Annuel - Annual Report: 2014, FR Publication File (digital) Swiss Parks Network 2014 NWP
41149 Excerpt: Biosphäre 4.0 - UNESCO Biosphere Reserves als Modellregionen einer nachhaltigen Entwicklung (Kapitel Akzeptanz) Publication Paperwork Borsdorf, A., Jungmeier, M., Braun, V., Heinrich, K. Hrsg. 2020 NWP
50728 Risk-Based Assessments Of Ecosystem Services - Addressing Uncertainty In Mountain Forest Management Publication None Ana Stritih 2021 UBE
43809 Photosynthetic capacity, efficiency and sensitivity to drought stress in Scots pine Publication File (digital) Leonie Corine Schönbeck 2019 NPF
39900 Fast response of Scots pine to improved water availability reflected in tree-ring width and delta 13C Publication File (digital) Britta Eilmann 2010 NPF
30965 Übersichtskarte Schweizer Pärke - Carte générale parcs suisses; A4 2015 FR Publication File (digital) Swiss Parks Network 2015 NWP
30250 Parkforschung Schweiz; ein Themenkatalog - Recherche des parcs suisses; catalogue thématique FR Publication File (digital) Parkforschung Schweiz 2012 NWP
42472 Jahresbericht - Rapport Annuel - Annual Report: 2016, FR Publication File (digital) Swiss Parks Network 2016 NWP
40093 Population ecology and conservation of the wryneck Jynx torquilla in the Valais annual report 2005 Publication File (digital) Michael Schaub 2005 NPF
42205 Infrasound Array Analysis of Debris Flow Activity and Implication for Early Warning Publication File (digital) E. Marchetti, F. Walter, G. Barfucci, R. Genco, M. Wenner, M. Ripepe, B. McArdell, C. Price 2019 NPF
31300 Nature Friends Hostels - Naturfreundehäuser - Maisons des Amis de la Nature Publication File (digital) Naturfreunde Schweiz 2015 NWP
40135 Status and distribution of the lynx (Lynx lynx) in the Swiss Alps 20052009 Publication File (digital) Fridolin Zimmermann 2011 NPF
40083 Conservation of the hoopoe Upupa epops in the Valais Annual report 2011 Publication File (digital) Michael Schaub 2012 NPF
50725 Partizipation in der UNESCO Biosphäre Entlebuch: Eine explorative Studie zu Ansichten, Beweggründen und Erwartungen der Beteiligten Publication None Zlatko Mrnjec 2019 UBE
41161 Lebensqualität und Nachhaltigkeit: Die Sicht der Bevölkerung in Pärken von nationaler Bedeutung - Kurzbericht Publication File (digital) Wiesli, Thea; Hammer, Thomas 2019 FRG
42481 Jahresbericht - Rapport Annuel - Annual Report: 2011, FR Publication File (digital) Swiss Parks Network 2011 NWP
32874 HIST - Die Geschichte der Schweizer Pärke - L'histoire des parcs suisses: 2014 Publication File (digital) Swiss Parks Network 2020 NWP
42470 Jahresbericht - Rapport Annuel - Annual Report: 2017, DE Publication File (digital) Swiss Parks Network 2017 NWP
32870 HIST - Die Geschichte der Schweizer Pärke - L'histoire des parcs suisses: 1914 Publication File (digital) Swiss Parks Network 2020 NWP
29867 Extrait: SwissTrails. Outdoor. Swiss Made, p. 124 FR Publication File (digital) SwissTrails 2014 NWP
40095 Population ecology and conservation of the wryneck Jynx torquilla in the Valais annual report 2007 Publication File (digital) Michael Schaub 2007 NPF
38269 Landschaftswandel im Val Müstair mit Hilfe von Refotografie von historischer Bildern Publication None SNP, Rapp, M. 2019 BVM
42480 Jahresbericht - Rapport Annuel - Annual Report: 2012, FR Publication File (digital) Swiss Parks Network 2012 NWP
10269 Angebotsbroschüre Raiffeisen 2012 DE Publication File (digital) Swiss Parks Network, Raiffeisen Schweiz 2012 NWP
10280 Übersichtskarte Schweizer Pärke - Carte générale parcs suisses; A4 2012 DE Publication File (digital) Swiss Parks Network 2012 NWP
54801 Geodaten-basierte 3D Visualisierung von Szenarien zur Partizipation der Bevölkerung bei der Landschaftsplanung Publication None Wissen Ulrike, Schroth Olaf, Schmid Willy A. ETH Zürich 2010 UBE
43418 100 Jahre echt wild. Sonderausgabe zum Jubiläum des Schweizerischen Nationalparks. MySwitzerland.com/natur Publication None Switzerland Tourism - Schweiz Tourismus - Suisse Tourisme 0 NWP
33104 Die Bündner Pärke Übersicht und Portraits Publication File (digital) Verein Bündner Pärke 2016 NWP
42477 Jahresbericht - Rapport Annuel - Annual Report: 2013, FR Publication File (digital) Swiss Parks Network 2013 NWP
40138 Human impacts on fire occurrence: a case study of hundred years of forest fires in a dry alpine valley in Switzerland Publication File (digital) Thomas Zumbrunnen 2012 NPF
39910 Manipulative experiments demonstrate how long-term soil moisture changes alter controls of plant water use Publication File (digital) Charlotte Grossiord 2017 NPF
39745 Verein Bündner Pärke: Karte Wanderausstellung Publication File (digital) Naturfreunde Schweiz 2020 NWP
42224 River Restoration: Potential and limitations to re-establish riparian landscapes. Assessment Planning. Publication File (digital) Sigrun ROHDE, Klaus C. Ewald, Felix Kienast, Peter Englmaier 2004 NPF
42208 Potential shift in tree species composition after interaction of fire and drought in the Central Alps Publication File (digital) B. Moser, C. Temperli, G. Schneiter , T. Wohlgemuth 2010 NPF
40071 Conservation of the Wryneck Jynx torquilla in the Valais Publication File (digital) Michael Schaub 2017 NPF
50722 Abschätzung der Naturpark-induzierten touristischen Bruttowertschöpfungseffekte im Naturpark Diemtigtal Publication None Dominik Siegrist 2019 DIE
