Imagery, Base maps, Earth cover (Data)

9490 Luftbilder Sihlwald Echtfarben vom 24.07.1980, Massstab 1:5000 Aerial Photo File (digital) GIS Wildnispark Zürich 1980 WPZ
40483 Mapbook Trueorthophoto RGB Sihlwald 2004 Map (digital) None SCHMIDT Ronald 2005 WPZ
9400 Landsat TM Scene, 31.08.1989, CIR Composite, 28.5m Satellite Image File (digital) Global Land Cover Facility 1989 WPZ
9376 Landsat TM Scene, 18.05.1992, CIR Composite, 28.5m Satellite Image File (digital) Global Land Cover Facility 1992 WPZ
32896 Orthophoto 18.07.2014, RGB, 10cm (UltraCamXp) Orthophoto None Kanton Zürich, Amt für Raumentwicklung 2014 WPZ
9006 Landsat ETM Scene, ca. 2000, Composite of Bands 742, 14.25m Satellite Image File (digital) NASA GeoCover 2000 WPZ
9577 Habitatkartierung Sihlwald (aus Luftbildern vom 02.04.2005) GIS Vector Layer File (digital) GIS Wildnispark Zürich 2005 WPZ
9457 Orthophoto XX.XX.2006, RGB, 50cm (SWISSIMAGE) Orthophoto File (digital) Swisstopo via GIS ZH 2006 WPZ
9396 Landsat ETM Scene, 24.08.2001, Panchromatic, 14.25m Satellite Image File (digital) Global Land Cover Facility 2001 WPZ
40481 Mapbook Digitales Oberflächenmodell Sihlwald 2004 Map (digital) None SCHMIDT Ronald 2005 WPZ
9613 Landsat MSS Scene, 29.08.1978, CIR Composite, 57.00m Satellite Image File (digital) Global Land Cover Facility 1978 WPZ
32368 Orthophoto 17.03.2014, RGB, 10cm (UltraCamX) Orthophoto File (digital) Osterwalder, Lehmann Ingenieure und Geometer AG 2014 WPZ
9483 Orthophoto 17.08.2006, RGB, 50cm (FALCON II) Mosaic Orthophoto File (digital) GIS Wildnispark Zuerich 2006 WPZ
9458 Orthophoto 24.07.1980, CIR, 10cm (RC10) Orthophoto File (digital) GIS Wildnispark Zuerich 1980 WPZ
9364 Luftbilder Sihlwald Echtfarben vom 24.07.1980, Massstab 1:5000 Aerial Photo Photo-Film Grün Stadt Zürich 1980 WPZ
32367 Orthophoto 07.04.2010, RGB, 10cm (UltraCamX) Orthophoto File (digital) Osterwalder, Lehmann Ingenieure und Geometer AG 2010 WPZ
36273 Orthophoto 07.05.2016 CIR, 10cm (UltraCamXp) Orthophoto None Kanton Zürich, Amt für Raumentwicklung 2016 WPZ
9311 Orthophoto 20.04.2004, RGB, 50cm (FALCON II) Orthophoto File (digital) GIS Wildnispark Zuerich 2004 WPZ
9394 Orthophoto 07.08.1998, RGB, 50cm (SWISSIMAGE) Orthophoto File (digital) Swisstopo via GIS ZH 1998 WPZ
9014 Orthophoto 07.03.1990, BW Orthophoto Paperwork Gruen Stadt Zuerich, Wildnispark Zuerich 1990 WPZ
9013 Orthophoto 20.04.2004, CIR, 50cm (FALCON II) Orthophoto File (digital) GIS Wildnispark Zuerich 2004 WPZ
9484 Orthophoto 17.08.2006, CIR, 50cm (FALCON II) 16bit Orthophoto File (digital) GIS Wildnispark Zuerich 2006 WPZ
9482 Orthophoto 17.08.2006, RGB, 50cm (FALCON II) 16bit Orthophoto File (digital) GIS Wildnispark Zuerich 2006 WPZ
9496 Blattschnitt der Orthophotos RGB und CIR vom 24.07.1980 GIS Vector Layer File (digital) GIS Wildnispark Zürich 2008 WPZ
9395 Aster Scene, 24.08.2001, CIR Composite, 15m Satellite Image File (digital) U.S.Japan ASTER Science Team RSL Univ. Zurich 2001 WPZ
9392 Orthophoto 17.08.2006, CIR, 50cm (FALCON II) Orthophoto File (digital) GIS Wildnispark Zuerich 2006 WPZ
9374 Landsat TM Scene, 31.08.1989, RGB Composite, 28.5m Satellite Image File (digital) Global Land Cover Facility 1989 WPZ