40114 Multidisciplinary investigations on three rock glaciers in the Swiss Alps: Legacies and future perspectives Publication File (digital) Sarah . Springman 2012 NPF
30980 Übersichtskarte Schweizer Pärke - Carte générale parcs suisses; A4 2013 IT Publication File (digital) Swiss Parks Network 2013 NWP
41401 Mit dem Biber leben: Bestandeserhebung 2008 Perspektiven für den Umgang mit dem Biber in der Schweiz Publication File (digital) Christof Angst 2010 NPF
40081 Conservation of the hoopoe Upupa epops in the Valais Annual report 2010 Publication File (digital) Michael Schaub 2011 NPF
42206 Rhone-Thur Projekt Subprojekt I-2: Wassertemperaturen und Wärmehaushalt der Rhone und ihrer Seitenbäche Publication File (digital) Werner Meier, Martin Frey, Lorenz Moosmann, Seraina Steinlin und Alfred Wüest 2004 NPF
41521 Forward modelling of tree-ring width and comparison with a global network of tree-ring chronologies Publication File (digital) P. Breitenmoser, S. Brönnimann, D. Frank 2014 NPF
39917 Relationships Between Landform and Phyto-Diversity in the Turtmann Valley, Switzerland Publication File (digital) Konstanze Kleinod 2007 NPF
37019 Corporate Volunteering in Schweizer Pärken - Corporate Volunteering dans les parcs suisses; Flyer FR Publication File (digital) Swiss Parks Network 2017 NWP
39893 Variable queen number in ant colonies: No impact on queen turnover, inbreeding, and population genetic differentiation in the ant Formica selysi Publication File (digital) Michel Chapuisat 2004 NPF
32871 HIST - Die Geschichte der Schweizer Pärke - L'histoire des parcs suisses: 2008 Publication File (digital) Swiss Parks Network 2020 NWP
39877 Thermal Remote Sensing with UAV-Based Workflows Publication File (digital) Ruedi Boesch 2017 NPF
54109 Auftreten des Schlangenadlers Circaetus gallicus in der Schweiz von 1900 bis 1993 Publication File (digital) Marc Kéry und Bertrand Posse 1998 NPF
50680 Auswirkungen langfristiger Umweltveränderungen auf alpine Ökosysteme Publication None Christian Körner 2019 ELA
41481 Drought as an Inciting Mortality Factor in Scots Pine Stands of the Valais, Switzerland Publication File (digital) Christof Bigler 2006 NPF
39954 Flexible colony-founding strategies in a socially polymorphic ant Publication File (digital) Anabelle Reber 2009 NPF
42482 Jahresbericht - Rapport Annuel - Annual Report: 2011, DE Publication File (digital) Swiss Parks Network 2011 NWP
29777 Sauvage depuis 1914. Edition spéciale centenaire du Parc National Suisse. MySwitzerland.com/nature FR Publication File (digital) Switzerland Tourism - Schweiz Tourismus - Suisse Tourisme 2014 NWP
52052 Protection et valorisation du patrimoine géomorphologique du Parc naturel régional Gruyère Pays-dEnhaut Publication File (digital) Jonathan Bussard 2014 GPE
40128 Habitat selection by foraging Wrynecks Jynx torquilla during the breeding season: identifying the optimal habitat profile Publication File (digital) Nadja Weisshaupt 2011 NPF
42210 Ökologie der Rhone Resultate aktueller Erhebungen des Forschungsprojekts RhoneThur Publication File (digital) Armin Peter 2004 NPF
40105 Banalisation de lavifaune du paysage agricole sur trois surfaces témoins du Valais (19882006) Publication File (digital) Antoine Sierro 2009 NPF
41748 Overview of rock glacier kinematics research in the Swiss Alps Publication File (digital) Reynald Delaloye, Christophe Lambiel, Isabelle Gärtner-Roer, 2010 NPF
31294 Corporate Volunteering in Schweizer Pärken - Corporate Volunteering dans les parcs suisses; Flyer DE Publication File (digital) Swiss Parks Network 2015 NWP
52051 Les lichens cibles du Parc naturel régional Gruyère Pays-dEnhaut Publication None Marine Berdoz 2021 GPE
40109 Le Bruant ortolan Emberiza hortulana en Valais - Suivi de la population en 2008 et quatrième année de mesures expérimentales de conservation Publication File (digital) Emmanuel Revaz 2008 NPF
40132 Die Natur bestimmt, wanns los geht Publication File (digital) Gottardo Pestalozzi 2016 NPF
36965 Landschaftsbewertung Regionaler Naturpark Val Müstair Publication File (digital) BVM, Hintermann & Weber / Darnuzer, U., Ziegler, B. 2007 BVM
42227 Homeostatic levels of nonstructural carbohydrates after 13 yr of drought and irrigation in Pinus sylvestris Publication File (digital) Leonie Schönbeck, Arthur Gessler , Günter Hoch, Nate G. McDowell, Andreas Rigling, Marcus Schaub and Mai-He Li 2018 NPF
10281 Übersichtskarte Schweizer Pärke - Carte générale parcs suisses; A4 2011 DE Publication File (digital) Swiss Parks Network 2011 NWP
50589 Hydrologie von Hochmooren und deren Bedeutung für die Wasserspeicherung Publication None Kyra Marty 0 UBE
39931 Recovery of the Alpine lynx Lynx lynx metapopulation Publication File (digital) Anja Molinari-Jobin 2010 NPF
40073 Patches of Bare Ground as a Staple Commodity for Declining Ground-Foraging Insectivorous Farmland Birds Publication File (digital) Michael Schaub 2010 NPF
39915 How to predict tree death from inventory data lessons from a systematic assessment of European tree mortality models Publication File (digital) Lisa Hülsmann 2017 NPF
35597 Freizeitaktivitäten in der Kernzone der UNESCO Biosphäre Entlebuch: Die Nutzung der Schrattenflue durch Wintertourengänger. Hinweise für eine angepasste Besucherlenkung. Publication File (digital) Helbling, Lesly 2009 UBE
50631 Akzeptanz, Identifikation und Engagement (AKIDEN): Ansichten und Mitwirkung der Bevölkerung in UNESCO Biosphärenreservaten Publication LTO3 Eike von Lindern 2019 UBE
50678 Mares agro-ecologiques du parc jura vaudios Publication None Nelly Bonnet 2019 PJV
41276 Nachhaltige Entwicklung am Beispiel des Regionalen Naturparks Thal Publication File (digital) Paul Burger 2009 NPT
39907 Wiederfund und Bestätigung von Lixus vilis (Rossi, 1790) in der Schweiz nach über 100 Jahren (Coleoptera, Curculionidae) Publication File (digital) Christoph Germann 2015 NPF
39950 Social structure varies with elevation in an Alpine ant Publication File (digital) Jessica Purcell 2014 NPF
33963 Spezialitäten-Katalog - Catalogue de spécialités - Catalogo di specialità; 2015 IT Publication File (digital) Swiss Parks Network 2015 NWP
39989 Alternative life-histories in a socially polymorphic ant Publication File (digital) Herve Rosset 2006 NPF
42267 Vegetation structure and decreased moth abundance limit the recolonisation of restored habitat by the European Nightjar Publication File (digital) Nathalie Winiger, Pius Korner, Raphal Arlettaz, Alain Jacot 2018 NPF
41465 Synthesebericht Schwall/Sunk Publication File (digital) Peter Baumann, Tobias Meile, Markus Fette 2005 NPF
50080 Wintermonitoring Piz Dora Schlussbericht - Einfluss einer forstlich aufgeweiteten Waldschneise auf die räumliche Schneesport-Nutzung im Val Müstair Publication File (digital) Blank-Pachlatko, J., Volpert, F., Rupf, R. 2021 BVM
39945 Convergent Genetic Architecture Underlies Social Organization in Ants Publication File (digital) Jessica Purcell 2014 NPF
40075 Conservation de la Huppe fasciée Upupa epops en Valais: suivi 2002 Publication File (digital) Michael Schaad 2002 NPF
39936 Hoopoe males experience intra8209;seasonal while females experience inter8209;seasonal reproductive costs Publication File (digital) Floriane Plard 2017 NPF
43349 Biosfera Val Müstair - Fünfjahresplanung 2020-2024 - Projektblätter Publication File (digital) Spinnler, D., Feichtinger, L., Peter, F., Frohn, T., Schwyzer, Y., Merz, K., Gurtner, T. 2019 BVM
31447 Übersichtskarte Schweizer Pärke - Carte générale parcs suisses; A4 2015 08 DE Publication File (digital) Swiss Parks Network 2015 NWP
54819 A threefold plant specialist distribution, habitat requirements and nesting biology of the rare leafcutter bee Megachile genalis in the eastern Swiss Alps (Hymenoptera, Megachilidae) Publication File (digital) Andreas Muller, Urs Weibel, Regina Lenz 2024 ELA
41492 HIST - Die Geschichte der Schweizer Pärke - L'histoire des parcs suisses: 2021 Publication File (digital) Swiss Parks Network 2021 NWP
43403 Swiss Tourism in figures - Schweizer Tourismus in Zahlen - Le tourisme suisse en chiffres Publication None Swiss Tourism Federation STF - Schweizer Tourismus-Verband STV - Fédération suisse du tourisme FST 0 NWP
42165 Conservation ecology of the endangered Iolas blue Iolana iolas (Lepidoptera, Lycaenidae): enhancing monitoring schemes and habitat restoration Publication File (digital) Patrick Heer, Jerome Pellet, Antoine Sierro, Raphael Arlettaz 2011 NPF
41464 Subprojekt I-6: Revitalisierung und Benthos der Rhone Publication File (digital) Peter Baumann 2004 NPF
39879 The effects of ground vegetation cover on vineyard habitat use by the woodlark Lullula arborea and its arthropod prey Publication None Laura Bosco 2014 NPF
39872 Impacts of Outdoor Winter Recreation on Alpine Wildlife and Mitigation Approaches: A Case Study of the Black Grouse Publication File (digital) Raphal Arlettaz 2013 NPF
41408 No carbon bet hedging in pine seedlings under prolonged summer drought and elevated CO2 Publication File (digital) Christoph Bachofen, Barbara Moser, Günter Hoch, Jaboury Ghazoul, Thomas Wohlgemuth 2017 NPF
39866 The Swiss Parks - Small wonders of the world. (Map) Publication File (digital) FOEN BAFU OFEV UFAM 2020 NWP
9781 Farm experiences in Swiss Parks - Erlebnis Bauernhof in Schweizer Pärken - De fermes en découvertes dans les parcs suisses Publication File (digital) Agritourism Switzerland, Swiss Parks Network 2012 NWP
52072 Développement et mise à jour du Chemin des Fontaines, un sentier thématique emblématique du Jorat lausannois Publication File (digital) Vincent Jeannet, Betreuer: Yves Hausser 2022 PDJ
39899 Growth response of Scots pine with different crown transparency status to drought release Publication File (digital) Britta Eilmann 2013 NPF
41518 Multi-temporal mapping of the Upper Rhone Valley (Valais, Switzerland): fluvial landscape changes at the end of the Little Ice Age (18th19th centuries) Publication File (digital) Filippo Brandolini 2020 NPF
40120 Variation der Gelegegrößen des Wendehalses Jynx torquilla in Untersuchungsgebieten Deutschlands und der Schweiz Publication File (digital) Dirk Tolkmitt 2009 NPF
39925 A new 3-D thin-skinned rock glacier model based on helicopter GPR results from the Swiss Alps Publication File (digital) Kaspar Merz 2015 NPF
31094 Spezialitäten-Katalog - Catalogue de spécialités - Catalogo di specialità; 2014 DE Publication File (digital) Swiss Parks Network 2014 NWP