32365 Orthophoto 05.06.2001, RGB, 12.5cm (RC30) Orthophoto File (digital) Osterwalder, Lehmann Ingenieure und Geometer AG 2001 WPZ
9398 Landsat ETM Scene, 24.08.2001, RGB Composite, 28.50m Satellite Image File (digital) Global Land Cover Facility 2001 WPZ
9489 Luftbilder Sihlwald Falschfarben vom 24.07.1980, Massstab 1:5000 Aerial Photo File (digital) GIS Wildnispark Zürich 1980 WPZ
9399 Landsat MSS Scene, 06.06.1975, CIR Composite, 57.00m Satellite Image File (digital) Global Land Cover Facility 1975 WPZ
36270 Orthophoto 24.04.2015, RGB, 10cm (UltraCamXp) Orthophoto None Kanton Zürich, Amt für Raumentwicklung 2015 WPZ
9365 Luftbilder Sihlwald Falschfarben vom 24.07.1980, Massstab 1:5000 Aerial Photo Photo-Film Grün Stadt Zürich 1980 WPZ
40480 Mapbook Digitales Geländemodell Sihlwald 2004 Map (digital) None SCHMIDT Ronald 2005 WPZ
32366 Orthophoto 23.04.2006, RGB, 12.5cm (RC30) Orthophoto File (digital) Osterwalder, Lehmann Ingenieure und Geometer AG 2006 WPZ
13176 Luftbildinterpretation Sihlwald, Datenlieferung vom 01.08.2009 Datafile from Producer File (digital) HAUENSTEIN Pius 2009 WPZ
9538 Orthophoto 17.08.2006, RGB, 50cm (FALCON II) strechted values Orthophoto File (digital) GIS Wildnispark Zuerich 2006 WPZ
9367 Luftbilder Sihlwald Falschfarben vom 27.07.2001, Massstab 1:10500 Aerial Photo File (digital) Kanton Zürich, ALN, Abteilung Wald 2001 WPZ
9375 Landsat TM Scene, 18.05.1992, RGB Composite, 28.5m Satellite Image File (digital) Global Land Cover Facility 1992 WPZ
9332 Hyperspectral Data HYMAP Campaign Sihlwald 2004 Strip 2 Hyperspectral Data File (digital) GIS/NLS 2004 WPZ
9378 Landsat ETM Scene, 11.09.1999, Panchromatic, 14.25m Satellite Image File (digital) Global Land Cover Facility 1999 WPZ
9005 Landsat TM Scene, ca. 1990, Composite of Bands 742, 28.5m Satellite Image File (digital) NASA GeoCover 1990 WPZ
9391 Orthophoto 17.08.2006, RGB, 50cm (FALCON II) Orthophoto File (digital) GIS Wildnispark Zuerich 2006 WPZ
40482 Mapbook Trueorthophoto CIR Sihlwald 2004 Map (digital) None SCHMIDT Ronald 2005 WPZ
9403 Hyperspectral Data HYMAP Campaign Sihlwald 2004 Strip 1 Hyperspectral Data File (digital) GIS/NLS 2004 WPZ
9397 Landsat ETM Scene, 24.08.2001, CIR Composite, 28.50m Satellite Image File (digital) Global Land Cover Facility 2001 WPZ
9460 Orthophoto 24.07.1980, RGB, 10cm (RC10) Orthophoto File (digital) GIS Wildnispark Zuerich 1980 WPZ
9602 Landsat ETM Scene, 11.09.1999, CIR Composite, 28.50m Satellite Image File (digital) Global Land Cover Facility 1999 WPZ
36272 Orthophoto 07.05.2016 RGB, 10cm (UltraCamXp) Orthophoto None Kanton Zürich, Amt für Raumentwicklung 2016 WPZ
40240 Orthophoto 03.08.2018 RGBI, 10cm Orthophoto None Kanton Zürich, Amt für Raumentwicklung 2018 WPZ
9393 Orthophoto 18.06.2002, RGB, 50cm (SWISSIMAGE) Orthophoto File (digital) Swisstopo via GIS ZH 2002 WPZ
32897 Orthophoto 18.07.2014, CIR, 10cm (UltraCamXp) Orthophoto File (digital) Kanton Zürich, Amt für Raumentwicklung 2014 WPZ
9377 Landsat ETM Scene, 11.09.1999, RGB Composite, 28.50m Satellite Image File (digital) Global Land Cover Facility 1999 WPZ
36271 Orthophoto 24.04.2015, CIR, 10cm (UltraCamXp) Orthophoto None Kanton Zürich, Amt für Raumentwicklung 2015 WPZ