39902 Food provision to nestlings in the Hoopoe Upupa epops: implications for the conservation of a small endangered population in the Swiss Alps Publication File (digital) Jérôme Fournier 0 NPF
37588 Verkehr in der Biosfera Val Müstair-Parc Naziunal - Analyse und Handlungsempfehlungen Publication File (digital) Züllig, Carla 2007 BVM
33111 Coopzeitung: Schöne Heimat - Parklandschaft Schweiz DE Publication File (digital) coop 2016 NWP
42159 Effect of irrigation on needle morphology, shoot and stem growth in a drought-exposed Pinus sylvestris forest Publication File (digital) aud Giuggiola 2009 NPF
40099 Population ecology and conservation of the wryneck Jynx torquilla in the Valais annual report 2002 Publication File (digital) Michael Schaub 2002 NPF
40094 Population ecology and conservation of the wryneck Jynx torquilla in the Valais annual report 2006 Publication File (digital) Michael Schaub 2006 NPF
37042 Naturpark Thal: Vorschläge für eine bessere Integration der Museen Projekt Publication File (digital) Ermel Sandra, Holstein Susanne 2012 NPT
39897 Habitat suitability modelling and components of reproductive success in the Wryneck Jynx torquilla Publication File (digital) Samuel Ehrenbold 2004 NPF
42215 Schwebstoffhaushalt und Trübung der Rhone Publication File (digital) Mira Portmann, Peter Baumann, Barbara Imhof 2004 NPF
39881 Argandite, Mn7(VO4)2(OH)8, the V analogue of allactite from the metamorphosed Mn ores at Pipji, Turtmann Valley, Switzerland Publication File (digital) Jol Brugger 2011 NPF
52226 Analysebericht Regionaler Naturpark Schaffhausen Publication File (digital) Moritz Lüchinger, Oliver Conde, ZHAW. 2015 NPS
42214 Soil Moisture Data for the Validation of Permafrost Models Using Direct and Indirect Measurement Approaches at Three Alpine Sites Publication File (digital) Cécile Pellet, Christin Hilbich, Antoine Marmy and Christian Hauck 2015 NPF
54251 Foraging ecology and reproductive biology of the Stonechat Saxicola torquata: Comparison between a revitalized, intensively cultivated and a historical, traditionally cultivated agro-ecosystem Publication File (digital) Emmanuel Revaz, Michael Schaub, Raphael Arlettaz 2008 NPF
29775 100 Jahre echt wild. Sonderausgabe zum Jubiläum des Schweizerischen Nationalparks. MySwitzerland.com/natur DE Publication File (digital) Switzerland Tourism - Schweiz Tourismus - Suisse Tourisme 2014 NWP
50633 Ruhe im Park? Tranquility im Jurapark Aargau Publication None Niederhuber Monika 2019 JPA
40125 Short-distance migration of Wrynecks Jynx torquilla from Central European populations Publication File (digital) rien E. van Wijk 2013 NPF
31445 Übersichtskarte Schweizer Pärke - Carte générale parcs suisses; A4 2015 08 IT Publication File (digital) Swiss Parks Network 2015 NWP
50679 Rind ist nicht gleich Rind - Wie unterschiedliche Rassen die Kulturlandschaft prägen Publication None Caren M. Pauler 2019 ELA
39937 Sex-Specific Heterogeneity in Fixed Morphological Traits Influences Individual Fitness in a Monogamous Bird Population Publication File (digital) Floriane Plard 2017 NPF
39876 Determination of spatiotemporal variability of tree water uptake using stable isotopes (948;18O, 948;2H) in an alluvial system supplied by a high-altitude watershed, Pfyn Forest, Switzerland Publication File (digital) Guillaume Bertrand 2012 NPF
36972 Eisenzeitliche Metallgewinnung im Oberhalbstein (CH, Graubünden) Publication File (digital) Turck Rouven 2015 ELA
10277 Übersichtskarte Schweizer Pärke - Carte générale parcs suisses; A4 2013 FR Publication File (digital) Swiss Parks Network 2013 NWP
42468 Jahresbericht - Rapport Annuel - Annual Report: 2018, FR Publication File (digital) Swiss Parks Network 2018 NWP
39964 Oat fields for the benefit of Ortolan Buntings Emberiza hortulana? An experiment in the Upper Rhône valley (Valais, Switzerland) Publication File (digital) Emmanuel Revaz 2009 NPF
39957 Diversity, prevalence and virulence of fungal entomopathogens in colonies of the ant Formica selysi Publication File (digital) Anabelle Reber 2011 NPF
42166 Schriller Lärm im Fokus: neues zu Verbreitung, Ökologie und Schutz von Tibicina steveni und T. quadrasignata im Wallis (cicadidae) Publication File (digital) Thomas Hertach, Sonja Gerber 2019 NPF
41772 Prise en compte des arbres-habitats dans la gestion du boisement des pâturages boisés Publication File (digital) Ummel, Jonathan 2019 PRC
54636 Analyse und Vergleich von Ranger-Konzepten in Schweizer Pärken Publication File (digital) Authorin: Mumenthaler Eliane, Betreut durch: Frieder Voll FHGR, Reusser Lea FoLAP, SCNAT 2023 NPF
42486 Jahresbericht - Rapport Annuel - Annual Report: 2009, DE Publication File (digital) Swiss Parks Network 2009 NWP
40079 Conservation of the hoopoe Upupa epops in the Valais annual report 2007 Publication File (digital) Michael Schaub 2008 NPF
43416 Coopzeitung - Coopération - Cooperazione Publication None Coop 0 NWP
39922 Seltene Vogelarten und ungewöhnliche Vogelbeobachtungen in der Schweiz im Jahre 2012 Publication File (digital) David A. Marques 2013 NPF
28767 Coopzeitung: Schweizer Pärke - So schön ist unser Land DE Publication File (digital) coop 2014 NWP
42101 Invasion genetics of marsh frogs (Pelophylax ridibundus sensu lato) in Switzerland Publication File (digital) Christophe Dufresnes 2017 NPF
42217 Climatic Change and Debris Flows in High Mountain Regions: The Case Study of the Ritigraben Torrent (Swiss Alps) Publication File (digital) MARTINE REBETEZ, RALPH LUGON and PIERRE-ALAIN BAERISWYL 1997 NPF
35233 Wie sollen die Posten des Nachhaltigkeitserlebnispfades gestaltet werden, damit die Schüler/innen der 3. und 4. Klasse an ihr Vorwissen anknüpfen können und gleichzeitig durch aktiv-entdeckendes Lernen ihr Wissen erweitern können? Publication File (digital) Schnegg, S., Meury, C. 2016 NPT
43729 Biosfera Val Müstair - Vierjahresplanung 2016-2019 - Projektblätter Publication File (digital) Zimmermann, U. 2016 BVM
36198 Ecological light pollution in the Gantrisch Naturpark Publication File (digital) Hale, James 2018 FRG
50717 Jahresbericht - Rapport Annuel - Annual Report: 2021, FR Publication File (digital) Swiss Parks Network 2021 NWP
50105 Das geotouristische Angebot der Schweiz: Charakteristika und Potenzial für Geoparks Publication File (digital) G. Regolini, S. Martin, A. Reynard 2021 NWP
34517 The Swiss Parks - Small wonders of the world. (Map) Publication File (digital) FOEN BAFU OFEV UFAM 2017 NWP
39928 Queen acceptance in a socially polymorphic ant Publication File (digital) Joel Meunier 2011 NPF
40085 Conservation of the Hoopoe Upupa epops in the Valais Annual report 2014 Publication File (digital) Michael Schaub 2014 NPF
40104 Exploring the Nature of Management - Proceedings of the Third International Conference on Monitoring and Management of Visitor Flows in Recreational and Protected Areas Publication File (digital) Dominik Siegrist 2006 NPF
39903 Monitoring the feeding activity of nesting birds with an autonomous system: the case study of the endangered Wryneck Jynx Torquilla Publication File (digital) Anne Freitag 2001 NPF
40142 Schweizer Bauer: Agrotourismus Spezial_Pärke. Publication File (digital) Schweizer Bauer 2020 NWP
43348 Leitbild Biosfera Val Müstair - Parc Naziunal Publication File (digital) BVM, SNP 2008 BVM
40072 The demographic drivers of local population dynamics in two rare migratory birds Publication File (digital) Michael Schaub 2011 NPF
40108 Le Bruant ortolan Emberiza hortulana en Valais Publication File (digital) Antoine Sierro 2007 NPF
52643 Jahresbericht - Rapport Annuel - Annual Report: 2022, DE Publication File (digital) Swiss Parks Network 2022 NWP
29921 SwissTrails. Buchbare Angebote in den ursprünglichsten Landschaften der Schweiz DE Publication File (digital) SwissTrails 2014 NWP
32728 Übersichtskarte Schweizer Pärke - Carte générale parcs suisses; A4 2016 FR Publication File (digital) Swiss Parks Network 2016 NWP
50727 An online platform for spatial and iterative modelling with Bayesian Networks Publication None Ana Stritih 2020 UBE
39923 Foraging habitat selection in the last Ortolan Bunting Emberiza hortulana population in Switzerland: final lessons before extinction Publication File (digital) Myles H. M. Menz 2009 NPF
28768 Coopération: Parc suisses - Notre pays est si beau FR Publication File (digital) coop 2014 NWP
42464 Jahresbericht - Rapport Annuel - Annual Report Publication None Swiss Parks Network 0 NWP
40068 Conservation of the hoopoe Upupa epops in the Valais annual report 2006 Publication File (digital) Michael Schaad 2007 NPF
29868 Excerpt: SwissTrails. Outdoor. Swiss Made, p. 124 EN Publication File (digital) SwissTrails 2014 NWP
50322 Evaluation der Chartas der Regionalen Naturpärke Chasseral, Diemtigtal und Gantrisch. Synthesebericht Publication File (digital) Universität Bern im Auftrag des Amtes für Gemeinden und Raumordnung des Kantons Bern 2019 NWP
42450 Spezialitäten-Katalog - Catalogue de spécialités - Catalogo di specialità Publication None Swiss Parks Network 0 NWP
54629 Des Alpes au Léman. Images de la préhistoire Publication File (digital) Gallay, A 2008 NPF
30964 Übersichtskarte Schweizer Pärke - Carte générale parcs suisses; A4 2015 DE Publication File (digital) Swiss Parks Network 2015 NWP
39906 Impact of weather variation on feeding behaviour, nestling growth and brood survival in Wrynecks Jynx torquilla Publication File (digital) Stephanie Geiser 2008 NPF
50681 Intégration des parcs dimportance nationale dans des réseaux daires protégées à large échelle - fondements et conséquences Publication None Ian Florin 2019 ELA
28769 Cooperazione: Parchi svizzeri - Come é bella la Svizzera IT Publication File (digital) coop 2014 NWP
31446 Übersichtskarte Schweizer Pärke - Carte générale parcs suisses; A4 2015 08 FR Publication File (digital) Swiss Parks Network 2015 NWP
35386 Zonendefinition für Nachtdunkelheit des Sternenparks Gantrisch Publication File (digital) Flückiger, Lea 2018 FRG
42274 Stomatal regulation by microclimate and tree water relations: interpreting ecophysiological field data with a hydraulic plant model Publication File (digital) Roman Zweifel, Kathy Steppe and Frank J. Sterck 2007 NPF
39880 Breeding Dispersal of Eurasian Hoopoes (Upupa epops) within and between Years in Relation to Reproductive Success, Sex, and Age Publication File (digital) Yves Bötsch 2012 NPF
42446 HIST - Die Geschichte der Schweizer Pärke - L'histoire des parcs suisses Publication None Swiss Parks Network 0 NWP
40113 Identifying drivers of breeding success in a long-distance migrant using structural equation modelling Publication File (digital) Guillaume Souchay 2018 NPF
50849 Gesamtheitliche Evaluation der Wirkungen von Parkmanagements: Erkenntnisse aus der Evaluation von Regionalen Naturpärken in der Schweiz Publication File (digital) Interdisziplinäres Zentrum für Nachhaltige Entwicklung und Umwelt CDE. Thomas Hammer, Roger Bär, Albrecht Ehrensperger, Andreas Friedli, Karina Liec 2022 NWP
40139 Pine and mistletoes: How to live with a leak in the water flow and storage system? Publication File (digital) Roman Zweifel 2011 NPF
39956 Experimentally increased group diversity improves disease resistance in an ant species Publication File (digital) Anbelle Reber 2008 NPF
38954 HIST - Die Geschichte der Schweizer Pärke - L'histoire des parcs suisses: 2020 Publication File (digital) Swiss Parks Network 2020 NWP
40101 Modulation of the adrenocortical response to acute stress with respect to brood value, reproductive success and survival in the Eurasian hoopoe Publication File (digital) Baptiste Schmid 2013 NPF
40065 Sex Allocation Conflict in Ants: When the Queen Rules Publication File (digital) Hervé Rosset 2006 NPF
42160 Process-based, Spatially-explicit Modelling of Riparian Forest Dynamics in Central Europe Tool for Decision-making in River Restoration Publication File (digital) Christian Glänzt 2009 NPF
40074 Conservation de la Huppe fasciée Upupa epops en Valais: suivi 2001 Publication File (digital) Michael Schaad 2001 NPF
42256 Natural tracers to quantify seasonal variations of groundwater mixing in a complex alluvial aquifer (Pfynwald, Switzerland) Publication File (digital) Marc Schürch, Francois D. Vuataz 2000 NPF
42820 Jahresbericht - Rapport Annuel - Annual Report: 2020, FR Publication File (digital) Swiss Parks Network 2020 NWP
36878 Ferngelenkte fliegende Kisten - Kurzfassung der Studie Zivile Drohnen - Herausforderungen und Perspektiven Publication File (digital) TA-SWISS 2018 NWP
31051 Regionale Naturpärke - Parcs naturel régionaux Publication File (digital) Jura and Three-Lakes - Jura und Drei-Seen-Land - Jura et Trois-Lacs 2015 NWP
39896 Immune priming and pathogen resistance in ant queens Publication File (digital) Dumas Gálvez 2014 NPF
42475 Jahresbericht - Rapport Annuel - Annual Report: 2014, DE Publication File (digital) Swiss Parks Network 2014 NWP
40126 Responses of sapwood ray parenchyma and non-structural carbohydrates of Pinus sylvestris to drought and long-term irrigation Publication File (digital) Georg von Arx 2017 NPF
36795 Aide-mémoire: Respect en volant avec un drone - Quelques recommandations pour éviter de perturber les oiseaux et les autres animaux sauvages. Publication File (digital) JFK/CSF/CCP / Schweizerischer Verband ziviler Drohnen / Schweizerischer Vogelwarte 2018 NWP
40086 Conservation of the Hoopoe Upupa epops in the Valais Annual report 2015 Publication File (digital) Michael Schaub 2015 NPF
40078 Conservation de la Huppe fasciée Upupa epops en plaine valaisanne: suivi 2005 Publication File (digital) Antoine Sierro 2006 NPF
39955 Diversity, prevalence and virulence of fungal entomopathogens in colonies of the ant Formica selysi Publication File (digital) Anabelle Reber 2011 NPF
43356 Rapport annual Biosfera Val Müstair 2020 Publication File (digital) BVM 2020 BVM
42263 Reduced sediment supply in a fast eroding landscape? A multiproxy sediment budget of the upper Rhône basin, Central Alps Publication File (digital) Laura Stutenbecker, Romain Delunel, Fritz Schlunegger, Tiago Adrio Silva, Branimir egvi&263;, Stéphanie Girardclos, Maarten Bakker, Anna Costa, Stuart N. Lane, Jean-Luc Loizeau, Peter Molnar, Naki Akar, Marcus Christl 2017 NPF
28600 Lingua Natura; DE / FR / IT / RM Publication File (digital) Swiss Parks Network 2012 NWP
50520 Beurteilung der Nachhaltigkeitsleistung des Produktlabels der Schweizer Pärke Publication File (digital) David Raemy, Matthias Meier, Veronika Zbinden 2021 NWP
28602 Lingua Natura; DE / FR / IT / RM Publication File (digital) Swiss Parks Network 2014 NWP
42223 Intra-annual tree-ring parameters indicating differences in drought stress of Pinus sylvestris forests within the Erico-Pinion in the Valais (Switzerland) Publication File (digital) Andreas Rigling, Otto Bräker, Gustav Schneiter and Fritz Schweingruber 2001 NPF
41525 Lernen aus Extremereignissen Publication File (digital) Bründl, M.; Schweizer, J. 2019 NPF
40076 Conservation de la Huppe fasciée Upupa epops en Valais: suivi 2003 Publication File (digital) Michael Schaad 2004 NPF
42158 The role of nutrients in drought-induced tree mortality and recovery Publication File (digital) Arthur Gessler, Marcus Schaub and Nate G. McDowell 2016 NPF
41527 Plasticity of Fine-Root Traits Under Long-Term Irrigation of a Water-Limited Scots Pine Forest Publication File (digital) Ivano Brunner,Claude Herzog, Luca Galiano, Arthur Gessler 2019 NPF
43370 Rapport annual Biosfera Val Müstair 2019 Publication File (digital) BVM 2019 BVM
33735 Excerpt: Schweizer Pärke als Pilotregionen (S. 22-23) Publication File (digital) PUSCH: Erne Bettina 2016 NWP
35336 Auswirkungen der Umgebung auf die Vitalität der Waldameisen in der UNESCO Biosphäre Entlebuch. Publication None Gross, Simon 2015 UBE
43730 Biosfera Val Müstair - Vierjahresplanung 2012-2015 - Projektblätter Publication File (digital) BVM 2012 BVM
43417 Schweizer Genusswoche-Magazin Publication None Die Genusswoche - la semaine du Got 0 NWP
42212 Quantifying sediment storage in a high alpine valley (Turtmanntal, Switzerland) Publication File (digital) Jan-Christoph Otto, Lothar Schrott, Michel Jaboyedoff and Richard Dikau 2009 NPF
35391 Verbesserung der wirtschaftlichen Situation von Landwirtschaftsbetrieben in der UNESCO Biosphäre Entlebuch. Publication File (digital) Herzog, Benjamin 2012 UBE
50281 Naturschutz und Tourismus in der UNESCO Biosphäre Entlebuch Publication File (digital) Adrian Felber 2020 UBE
41405 No mate preference associated with the supergene controlling social organization in Alpine silver ants Publication File (digital) Amaury Avril, Sacha Zahnd, Jelisaveta Djordjevic & Michel Chapuisat 2019 NPF
39958 Migratory connectivity in a declining bird species: using feather isotopes to inform demographic modelling Publication File (digital) Thomas S. Reichlin 2010 NPF
39930 Split sex ratios in the social Hymenoptera: a meta-analysis Publication File (digital) Joel Meunier 2008 NPF
43404 Natura Trail - Naturschätzen auf der Spur - Sur les traces des merveilles de la nature Publication None Naturfreunde Schweiz 0 NWP
42465 Jahresbericht - Rapport Annuel - Annual Report: 2019, DE Publication File (digital) Swiss Parks Network 2019 NWP
39946 The influence of social structure on brood survival and development in a socially polymorphic ant: insights from a cross-fostering experiment Publication File (digital) Jessica Purcell 2012 NPF
33961 Spezialitäten-Katalog - Catalogue de spécialités - Catalogo di specialità; 2015 DE Publication File (digital) Swiss Parks Network 2015 NWP
31305 Coopération: Un été gourmand en perspective - Ma Région FR Publication File (digital) coop 2015 NWP
50632 Akzeptanz des Landschaftsparks Binntal in der lokalen Bevölkerung Publication None 2019 LPB
31096 Spezialitäten-Katalog - Catalogue de spécialités - Catalogo di specialità; 2014 IT Publication File (digital) Swiss Parks Network 2014 NWP
35122 Die Orchideen des Schweizerischen Nationalparks, der Val Müstair und angrenzende Gebiete Publication None Wartmann, B., Wartmann, C. 2017 SNP
42202 Application of geotechnical and geophysical field measurements in an active alpine environment Publication File (digital) D.R.Lucas, K.Fankhauser & S.M.Springman 2016 NPF
43731 Biosfera Val Müstair - Vierjahresplanung 2008-2011 - Projektblätter Publication File (digital) BVM 2008 BVM
40084 Conservation of the hoopoe Upupa epops in the Valais Annual report 2012 Publication File (digital) Michael Schaub 2012 NPF
42221 Phenotypic plasticity facilitates resistance to climate change in a highly variable environment Publication File (digital) Sarah Richter, Tabea Kipfer, Thomas Wohlgemuth, Carlos Calderon Guerrero, Jaboury Ghazoul, Barbara Moser 2011 NPF
41493 Rent a Bike: Map rental stations - Faltkarte Mietstationen - carte stations de location Publication File (digital) Rent a Bike 2016 NWP
9779 Overnight stay on a farm in the Swiss Parks - Bauernhofurlaub in Schweizer Pärken - Dormir à la ferme dans les parcs suisses Publication File (digital) Agritourism Switzerland, Swiss Parks Network 2013 NWP
50540 Unmanned Aerial Vehicle as a new monitoring tool for detecting traces of winter sports participants in a sensible mountain area Publication None Stefan Weber 2016 UBE
9783 Nature Friends Hostels - Naturfreundehäuser - Maisons des Amis de la Nature Publication File (digital) Naturfreunde Schweiz 2013 NWP
39949 Foster carers influence brood pathogen resistance in ants Publication File (digital) Jessica Purcell 2014 NPF
43408 Wandern in den Schweizer Pärken - Randonnées dans les Parcs suisses Publication None Schweizer Wanderwege 0 NWP
42207 Föhrenverjüngung: Plastizität und Akklimatisation in einem trockeneren Klima Publication None Barbara Moser, Christoph Bachofen, Thomas Wohlgemuth 2018 NPF
40077 Conservation de la Huppe fasciée Upupa epops en plaine valaisanne: suivi 2004 Publication File (digital) Antoine Sierro 2005 NPF
40090 Population ecology and conservation of the wryneck Jynx torquilla in the Valais annual report 2003 Publication File (digital) Michael Schaub 2003 NPF
42211 HRSC-A data: a new high-resolution data set with multipurpose applications in physical geography Publication File (digital) J.-C. Otto, K. Kleinod, O. König, M. Krautblatter 2007 NPF
35338 Beurteilung der Neststandorte der Roten Waldameisen anhand von Vegetationsaufnahmen in der UNESCO Biosphäre Entlebuch. Publication File (digital) Künzli, Manja 2015 UBE
33366 Spick-Poster: Les parcs suisses - plus cool que tu penses, FR Publication File (digital) Spick 2016 NWP
43243 Historische Speicher im Naturpark Gantrisch entlang des Spycherwegs Vermittlung des Kulturellen Erbes Publication File (digital) Tasmin Maag 2021 FRG
42483 Jahresbericht - Rapport Annuel - Annual Report: 2010, DE Publication File (digital) Swiss Parks Network 2010 NWP
42265 Assessing Conifer Ray Parenchyma for Ecological Studies: Pitfalls and Guidelines Publication File (digital) Georg von Arx, Alberto Arzac, José M. Olano and Patrick Fonti 2015 NPF
35387 Ozonmessungen in der UNESCO Biosphäre Entlebuch Publication File (digital) Egli, Rosanna 2015 UBE
32872 HIST - Die Geschichte der Schweizer Pärke - L'histoire des parcs suisses: 2010 Publication File (digital) Swiss Parks Network 2020 NWP
10282 Übersichtskarte Schweizer Pärke - Carte générale parcs suisses; A4 2012 FR Publication File (digital) Swiss Parks Network 2012 NWP
43352 Charta 2021-2030 Naturpark Biosfera Val Müstair - Teil B. Parkreglement Publication File (digital) Spinnler, D., Siegrist, D., Feichtinger, L. 2020 BVM
41487 Direct and indirect effects of land use on bryophytes in grasslands Publication File (digital) Steffen Boch 2018 NPF
35524 Einfluss von Nutzungsaufgabe und Gehölzpflanzen im Freiland auf die Hangstabilität: eine Fallstudie aus dem Entlebuch. Publication File (digital) Krummenacher, Jolanda 2007 UBE
54688 Biosfera Val Müstair - Gesuch um globale Finanzhilfen für den Betrieb 2025-2028 - Projektblätter Publication File (digital) Spinnler, D., Feichtinger, L., Frohn, T., Gerber, C., Hohenegger, S., Merz, K., Oertli, A., Peter, F., Schadegg, C.Schwyzer, Y., Stemmer, Ch., Vinueza 2024 BVM
43406 The Swiss Parks. Small wonders of the world - Die Schweizer Pärke. Kleine Weltwunder - Les parcs suisses. Des joyaux à partager - I parchi svizzeri. Tesori da scoprire. Publication None FOEN BAFU OFEV UFAM 0 NWP
42268 Zustand und Entwicklung der Biotope von nationaler Bedeutung: Resultate 20112017 der Wirkungskontrolle Biotopschutz Schweiz Publication File (digital) Ariel Bergamini, Christian Ginzler, Benedikt R. Schmidt, Angéline Bedolla, Steffen Boch, Klaus Ecker, Ulrich Graf, Helen Küchler, Meinrad Küchler, Oliver Dosch, Rolf Holderegger 2019 NPF
42682 Poster: Agripark. Grundlagen und Toolbox fu776;r eine erfolgreiche Integration der Landwirtschaft in Regionalen Naturp8192;rken Publication File (digital) Ruth, Moser und Sonja, Trachsel 2020 FRG
40118 The importance of bare ground for terrestrially foraging insectivorous farmland birds: a case study of the endangered Hoopoes (Upupa epops) Publication File (digital) Aline Tagmann-Ioset 2007 NPF
50726 UNESCO Biosphäre Entlebuch - Was führt die Gäste in die Region? Publication None Andrea Nigg 2018 UBE
40137 Population ecology and conservation of the wryneck Jynx torquilla in the Valais annual report 2008 Publication File (digital) Silvia Zingg 2008 NPF
42157 Effects of mistletoe removal on growth, N and C reserves, and carbon and oxygen isotope composition in Scots pine hosts Publication File (digital) Arthur Gessler, Andreas Rigling 2016 NPF
42273 Species-specific stomatal response of trees to drought a link to vegetation dynamics? Publication File (digital) Roman Zweifel, Andreas Rigling 2009 NPF
43413 SwissTrails. Outdoor. Swiss Made Publication None SwissTrails 0 NWP
40117 Bare ground as a crucial habitat feature for a rare terrestrially foraging farmland bird of Central Europe Publication File (digital) Aline Tagmann-Ioset 2011 NPF
38007 HIST - Die Geschichte der Schweizer Pärke - L'histoire des parcs suisses: 2015 Publication File (digital) Swiss Parks Network 2020 NWP
36962 Biosfera Val Müstair, Kurzbericht der Studientage zum Modul Landschafspflege 2017 Publication File (digital) HSR, Oesch, T., Schellenberger, S. 2017 BVM
38004 HIST - Die Geschichte der Schweizer Pärke - L'histoire des parcs suisses: 2009 Publication File (digital) Swiss Parks Network 2020 NWP
39916 An update of the European breeding population sizes and trends of the Ortolan Bunting (Emberiza hortulana) Publication File (digital) Frédéric Jiguet 2016 NPF
36796 Merkblatt: Rücksicht beim Fliegen mit Drohnen - Wie kann ich die Störung von Vögeln und anderen Wildtieren vermeiden? Publication File (digital) JFK/CSF/CCP / Schweizerischer Verband ziviler Drohnen / Schweizerische Vogelwarte 2018 NWP
37120 Freiraumkonzept Val Müstair. Nachhaltige Entwicklung des Freiraumes der Gemeinde Val Müstair Publication File (digital) ZHAW, Rupf, R. 2015 BVM
54341 Modeling tree water deficit from microclimate: an approach to quantifying drought stress Publication File (digital) Roman Zweifel, L. ZIMMERMANN and D. M. NEWBERY1 2004 NPF
4929 Status und Bedürfnisse zu Geoinformation und Informationsmanagement in Parks und Parkprojekten in der Schweiz Publication File (digital) IGGIS Parks 2008 NWP
42264 Les Abeilles Sauvages de Finges État des lieux et évaluation des mesures de revitalisation des Prairies Sèches et de la Zone Alluviale Publication File (digital) Killian Vaucher, Christophe Praz 2019 NPF
52050 Neue Funde von Blattflöhen (Hemiptera, Psylloidea) von der Schatzinsel Alp Flix, GR Publication File (digital) Daniel Burckhardt 2022 ELA
41488 Mean indicator values suggest decreasing habitat quality in Swiss dry grasslands and are robust to relocation error Publication File (digital) Steffen Boch 2019 NPF
42250 Endangered wading birds in a revitalised alpine river: Foraging habitat selection of the Little Ringed Plover Charadrius dubius curonicus and its relation to invertebrate prey Publication File (digital) Beatrice Schranz, Marco Pilati, Raphal Arlettaz 2019 NPF
40064 Experimental manipulation of colony genetic diversity had no effect on short-term task efficiency in the Argentine ant Linepithema humile Publication File (digital) Hervé Rosset 2004 NPF
42219 Die Entwicklung der Brutvögel in der Waldbrandfläche bei Leuk Publication File (digital) Livio Rey, Alain Jacot 2018 NPF